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Thursday 15 September 2011, PM

ITV boss lambasts advertisers for failing to connect with audiences - Media -

Fru Hazlitt 'It is appalling the advertising industry has not moved on with what they do with the 30-second spot.' ITV's managing director of commercial and online has lambasted advertisers for not being more creative with the 30-second ad spot. ITV's Argos promotion, which offered the opportunity to win 10,000 of vouchers attracted 40,000 entries in the following 24-hour period, Hazlitt said. For all other inquiries please call the main Guardian switchboard on 020 3353 2000. - link

Ariel - BBC Agreement amendments

The agreement also sets out the new arrangements for the National Audit Office to examine BBC spending. The wording of the agreement makes no specific reference to those concerns and no such information has been revealed in previous NAO reports on the BBC. In addition it will now enable the NAO to decide which areas to look at, but in an arrangement where it will continue to submit reports to the Trust. - link

RTS CAMBRIDGE: YouView boxes are in testing, says chief - Media news - Media Week

The set-top boxes had been initially been scheduled to come on the market in July 2011 but the consortium has been hit by delays. When the panel moved on to the hot topic of data, Halton said broadcasters need to have access to the data around their programming and the successful platforms will be those which give content producers more data. ' else if google_ads.length gt 1 / For text ads, append each ad to the string. - link

RTL boss casts doubt on IPTV - News - Marketing Week

- link

Jeremy Hunt: we may need to look at BBC share of news provision - Media -

The minister also chose his words carefully when asked if he would approve a News Corp/Sky merger in the light of the phone-hacking disclosures. To contact the MediaGuardian news desk email or phone 020 3353 3857. For all other inquiries please call the main Guardian switchboard on 020 3353 2000. - link

ITV1 and C5 cut regional spend - News - Broadcast

It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link

News Corp. May Be Assessed Along With BBC in U.K. Media Competition Study - Bloomberg

Ofcom regulators will examine options for measuring media plurality and will look at whether or not it is practical or advisable to set absolute limits on news market share whether they believe a framework for measuring levels of plurality could or should include websites and if so which ones and whether or how it should include the BBC, Hunt said. The BBC, the worlds oldest public-service broadcaster, offers news and entertainment via its website and runs TV and radio services. In October, the government said that the fee would be frozen for six years. - link

West Dunbartonshire MP raises digital TV problems in parliament - Lennox Herald

Gemma Doyle MP has taken the battle to parliament to ensure viewers connecting to the Millburn Muir transmitter dont lose out on services. Since switching to a digital reception in May, those with Freeview TVs in this area have only been getting a handful of channels. Ms Doyle said Following the digital switchover, my constituents who receive their television signal from the Millburn Muir transmitter get an inferior TV service. - link
Thursday 15 September 2011, AM

SeeSaw Crunch Time: Execs Leave Amid Restructure As Channel 5 Disappears

Some of 15 remaining staff are in discussion with new owner Criterion, which wants to restructure and refocus the company. The company has moved out of Arqiva in to a new office. SeeSaw now has only old archive shows from BBC Worldwide and some independent producers. - link
Wednesday 14 September 2011, PM

Politicians could be barred from ruling on media mergers, says Jeremy Hunt - Media - The Guardian

Jeremy Hunt suggested measures on media mergers and plurality investigations could be included in a new communications bill. This ensures justice is seen to be done as well as actually being done. He said newspapers would not fall under the jurisdiction of broadcasting regulator Ofcom even as they produce more video content on their websites, a move that will be welcomed by the press. - link

Jeremy Hunt's RTS Cambridge speech - full text - Media -

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REAL Digital launch delayed until October - What Satellite Digital TV

TechRadaris part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. - link

BBC4 may be saved from budget cuts - Media -

As of Wednesday, 67,343 people have signed an online petition in protest, compared with the 62,784 or so who signed the successful save 6Music from closure petition last year. BBC management has completed a lengthy staff consultation process and there has been intense speculation about how the corporation is going to make a 16 cut in operating costs as a result of last year's licence fee settlement with the government. It is understood that the trust has still not given assurances that BBC4 and BBC3 should not be closed. - link

