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All posts by Joanne

Below are all of Joanne's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

I have a bush HD television with built in freeview. wa snot reviebing signal so did a retune not got all channels like itv, channel 4 5 itv2 E4.... tried unplugging and retuning without and with arial in. still not working. what can i do?

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TVs and boxes that do not support the 8k-mode
Monday 12 March 2012 8:51PM

My post code is S71 3BB, not sure of the model number
i have these on the instuction manuel

529/6015 BTVD91186B
529/6022 BTVD91186P
529/6974 BTVD91216B
529/8185 BTVD91216P
529/6981 BTVD91216W

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TVs and boxes that do not support the 8k-mode
Tuesday 13 March 2012 10:48AM

i have rescan several times, my region is set to yorkshire. i am a little baffled with all this. i really am not sure what to do as it wa working one min then not the next. i have deleted all the channels and started from fresh. i do not understand why it is onlt my tele that is doin this in the house.

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TVs and boxes that do not support the 8k-mode
Tuesday 13 March 2012 10:54AM

dave... i do have some channels tunned in yes. the ones i am missing are itv, channel a and 5 itv2, e4, dave and a few others.....

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TVs and boxes that do not support the 8k-mode
Tuesday 13 March 2012 11:48AM

bbc 1 is channel 47
network yorkshire
modulationb 64QAM
quality 99
strengh 26
pick tv is 52 strengh 30
same as above
yesterday is 48
strengh 26

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TVs and boxes that do not support the 8k-mode
Tuesday 13 March 2012 12:38PM

Thanks for all your help guys but but i have no idea what most of this means, i am sat stressing my self out cos i do not have a clue. i have phoned argos up and am getting the tele replaced. it worked before it should work now. i have phoned the technical guys up and the transmitter is working correctly. i ma using an aerial that is in the loft i dunno anything else.

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i have jus recieved my replacement. i am tuning it in now will ley u know

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Its Working :D with all the channels than ks so much for your patience and time xx

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