Tuesday 03 July 2012, PM

With so much choice out there, viewers are increasingly telling us that they sometimes just miss the best stuff, despite their PVR and VOD. The new channel gives you more chances to see the programmes that everyone's talking about, the programmes that you can't afford to miss. - channel4.com
What Saorview will really cost you - National News - Independent.ie
WHEN the analogue signal is switched off on October 24, television viewers will need to access a digital signal via one of these options 60 to 100 once-off fee, plus aerial installation if required, which will cost 120 to 160. Combi box for both the Irish stations and the British freeview stations. - independent.ie
The future of YouView depends on ease of use - Business - The Guardian
The broadcast industry is waiting to see whether the results will resemble an Apprentice task gone wrong or the future of budget pay-TV in the UK. Some have argued that YouView is too little, too late. Sugar has been working on the project since last year, when he took over as chairman, but it was originally due to launch in time for Christmas 2010. - guardian.co.ukBBC says MNOs must pay for Freeview filters - Advanced Television - Advanced Television
A BBC director has called on mobile network operators to pay for the costs of filters to stop 4G mobile services interfering with Freeview. Freeview managing director Ilse Howling said that government plans to force households to pay for the filters was wrong and really unfair. - advanced-television.comBBC - Research and Development: What is Perceptive Media?
Perceptive Media has not been formally explained, only mentioned in passing here. However, outside the formal channels of BBC RD, theres been much talk about the concept of Perceptive media. What it is, what it enables and its potential impact on traditional broadcasting. - bbc.co.uk
DAB agreement is a complete shambles : Radio Today
The much awaited Memorandum of Understanding just published by the Government has been branded a total waste of time and energy by at least one radio group CEO. Multiplex operator MuxCo says they intend to launch very much towards the beginning of the 18 month period. Rogers, who is usually vocal on all things digital, said This is tantamount to kicking the can down the road and does absolutely nothing to end the uncertainties around the local DAB situation. - radiotoday.co.uk
Global Radio to launch two TV music channels - Media - guardian.co.uk
The announcement on Tuesday came on the same day as the launch of Bauer Media's celebrity gossip magazine spin-off, Heat TV. To contact the MediaGuardian news desk email editormediaguardian.co.uk or phone 020 3353 3857. For all other inquiries please call the main Guardian switchboard on 020 3353 2000. - guardian.co.uk
New BBC director general could be named this week - Media - guardian.co.uk
There is speculation that there is a fourth candidate but their name is as yet unknown. They are expected to grill the candidates for about an hour and a half on their experience, their thoughts about the future of the BBC and challenges that public service broadcasting faces. For the first time in recent BBC history the entire governance board will not interview all the candidates. - guardian.co.ukDTG :: News :: Government unveils boost for digital radio
The agreement includes a commitment to consider further funding if necessary. The agreement paves the way for the launch of at least five new local radio multiplexes, including in Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire, which will provide new local digital radio services to approximately 1.25million listeners. The agreement also confirms the Government's commitment to a decision on radio switchover in 2013. - dtg.org.uk
Ariel - BBC to pay £7m for digital radio transmitters
The agreement between government, commercial radio providers and the BBC sees the corporation paying a third of the 21m bill. The plan sets out that over the next five years digital radio will be available to the same amount of people who can listen to FM radio. Part of the money will pay for five multiplexes which will provide digital radio to approximately 1.25 million people. - bbc.co.uk
Ariel - Megabits gets a crack at code
- bbc.co.ukMonday 02 July 2012, PM

