Thursday 22 August 2013, PM
Details have been revealed of Londons first dedicated 24-hour television channel, London Live, which will go on air in the Spring of next year. He told the audience that London Live was not interested in celebrity driven formats. Boseley said the channel would share cross platform reach opportunities with the London Evening Standard, also owned by Mr Lebedev. - 21 August 2013, PM
Police investigate News Corporation for ‘sabotaging rival to Sky’ - ExaroNews
Renamed ITV Digital three years later, it was plagued by widespread piracy and folded in 2002. The development is bound to rock News Corporation, which is listed on stock exchanges in New York, London and Australia. News Corporation, which owns 39 per cent of Sky, is due to be split into one entity for newspaper and book publishing, and another for television and movie companies. - exaronews.comMedia: David Miranda, New Statesman, Int Herald Tribune

European broadcasters shut down emergency Greek TV service - Media -
ERT some staff are still occupying the main Athens building. EDT, the new broadcaster has been airing mainly documentaries and old Greek movies over the last two months but on Wednesday morning launched its first news service with a two-hour programme. The broadcast that began at 8am, focused mainly on the analysis of domestic news by a panel of journalists, but also included international news items based on BBC website stories and footage from al-Jazeera and Sky News. -
BBC News - Groklaw news website abandoned over US surveillance
Groklaw had promised its sources anonymity, but said it could not now ensure contributors would stay secret. Experts said they were worried that a site like Groklaw was closing. One of those services, Lavabit, alluded to harassment by the US government in a statement to its customers when it shut down. -
London Live eyes short film commissions - News - Broadcast
Local TV broadcaster London Live is looking to commission a raft of short films from young directors after teaming up with The Smalls Film Festival. This is the company’s first major commissioning initiative since it acquired the license and comes after the broadcaster hired former Disney executive Jonathan Boseley as head of programming.. -
Google Helpouts let you get -- or offer -- video guidance on any topic
Google is testing a new Hangout-based feature which will allow experts to offer video tips and advice. According to Google, Helpouts is a new way to connect people who need help with people who can give help, over live video, anytime, anywhere. Helpouts is at the sign-up phase at the moment. -
MHL 3.0 specification -- 4K Ultra HD video on your smartphone
However, this new format is not the only benefit of MHL 3.0. - betanews.comDTG :: News :: Comux announces technical infrastructure partners for local TV
Comux UK has announced details of its technical infrastructure and the companies selected as infrastructure partners and suppliers. Alongside broadcasting on digital terrestrial TV, some of the local channels are planning carriage on satellite and cable TV, and online. DTG Staff 20.08.2013 Links open in a new window. - TV - Get closer
-DTG :: News :: DTG publishes Government-backed Innovation Taskforce (FITT) update
The Taskforce brings together senior content executives, consumer specialists, technology leaders, mobile and network providers and leading academics in the field in order to capture both technical and consumer perspectives. A full list of FITT Taskforce members is available here. The DTG is not responsible for the content of other web sites. -
Comcast asserts copyright over its court filing, is attempting to shut down news site that reproduced it - Boing Boing
In an article published last week, TorrentFreak reproduced Comcast's response to a subpoena regarding the copyright troll Prenda Law. TorrentFreak's hosting provider has given them 24 hours to resolve the issue or face shutdown. The thing that we would like you to remove from you post is the copy of the subpoena form that contains Comcast subscribers information, The rest of the post can stay, we were told. -
Exclusive: TV licence offences responsible for a tenth of all UK court cases - City A.M.
More than 180,000 people almost 3,500 a week appeared in front of magistrates during 2012 after being accused of watching TVwithout paying the 145.50 fee. Magistrates handled a total of 1.48m cases last year, meaning a record 12 per cent of court cases now involve TV licensing. Last night the TVLicensing authority said the gender imbalance was because women are more likely to be at home when their inspectors call. - cityam.comTuesday 20 August 2013, PM
ukdigitalradio: News
We use cookies to improve user experience on our website. If you continue, we'll assume you are happy for your web browser to receive all cookies from our website. See our privacy policy for more information on cookies and how to manage them. -
Ofcom - Ethnic Minority Groups and Communication Services
The research looks at availability, take-up and consumption of communication services and investigates attitudes towards these services. We publish this report to support Ofcom's regulatory goal to research markets constantly and to remain at the forefront of technological understanding. In order to achieve large enough samples to make statistically meaningful comparisons we have combined data collected from the TGI survey between July 2009 and December 2012. - 20 August 2013, AM

CBS, Time Warner Cable, and the Disruption of TV : The New Yorker
Then a new technology came along, one that gave viewers many more options to choose from, completely disrupting the way that people watched TV. In 1976, the average home had seven channels by 1991, it had thirty-three. Then Congress came up with a solution that would help the broadcast networks. -
LA Times
The page cannot be loaded because you are currently offline. Please check your internet connection and try again, or go back to the previous page. - touch.latimes.comMonday 19 August 2013, PM