BBC - Radio 4 and 4 Extra Blog: In Our Time: To download, keep and listen whenever you want

It turned out to mean a very great deal. So far it has been only new editions of the programme that have been podcast. To date we have produced 517 editions of In Our Time. - link

Jeremy Hunt leaks shows a minister determined to get back on track - Media -

Jeremy Hunt cloning himself to project greater image of power He has to, you could argue - after a bright start as culture secretary he looked rather helpless as the phone hacking scandal unfolded. We shall see what he has to say later today but here's what he's said already. - link
Tuesday 13 September 2011, PM

Ford is right we need a better user interface for radio - James Cridland

The letter from Ford starts If you havent purchased a new car in the past few years or arent involved with the auto industry, you might not have noticed how quickly yesterdays car radio has been transformed into todays mobile digital infotainment platform. In short, Ford are asking the radio industry for a better user experience. At conferences recently, Ive been talking about the need for a better user experience for radio. - link

BBC 'super regions' proposal rejected - Media -

BBC regional news show Inside Out's investigative reporter Glenn Campbell. However, it is thought that another proposal to share more BBC local radio non-peak programmes between neighbouring stations is still on the agenda. For all other inquiries please call the main Guardian switchboard on 020 3353 2000. - link
Monday 12 September 2011, PM

BBC - Research and Development: Prototyping Weeknotes #76

We moved offices this week and aside from the inevitable last minute niggles with networks and phones it all went refreshingly smoothly. We're in the same building but on a different floor where we have more space and a distinctively 70s feel something akin to an episode of The Sweeney but with less shouting. In the midst of the chaos, lots of the team have been preparing for the FI-Content lab study we have planned for next week. - link

Save BBC4 signatures mean success … or darned fine marketing - Media -

The Save BBC4 from cutbacks petition is gathering pace. It has even surpassed the levels the Save 6 Music one did. An astonishing 66,606 people had signed up by Monday lunchtime, compared with 62,784 for Save 6 Music. - link

All In Media wins BBC radio text contract : Radio Today

All In Media has been awarded a three-year contract to develop and support a system for managing text and images that are broadcast with all of the BBCs radio stations. Previously, a number of different systems have been used across the corporation some in-house, some through external suppliers so this new contract will aim to join up the process with a standard use of the same technology across both local and network radio. All In Media is one of the leading suppliers of digital radio software and mobile phone apps to radio stations across Europe and Australia. - link

BBC - BBC Internet Blog: What's On BBC Red Button 12th - 18th September

Watch highlights from Radio 2's Live in Hyde Park concert. Larry Lamb presents three fascinating films, available on the BBC's Red Button, in which experts explain how viewers new to computers can use some of the key resources available to the amateur family historian. A special family history guide for new computer users offering advice, tips and encouragement to get online is available at and at venues running the popular First Click beginners courses. - link

BBCWW lines up new indie investments is Everything about content in the 21st Century, from television to web, mobile, tablet and beyond. - link
Sunday 11 September 2011, PM

Jeremy Hunt to ask Ofcom to measure cross-media ownership in UK - Media - The Guardian

The corporation's news coverage reaches 81 of the UK population each week. His ambition is to use this to introduce a new set of cross-media ownership rules. At present, the only restriction prevents any newspaper owner who accounts for more than 20 of total circulation such as Murdoch's News Corporation from owning more than 20 of ITV. - link

IPTV news - Blinkbox: We had to sell to Tesco

Driving this rapid growth in devices connected to the Internet is an expansion in the number of screens used by consumers to access content rather than the previously-accepted three, there are now five, according to the Sony exec the smartphone, the tablet computer, the PC, the television and the cinema screen. He also touched upon what is in the pipeline for DirecTV customers, including the planned transfer overnight of over 20mn boxes in the US to a new user interface, which will offer better graphics, social capabilities, enhanced user friendliness and more power, as well as personalised navigation and dynamically relevant search tools. Advertising online doesn't make enough money unless you have massive scale, so you have to adopt a pay model. - link
Friday 09 September 2011, PM

IBC 2011 DVB hopeful T2-Lite will do better than DVB-H - Connected TV

This potentially makes its use more cost-effective than DVB-H. - link

BBC - The Editors: How has social media changed the way newsrooms work?