YouView recommends radio hams' pet peeve • Reg Hardware
IPTV outfit's set-top box to prompt powerline usage surge YouView is currently running a closed trial of service. Trial support documents seen by The Register recommend punters whose broadband box is more than a Cat 5 cable length from their TV should bridge the gap with a pair of powerline adaptors. - reghardware.com
Ofcom needs to act on 4G TV interference, says Labour - uSwitch.com
Up to two million households could see their Freeview services affected when next-generation mobile broadband services launch in the 800MHz frequency band. Ofcom has acknowledged the problem and earlier this year carried out a consultation, which closed on April 19th, in a bid to tackle the issue head on. She asked Ofcom to indicate when it plans to make recommendations, and also to inform the public of its strategy to resolve the issue prior to the launch of super-fast mobile broadband. - uswitch.com
Three million Freeview viewers face £200 bill to stop 4G phone network interfering with signal - Mirror Online
Everyone living within 1.2miles of a 4G transmitter will face serious interference to the Freeview digital signal. You will get significant pixellation and the picture will break up and you wont be able to carry on watching, says Freeview chief Ilse Howling. Every home affected estimated at between 2.3 and three million will need filter equipment. - mirror.co.ukIan Burrell: Will YouView catch the eye in such a crowded TV market? - Opinion - Media - The Independent
YouView, we were informed when it launched in 2010, would be the living room box that changed everything. It would allow us to scroll backwards for a week on our programme menus, as well as forwards, and offer interaction with social media sites. We were led to expect channels from a host of new internet broadcasters, ranging from arts organisations to charities, and we were promised the service would be available from last summer. - independent.co.uk
Will Barclays' Agius quit his BBC role? - Media - guardian.co.uk
Agius, as mentioned here last week, is the senior non-executive director on the BBC's executive board. With Thompson on his way out and Grade having long gone, Agius's BBC tenure must surely be coming to end as well. To find out more information about driving traffic to your content or to place this widget on your site, visit outbrain.com. - guardian.co.uk
DAB Memorandum of Understanding signed : Radio Today
Plans to extend local digital radio coverage moved a step closer today as Government, the BBC and commercial operators signed a joint agreement, establishing the framework for up to 21 million of new investment in radio infrastructure. The MoU also means at least five new local multiplexes, including in Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire, will be launched within 18 months. In addition, the MoU confirms the Governments commitment to a decision on radio switchover in 2013. - radiotoday.co.ukMonday 02 July 2012, AM
France may extend TV licence fee to computer screens - World news - The Guardian
- guardian.co.ukinformitv - BBC Red Button reinvented
The BBC is proposing to reinvigorate the red button in the connected television environment. After more than a decade since its inception, pressing the red button has become synonymous with interactive television in the United Kingdom. It was not until 2002 that the BBC was able to offer enhanced television services such as multiscreen Wimbledon coverage across satellite, cable and terrestrial platforms. - informitv.com
BT Vision's Marc Watson: How we stole a share of the Premier League crown jewels - Media - The Guardian
The 42-year old former barrister heads BT Vision, the pay-TV minnow that has so far struggled to make an impact. Watson was a member of the small group of BT executives who plotted the telecoms giant's dramatic entry into the top tier of live football last month. No rival, and certainly not one with such deep pockets as BT, has established such a foothold since Sky won its first Premier League rights deal in 1992. - guardian.co.ukSaturday 30 June 2012, PM

Freeview customers should not pay for 4G disruption, BBC says - Telegraph
John Tate, director of policy and strategy at the BBC, has now said the enormous payment ought to be met by mobile phone companies, under the principle of the polluter pays. This is a hugely profitable business for the companies, and hugely cash-generative for the Government, and the viewer shouldnt be the party that loses out, he said. Freeview and the BBC argue the cost should not be met by viewers. - telegraph.co.ukArgyll News: Freeview and Virgin Media deliver for BBC ALBA - For Argyll
Over 200 short films made by individuals, schools and communities can be viewed here at the FilmG website. - forargyll.com
YouView sets launch date; plans for linear streaming - News - Broadcast
It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - broadcastnow.co.uk
Howling: Freeview at risk from spectrum policy - Advanced Television - Advanced Television
If you lose the 600 MHz band and the 700 MHz band, Freeview will be a pale imitation of itself, she warned. She reiterated previously-expressed concerns that mobile operators should bear the cost of protecting viewers TV services. Noting that 2.3 million households are at risk of losing their digital TV signal from 4G interference, Freeview has called on the Government urgently to revise its 4G proposals on the levels of support being offered to consumers. - advanced-television.comLord Sugar to launch long-awaited internet based television service YouView next week - Online - Media - The Independent
YouView, the long-awaited internet based television service which is intended to be the next generation of Freeview, will finally be launched by Lord Sugar next week. The Amstrad founder and presenter of The Apprentice was appointed to the YouView board last year with instructions to cure or kill the service which was originally scheduled to come to market in 2010. A couple of years ago if you had said to me that you wont be in market in June 2012 I would have said that might be a problem. - independent.co.ukSaturday 30 June 2012, AM