BBC Radio 5 live - Richard Bacon, Live from the Edinburgh Festival, Johnnie Walker on Savile: evil and manipulativ
This page is best viewed in an up-to-date web browser with style sheets CSS enabled. Please consider upgrading your browser software or enabling style sheets CSS if you are able to do so. - - Higher frame rates improve viewing experience
Higher frame rates may be as important as more pixels for improving the quality of television. The Broadcast Technology Futures group of the European Broadcasting Union is testing the significance of higher frame rates, up to 240 frames per second. The current recommendation for Ultra HD production and programme exchange allows for a maximum rate of 120 frames a second in addition to rates currently used for film and television, but researchers are also considering other frame rates. -
Premier League opener nets 760k for BT Sport - News - Broadcast
Premier League football made its debut on BT Sport this Saturday as Liverpool put Stoke City to the sword in front of a 764k peak audience. Premier League Live (BT Sport 1) 11.30am-3pm 447k (5%) - 17 August 2013, AM

Digital media: Counting the change - The Economist
The preposterous plot of Sharknado may strike a chord with media bosses who have watched the internet ravage their business over the past decade. Newspapers have lost readers and advertising to the internet. Book and music shops have closed for good. -
BBC - Blogs - Internet blog - What's on BBC Red Button 17 - 24 August
Cast your eyes over the items as they appear on screen, and see if you can guess how much the shows experts think theyre worth. Theres also a new challenge for this year can you pick out the fake from Fiona Bruces four suspect items Tune in at 8pm on Sunday on BBC One, and play along at home by pressing red or using the shows own play-along app. -
They thought it was all over: Why Sky vs BT Sport in the battle for pay-TV dominance is a game of two halves
On Thursday, BT Sport launched a counter-action by allying with Virgin Media in a deal that allows 1.8 million of the cable companys customers free access to the newcomers sports channels. For months, in spite of an onslaught of competitive advertising, each company had adopted a public position of not being worried what its rival is doing. BTs aim in investing 1bn in sports television is to protect its broadband customer base against Skys content-driven Triple Play package of television, broadband and home phone. - further police action over BBC pay-offs
Scotland Yard will take no further action over allegations linked to severance payments and benefits for senior BBC managers. The BBC knows who these people are but has refused to take any disciplinary action against them. - iPlayer - Help - Can I download radio programmes to listen to later?
We currently offer a range of programmes and highlights available to download as Podcasts, but due to rights reasons certain content, including full-length music tracks, can only be offered with digital rights management protection DRM. We expect to launch this service sometime in 2014. Until then, you can still listen to almost all radio programmes on BBC iPlayer Radio as audio streams, which can be played up to seven days after the programme's original broadcast. - 16 August 2013, PM
Thursday 15 August 2013, AM

Ariel - Unions accept BBC pay offer
15 August 2013 Last updated at 0940 The BBC and unions representing staff have settled their dispute on pay for 2013-14. The pay rise will be implemented in the August payroll. The autumn negotiations will focus on staff remuneration and pay progression. - Talk podcast: Smooth Radio, Edinburgh TV festival preview
Wednesday 14 August 2013, PM
Media: Appointment of James Harding to BBC News
Blacked Out in 3 Cities, CBS Still Wins Ratings Race -
The 11-day old blackout of CBS on Time Warner Cable systems seems to be having a minimal effect on the networks ratings. Last week, the first full week of blocked service for more than three million Time Warner customers, the network topped its competitors in total viewers and in all the ratings categories important to advertisers. CBS has maintained that it is seeking fair value for its content, but at the same time said the loss of Time Warner viewers would have minimal impact on its ratings an assertion that was surely meant to reassure its advertisers. -
Radio stations and the mobile web
Over a third of listening happens while away from home 21 in a vehicle 15 at work or elsewhere and much listening at home isn't done in the same room as a computer. When presenters tell listeners to visit the radio station's website, it's gratifying to see that listeners do so, as anyone watching Google Analytics' real-time view will tell you. Last year, The Guardian pointed out that, at certain times of day, they're getting more traffic from mobile devices than desktop. - mediauk.comTuesday 13 August 2013, PM
New QVCs launch - Advanced Television
Additionally, QVC Beauty will be updated to incorporate unique and dynamically updating show graphics. -
Doctor Who, Downton Abbey and Broadchurch settings make top 10 list of British TV locations - Radio Times
Many families are now choosing to stay in the UK for the summer and looking for inexpensive days out, said Freeview marketing communications director Guy North. - radiotimes.comLong Term Review: Samsung UE32 F6510 SmartHub TV
As ever, this is a long and tediously detailed review but some people like them. This television has a Freesat tuner inside it. I've not used it though - I don't have a satellite dish five years ago it was either a dish or a neighbour's tree, and I preferred the tree. -
Freeview tops poll of TV innovations Today s Top Stories
Of the 2,046 viewers polled, 35 picked Freeview as their most important TV innovation over the last decade, closely followed by PVRs at 22. Mobile TV received no votes from consumers, reinforcing the view held by many TV execs polled 31 that mobile TV has had the most muted impact on the television industry. Howard Davies, Deloitte media partner, commented The television industry has benefited from tremendous technological advances over the past few years. -
Ofcom - DAB multiplex change request: Herefordshire Worcestershire
1.3 MuxCo proposes to launch the Herefordshire Worcestershire local radio multiplex service, on the new frequency, in September 2013. 1.4 Before deciding whether to agree to MuxCo's request, Ofcom is legally required to seek representations on the request from any interested parties. The closing-date for representations to be made is Tuesday 10 September 2013 any submissions received after this date may not be considered. - 13 August 2013, AM

