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Friday 21 February 2014, PM

Feedback: Science coverage: 21 Feb 14 link

BBC is too political when it comes to reporting politics - Media - Business - London Evening Standard

These perceptions are the result of any number of assumptions, most obviously about the media organisation, its ownership, declared political stance and, less obviously, the way it is reported by rival media. It is in the nature of competitive media outlets that they seek to create negative images of their rivals while presenting themselves in the best possible light. No organisation knows that better than the BBC. - link

Amazon Gets Its TV Box Ready, Again - Re/code

Amazon is gearing up to take on Apple and Roku, again. People Ive talked to who are partnering with Amazon believe the company is aiming for a March rollout. That wont be a huge shock, since Amazon has been working on a box for much of last year. - link
Friday 21 February 2014, AM

BBC News - Mac and the Micro - memories of Ian McNaught-Davis

21 February 2014 Last updated at 0425 ET How do you make the subject of computing accessible to a wide audience I'm talking about Ian McNaught-Davis, the computing expert, broadcaster, and mountaineer whose death was announced this week. For many who first got to grips with computers in the 1980s it was the BBC's The Computer Programme which was the inspiration. - link

Motors TV destined for Freeview via Arqiva s Connect TV Digital TV Europe

Motors TV is already available in the UK on Sky and Virgin platforms and has been broadcasting since 2002. The channel will launch on the Arqivia Connect TV platform on February 27. Were delighted to be joining the Freeview family through Arqivas Connect TV. - link

Who ll Come Out On Top: BT Group plc or British Sky Broadcasting Group plc? - The Motley Fool UK

It turns out that theres still some life left to be wrung from your flat-screen TV yet. some 98.5 of people watched television on the television in 2013. The UK television industry generated 12.3bn in 2012 and the largest chunk of this was from subscription revenue. - link

Radio on the TV: Radio 1 comes to iPlayer for the first time in 47 years of being audio-only - TV Radio - Media -

Ben Cooper, the Radio 1 Controller, described the moment as historic and said the transition was essential if the station was to remain relevant to coming generations. He admitted that, two years into his tenure as Controller, the average age of the Radio 1 listener remains static at 32 outside its 15-29 year old remit despite drastic changes to the stations presenting line up and music policy. Cooper, 44, said that average listening hours per week of a Radio 1 listener had fallen from 10 hours 30 minutes to six hours 20 minutes in the past decade as the Internet has placed new demands on the attention of young people. - link
Thursday 20 February 2014, PM

BBC - Blogs - About the BBC - Handling complaints effectively

Audiences and being accountable to them are at the heart of what the BBC does. BBC producers and managers regularly read audience comments and complaints submitted to the BBC's audience feedback service and find the information provided invaluable. In 2005 the BBC launched its three-stage complaints process. - link

Media Talk podcast: Radio 1 chart show moves the goalposts link
Thursday 20 February 2014, AM

The joys of jostling for position - Comment - Broadcast

Netflixs model is marvellous, but conventional slots are still crucial The Broadcast team had busy Valentines Day weekends by all accounts but there wasnt a trip to Paris or a bunch of garage-bought flowers in sight. Either way, its easy to think that binge viewing has become the default for my colleagues, and that Netflixs strategy of delivering an entire series in one go has delivered a terminal Frank Underwood FU to linear broadcasting as we know it. Thinkboxs figures this week on consumption of VoD content versus linear viewing can be cut in different ways, but overall the picture is of traditional viewing proving remarkably robust. - link

Ofcom - Ofcom renews ITV, STV, UTV and Channel 5 licences

Earlier this month, Ofcom confirmed that it would renew the licences and set out the terms for renewal, which all the licensees have now accepted. The Channel 5 licence covers all of the UK. Ofcom consulted on the programming obligations for the Channel 3 and Channel 5 licences, proposals to change the areas covered by two licences held by ITV, and the methodology for determining the financial terms for the licences in February 2013. - link

Richard Desmond sets deadline for Channel 5 bids - Media -

CSI Crime Scene Investigation questions remain over Channel 5's deals for key franchises. BT and one other potential bidder are understood to have held private discussions with Desmond last year, with a public sale process pursued after talks petered out. The document, which runs to well over 100 pages, has left some recipients with more questions than answers. - link