Earlier today I gave a talk at the International Broadcasting Convention in Amsterdam about how social media has changed the way newsrooms work. The full transcript of the speech is below. BBC News, like all major news providers, has been transformed by technology and the opportunities it offers over the last 20 or so years. - link
Friday 09 September 2011, AM

Non-Gaelic viewers boost ratings for BBC Alba - News

We are sorry to say that you have found our 'sorry' page while visiting You may be attempting to get to a page that doesn't exist or our web gurus are currently trying to fix the issue. Click here to try again Alternatively if that fails and you return to this error page, please click here to try the homepage - link
Thursday 08 September 2011, PM

Sagemcom and Humax first for Freesat G2 - What Satellite Digital TV

TechRadaris part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. - link
Wednesday 07 September 2011, PM

BBC News - Local TV: British news lessons from American stations

This page is best viewed in an up-to-date web browser with style sheets CSS enabled. Please consider upgrading your browser software or enabling style sheets CSS if you are able to do so. - link

BBC - BBC Internet Blog: Releasing a Labs version of the BBC Radio homepage

Today is the very first step on the ladder, as we have spent recent months building the foundations and are now keen to start to get feedback from users on this release of the Radio homepage. We do this based on usage of our current radio and music sites, such as Radio 1 and Radio 4, and the extensive research we have carried out with radio listeners, mixed with some strongly held views from technical and editorial teams about the potential user experiences for our content and brands in the digital space. Our first release is very much a Labs release, which means it's not completely ready to replace the current Radio homepage. - link

Long term review the Pinell Supersound II DAB/internet radio - James Cridland

Reviews of products are normally quickly run off by a journalist whos unpacked it and played with it over an afternoon, not a long-term review based on real use. Now, before we begin, you cant buy one of these very easily in the UK, since Pinell is actually a Norwegian brand. The radio is easily available in Australia, though and, one would suspect, from Pinell themselves, so this hopefully wont be a completely pointless review. - link

Can Google TV succeed in the UK? - - Independent Editor's choice Blogs

The service will be made available either through a set-top box or via integration into TV sets from the likes of Sony and other manufacturers. Google TV has already been available in the US for some time, but despite a lengthy and aggressive marketing campaign backed up by positive early reviews, the service has received a lacklustre reception from the public. Sales of Google TV hardware have been disappointing to say the least. - link

MediaTel: Newsline: YouView for under £100

The YouView partners are hoping to see the box for as little as possible as part of plans to bundle the service into broadband deals for new and current customers. Without the bundle offer, it is likely that the box is going to retail for nearer 200. - link
Wednesday 07 September 2011, AM

NMA EXPLAINS: SDKs (Software Development Kits) - News - New Media Age

new media age gives you practical, expert knowledge on how to demystify the latest digital trends and make them work for your business. Sign in below if you are a full subscriber. Sorry, were not currently accepting new online subscriptions to - link

Freeview HD will deliver new IPTV channels this month • The Register

Come the end of September those applications will allow viewers to select from dozens of specialist channels accessed over the internet connection mandated by the Freeview HD standard. The idea is to bring streaming video to every Freeview HD box in the country, and charge for it too. The system already being deployed allows for subscription channels, and there's the potential and intention to provide video-on-demand services in the future. - link
Tuesday 06 September 2011, PM

BBC - Research and Development: Prototyping Weeknotes #75 (2nd September 2011)

With a bank holiday on Monday, one would expect fairly short notes this week. A couple of new faces made their appearance in the office. Barbara seemed very happy to meet the project partners and get a grip on the dependencies between each part of the work. - link

BBC cues up launch of 'Delivery Quality First' cuts - Media -

However, it is understood that the timetable to announce some of the biggest changes to the corporation's output in recent years has slipped and although staff have been told they will hear the results of DQF on 22 September, it could be put back to early October. It is understood that the briefings are being spearheaded by the BBC's director of business operations, Lucy Adams. BBC management has completed a lengthy staff consultation process and there has been intense speculation about how the corporation is going to make a 16 cut in operating costs as a result of last year's licence fee settlement with the government. - link
Monday 05 September 2011, PM