Ofcom - Measuring media plurality
-BBC - BBC Internet Blog: Launch of Live Interactive Video Player
As product manager for this player, I've been defining exactly how the finished product should function and what it should look like, working with colleagues from editorial, design and technical teams. One of the main impetuses behind the project is the incredible video rights package that the BBC holds for London 2012. That means up to 24 different streams of live sporting action at any one time. - bbc.co.ukBBC - BBC Internet Blog: What's on BBC Red Button 30th June - 7th July
Studio contestants compete to win their Secret Fortune, anything from 100 to 100,000. Press the Red Button during the show to play along at home with the contestants. Go to the CBBC Messageboards to join in and let us know what you're up to. - bbc.co.ukMillions will have to pay to get Freeview TV - Home News - UK - The Independent
More than 2 million Freeview customers face bills of up to 212 more than the cost of a years subscription to cable television in order to pay for interference with signals caused by the 4G mobile network. Estimates suggest that between 2.3m and 3m households within 2km of 4G transmitters - face interference with their television pictures, with some losing their signals entirely. If you dont have a filter you literally wont be able to watch television. You will get very significant pixelation and the picture will break up and you wont be able to carry on watching Freeview. - independent.co.uk
Go Digital summer campaign launches : Radio Today
Dont miss a thing of the amazing summer of music and sport with digital radio. Thats the message of the summer digital radio communications campaign that is being launched on Saturday 30 June by both BBC and commercial radio. A lot of the summer event coverage will be broadcast exclusively on digital radio stations so there has never been a better time to get a digital radio. - radiotoday.co.uk
BBC News - BBC uses Facebook to stream Wimbledon and London 2012 Olympics
The application launched on Thursday, with live coverage from the Wimbledon tennis championships. Live chat The launch is the first time the BBC has used Facebook to broadcast live events. Users are able to share information about what they are viewing with their friends, as well as discuss the action with other fans via a live-chat feature. - bbc.co.ukhttp://www.arqiva.com/corporate/press/archive/2012/2012-6-27%20-%20Dover%20and%20Bluebell%20Hill%20transmitter%20groups%
-Friday 29 June 2012, PM
DTG :: News :: Sony ready Google TV device
Sony has announced their new Internet Player with Google will be available to buy in UK stores from 16 July. Its a universal remote that controls all Sony devices in a home and has a motion sensor for playing games. DTG Staff 27.06.2012 Links open in a new window. - dtg.org.ukBBC - About the BBC: What the BBC spends on television content - a response to today's Ofcom report
I'm disappointed though that Ofcom has chosen to lay such emphasis on an apparent downturn in BBC content spend - when the true situation is quite different to the one Ofcom sets out and indeed perfectly explicable. Ofcom's report suggests that BBC spend on new network TV programming fell by 11 in real terms between 2010 and 2011, from 1.4bn to 1.25bn. Unlike 2010, 2011 was a year without major biennial sports events so spend on sport was down - by around 85m. - bbc.co.ukFriday 29 June 2012, AM

Google TV will get subscription billing, support for movie and TV purchases in Google Play -- Engadget
Along with a new UI that looks a lot like the one on other Android devices it will have support for purchasing movies, music and TV shows as mentioned yesterday, and also subscription billing. Mentioned during the presentation, later this year Google TV will no longer require hardware manufacturers to provide a physical keyboard on their input device. - engadget.comThursday 28 June 2012, PM

Ofcom - Statement - Television channels required to provide television access services in 2013
1.1 The Communications Act 2003 required Ofcom to publish a code setting out the obligations of television channels licensed in the UK to provide television access services. A copy of the current version of the Code, incorporating amendments made since the Code was first published, can be found at http//stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/broadcasting/broadcast-codes/tv-access-services/code-tv-access-services/. 1.2 The Code also provides for a mid-year review of the audience share and revenues of UK-licensed television channels, based on data for the previous year. - stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk
Ofcom - Public Service Broadcasting Annual Report 2012
Published 280612 Ofcom has a duty to assess the designated public service broadcasters, taken together, in terms of their delivery of the public service purposes as set out in the Communications Act 2003. This reduction is a continuation of the 20 decrease in spend over the past five years. A similar trend was evident for first-run originated programmes, with expenditure 6 lower than 2010 at 2.4bn. - stakeholders.ofcom.org.ukWednesday 27 June 2012, PM
BBC - BBC Internet Blog: The Future of Red Button
Thirteen years ago this week, the BBC launched the first interactive experience for Wimbledon audiences via the Red Button. Just two years later this figure was four million - fully 44 of our audience who tuned in played along. Wimbledon helped us define what Red Button could deliver to our audiences. - bbc.co.uk
Does Sky Atlantic push two-tier TV? - Media - The Guardian
In the thick of it Veep, premiered on Sky Atlantic. Yes, it's home to Game ofThrones and Mad Men, but those areshows best hoovered up in weekend-long, box-set binges, not dripped out one measly episode at a time. Not much, unless you have such a preoccupation with AnnWiddecombe that you'd happily pay to see her present a gameshow called Cleverdicks. - guardian.co.uk
Ariel - World Service tv pumps up global figures
'With the Chinese, Russian and Iranian Governments all pumping money into journalism designed to give their own perspective on the world, there's no room for complacency.' New platforms However, the figures are a reason for 'cautious confidence' believes the director, and suggest the strategy to embrace new platforms is correct. Global online services are now accessed by 30m including a 20 increase for World Service online, while the bbc.com mobile site is reaching 2.7m unique users each week - a 30 increase. More than this, the figures are 'a credit to the dedication, bravery and professionalism of our journalists,' says Horrocks. - bbc.co.ukTuesday 26 June 2012, PM