The BBC needs conserving. Yet these Conservatives think not - Polly Toynbee - Comment is free - The Guardian
It has become revolutionary, uprooting the public realm with tumultuous zeal. David Cameron's great talent is to seem so breezily moderate while dismantling so much from the capacity of the civil service and local councils, to putting the NHS and free schools up for any bidder while undermining public trust in social security. You might think any true Conservative would want to conserve the BBC, a landmark of Britishness, globally admired export-earner, cultural nourisher, its independence proven by clashes with every government. -
Ofcom - Consultation
On 19 June 2013, we consulted on the question of merging coverage areas for a small number of specific locations, and on whether we should consult on merging any further locations the June Consultation. The June Consultation and the Statement following it are available on our website. We also received a response asking us to merge the enlarged Gloucester coverage area with the planned Malvern coverage area. -
Ofcom - Statement
On 19 June 2013, Ofcom accordingly published a short consultation inviting views on merging the coverage areas of the following locations Tonbridge and Maidstone and Hereford and Gloucester. We also invited views on whether we should consult on merging any other areas for which we had determined technical feasibility. These respondents argued that these coverage areas should be merged because The two towns share cultural similarities, as well as local institutions The coverage areas may be contiguous in some places, if not actually overlap and A larger coverage area would make a licence in this area more viable. - 12 August 2013, AM

James Harding's BBC drama will play out in the public spotlight - Media - The Guardian
James Harding changed times for the former editor. He could redesign pages, re-edit copy and hire and fire more or less at will. At the BBC where he takes over as director of news and current affairs today almost none of that will be true. - theguardian.comSaturday 10 August 2013, AM

BBC calls in auditors to widen search for improper executive payoffs - Media -
The National Audit Office is focusing on 150 severance deals with senior BBC executives in the three-year period between 2010 and 2012. To contact the MediaGuardian news desk email or phone 020 3353 3857. For all other inquiries please call the main Guardian switchboard on 020 3353 2000. -
Ofcom wants to make broadband switching quicker and easier in the UK
There may be issues getting hold of the necessary authorization code, or the dreaded period of downtime as one ISP takes over from another. All this could be set to change, for the UK at least, if Ofcom's proposed new measures have the desired effect. To help make the transition as smooth and seamless as possible, Ofcom is eliminating one potential bottleneck. -
BBC - Blogs - Internet blog - What's on BBC Red Button 10 - 17 August
The festival season continues here on the Red Button with Edinburgh taking its turn in the limelight. Theres an exclusive film of Scottish Ballet's Dance Odysseys and a selection of the best comedy from the Fringe this year. In this personal and insightful exploration, discover how against all odds, the creative spirit can sing. - 09 August 2013, PM
Friday 09 August 2013, AM
Thursday 08 August 2013, PM

Channel 4 network loses biggest audience reach among PSBs - Media -
Channel 4 chief executive David Abraham was sent a letter from Ofcom voicing concerns about issues including its network share. Channel 4's main network has seen a fall in its average weekly reach across all homes from 59 in 2007 to 51 at the end of 2012, excluding its one hour time-shifted service Channel 41, according to Ofcom's annual public service broadcasting report. On this basis, the average weekly reach for Channel 4's total portfolio has dipped only very slightly since 2007 67 to 66. -
Ofcom - Ofcom publishes the Public Service Broadcasting Annual Report
The report looks at audience opinions, viewing figures, spend on programmes and output, of the UKs PSB channels. The information in the report is used to assess how the PSB channels are delivering against their public service purposes, as defined in the Communications Act 20031. Ofcoms research shows that 85 of viewers place high importance on the provision of trustworthy news, compared to 81 last year. -
YouView plans over 130 IP channels
YouView has received applications from over 130 IP-delivered channels that it expects to launch over the next year. There was some debate over the demand for IP-delivered channels. Arqiva also runs its own IP-delivered channel business Connect TV. -
Details of 11B/Wolvton Shrop DAB multiplex - - 11 years of independent, free digital TV advice
Stations on Wolvton multiplex Masts transmitting Wolvton multiplex map is loading, please wait... The coloured area on the map represents the locations where DAB reception should be possible in a car, or using a DAB receiver where the aerial is above ground-floor level. Inside the area with the thick coloured line, indoor domestic reception even at ground level should be highly reliable. - ukfree.tvThursday 08 August 2013, AM
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