UK's largest ever spectrum auction delayed - Business -

The airwaves being sold as fourth generation 4G licences will be reserved for mobile phone carriers. Photograph Robert Galbraith/Reuters The government's largest ever spectrum auction has been delayed, with the multibillion pound sell-off now expected in the second quarter of next year at the earliest. The airwaves being sold as fourth generation 4G licences will be reserved for mobile phone carriers, to help cater for the explosion in mobile broadband use. - link

Guardian planning DAB radio station - News - Broadcast

It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link

DTG :: News :: Ofcom progress White Space technology plans

Ofcom has progressed plans for the introduction of White Space technology in the UK. 'White Spaces' are unused capicity that exist in bands that have been reserved for TV broadcasts and can be used to transmit and receive wireless signals. According to Ofcom, the technology could enable a range of devices that can wirelessly transmit information to each other, enhance existing WiFi and bring broadband services to rural areas via a network of transmitters linking remote houses to larger towns that are connected to the internet. - link

The death of commercial local radio? - Comment - Broadcast

It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link

C21Media: is Everything about content in the 21st Century, from television to web, mobile, tablet and beyond. - link
Monday 05 September 2011, AM

informitv - Google TV will disrupt television, ready or not

Google TV is set to launch in Europe early in 2012, following a reboot in the United States that will help developers to create applications for the platform. Yet many in the traditionally territorial television industry may still be wary of geeks bearing gifts, suspiciously viewing Google TV as a Trojan horse at the living room door. It was the first time the prestigious annual MacTaggart lecture has been given by someone not employed in television broadcasting or production. - link
Sunday 04 September 2011, PM

The decline and fall of TiVo and Media Center - ZDNet

TiVo defined the DVR category around the turn of the century, and today the product name has been turned into a verb. Based on Microsofts telemetry data, roughly 6 of Windows 7 users in July launched Media Center. However, he added, most people are just looking around only one quarter 25 of 6 of these people used it for more than 10 minutes per session By my back-of-the-envelope calculations, that 25 of 6 adds up to about 6 million people. - link
Sunday 04 September 2011, AM

Grant Boxall: Dishes for all seasons - What Satellite Digital TV

TechRadaris part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. - link
Friday 02 September 2011, PM

Ofcom 'could not stop ITV and Channel 5 cutting PSB programming' - Media -

Ofcom said that the first option, that of renewing the existing licences with the same broadcasters for another decade, is probably the best bet if viewers want to continue to see PSB content on TV. Ofcom's commercial PSB licences give holders benefits which have historically been financially very valuable, primarily reserved access to broadcast on strictly limited terrestrial spectrum and more recently on digital terrestrial TV, or Freeview. The second option is to cancel the existing PSB licences and retender to the market for the next period from 2014. - link

Ofcom - Licensing of Channel 3 and Channel 5 - A report from Ofcom to the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Med

1.2 We are not required to submit that report to the Secretary of State until June 2012. 1.5 This paper, which replaces our planned document, is our response to the Secretary of State's request. - link

Kelvin Mackenzie unveils new sports channel - News - Broadcast

It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link
Thursday 01 September 2011, PM

Broadcasters won't back Google TV until YouView is off the ground - Opinion - New Media Age

new media age gives you practical, expert knowledge on how to demystify the latest digital trends and make them work for your business. - link

BBC3 v BBC4: no contest ... keep both - Media -

What's more, it is a strategy now deployed with demonstrable effectiveness across all the public service broadcasters, giving them a spring in their step, a renewed sense of purpose, as digital switchover accelerates to completion next year. Ofcom's annual UK Communications Market report, published in August, noted for the first time since the survey began in 2003, the overall audience share of the heritage broadcasters held steady at 71. It has taken more than a decade for the PSBs to work out successful strategies to counter audience fragmentation, but they have arrived, though admittedly at vastly different speeds and routes. - link
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