Howling puts case for Freeview
However, decisions being made by the regulator Ofcom would potentially shape the future of broadcasting for the next 30 years. Whats encouraging the way that Ofcom have written their UHF consultation is that Ofcom get that, said Howling. In order for Freeview to go on thriving it is essential to set aside the 600 MHz band. - broadbandtvnews.comGoogle TV site gets revamped, Google I/O will probably see some GTV loveAndroidGuys
During last weeks podcast, we talked about what we were expecting to see at Google I/O this year. One of the predictions from yours truly was that we would see some Google TV love, and that Google wasnt anywhere near ready to give up that baby. Fast forward to yesterday, and Sony announced a new Google TV set-top box, which looksreallycool. - androidguys.comMonday 25 June 2012, PM
informitv - BBC iPlayer Restart enables live rewind
Live viewing accounts for more than a fifth of all accesses to the BBC iPlayer in the United Kingdom. A new feature will allow users to restart the live programme they are watching or scroll back to watch programmes from the previous two hours. Currently available on the web, it will be rolled out to BBC iPlayer on mobiles, tablets and connected televisions later in the year. - informitv.comBBC - BBC Trust - BBC s Arab Spring coverage remarkable and generally impartial, but could have benefited fr
This was supported by analysis of programmes over the period, which showed that BBC audiences enjoy a greater range of coverage of countries across the region than those watching any other domestic broadcaster. These would be both in the scope of coverage to provide a fuller picture of events, and in providing better context for audiences. I was impressed by the standards in its domestic and international news programming, despite the inherent risks of reporting from this region, and particularly the skill and care it applies to checking 'user-generated content' - mainly video footage of events provided by activists or bystanders. - bbc.co.ukArqiva completes DSO for East Sussex and south-west Kent
-Monday 25 June 2012, AM

Google TV goes international, Sony NSZ-GS7 set-top box up for preorder in the US and UK -- Engadget
Powered by the Google TV platform, the Internet Player will be available to buy in store from July, priced at 200/200. Pre-orders begin in July online at www.sony-europe.com. In 2010, Sony pioneered the internet-TV convergence as one of the first manufacturers to launch products powered by Google TV. - engadget.com
Google joins smart TV battle for the British living room - Technology - The Guardian
Google is launching set-top boxes made by Sony in the UK in July. All have been aiming to catch a nascent market that analysts say will become very important because it is one of the few bastions of entertainment not yet revolutionised by the internet. Google has a partnership with Sony to launch the internet TV set-top boxes, priced 200-300, in UK stores from 16 July. - guardian.co.ukDTG :: News :: BBC iPlayer adds live TV rewind and restart functionality
With one simple click of a button viewers can skip back to the beginning of a live programme, ensuring they never miss a moment of their favourite BBC programmes. DTG Staff 20.06.2012 Links open in a new window. - dtg.org.ukDTG :: News :: Teletext Holidays departs Freeview
Teletext Holidays has confirmed it will be shutting down its Freeview channel at the end of September. The Teletext information service on analogue and digital television platforms was shut down in December 2009, ahead of the initially scheduled January 2010 closure. Teletext Holidays continued as a standalone service on Freeview, but it has now been confirmed to come to an end this autumn. - dtg.org.ukWednesday 20 June 2012, PM
BBC iPlayer - Help - How do I use the Live Restart feature on live BBC channel streams?
Live Restart allows you to rewind and restart live programmes without waiting for the programme to end. How do I use the Live Restart feature on live BBC channel streams Simply select 'Restart the Current Programme' and to return to the live stream, select 'Live'. - iplayerhelp.external.bbc.co.ukpick a page