Utah Federal Court Halts Aereo in Salt Lake City - Variety

A federal judge in Utah has imposed a preliminary injunction on Aereos operations, a win for broadcasters as they seek to halt the startup streaming service in Salt Lake City and Denver. Despite its attempt to design a device or process outside the scope of the 1976 Copyright Act,Aereos device or process transmits Plaintiffs copyrighted programs to the public. The scope of the injunction is the 10th Circuit, which covers six western states. We are very pleased that the U.S. District Court in Utah has granted our request for a preliminary injunction. - link
Wednesday 19 February 2014, PM

BBC World Service to reduce shortwave transmissions as part of savings drive - Media -

BBC director of global news, Peter Horrocks, has said it would be a real stretch to find 15m in savings across the World Service. The money will be used to invest in new TV and digital services, part of a programme called Invest to Innovate. An extra 6.5m is being pumped into the World Service's budget this year, alongside an extra 1.5m of savings, helping to create 130 jobs. - link

Media: World Service; Daybreak changes; Reader's Digest link
Wednesday 19 February 2014, AM

BBC - Media Centre - BBC iPlayer Performance Pack - January 2014

January saw an average of 10.2m daily requests, the highest ever seen. The Voice has also had a strong start, along with the new series of Outnumbered. With so many tablets and mobiles being gifted at Christmas, the number of requests via mobiles and tablets accounted for 40 per cent of all requests, a total of 127 million overall another record high. - link
Tuesday 18 February 2014, PM

BBC - Media Centre - Peter Horrocks announces £8m investment plan for BBC World Service

World Service TV programmes and responsive mobile sites will play an increasingly important part in the World Service, but radio will remain its bedrock. He said the World Service had weathered the deep cuts it was subjected to and used them as a spur to innovation. He said commercial top-up funding will enable more investment in content and services without increasing costs to licence fee payers. - link

BBC and ITV satellite moves cut off expat viewers - Recombu

For instance, the official footprint of the two satellites doesnt include the hotspot which seems to have emerged again over the Costa Brava, although even large dishes seem out of luck further south and west. Ross Lockley, aka Analoguesat on the forum, has mapped members reports onto Google Maps, creating a guide of dish sizes which might work. In January, the satellite operators ended their dispute, which had run since both launched satellites to the 28 degrees East orbital position in the late 1990s. - link
Tuesday 18 February 2014, AM

BBC News - Viewers prefer TV sets to mobile devices

The traditional television set is still at the heart of UK viewing, with only 1.5 of total viewing in 2013 watched via mobile platforms, figures suggest. The average viewer watched three hours and 55 minutes of TV a day last year, according to commercial TV marketing body, Thinkbox. - link

BT needs to have confidence in itself and stop chasing Sky’s channels -

The pay-TV landscape has changed a lot since the satellite broadcasters rivals first grumbled that they couldnt secure what they saw as fair access to the channels which Sky risked billions of their shareholders pounds into establishing and growing. Much that change has been driven by BT which has finally provided Sky with a rival which can take away key rights and, even where its unsuccessful, force up costs. I single out BT because its the last of the complainants and the force behind todays appeal which hasnt agreed to carry Sky Sports on terms theyre happy with. - link

BBC's great meetings of mindlessness - Media Monkey - Media -

Where the idea for that next great programme comes from Eddie Mair has revealed the BBCs policy on meetings. Well, according to Eddie Mair, it's have meetings. - link

CBS Admits Aereo Supreme Court Win Wouldn t Hurt CBS, Might Make Things Better For Everybody - Techdirt

It's part of a long, long history of broadcasters pretending that if things don't go just they way they want them to, they'll surely go out of business. The threat to pull broadcasts was aimed at scaring Congress into passing protectionist legislation, and as we noted at the time it's something CBS should just shut up and do -- given the public could probably come up for better uses for their spectrum. However, if that should happen, if the worst should happen, there are so many other alternatives that will not so this will not affect our bottom line. - link

Sky to be accused of ripping off X Factor rival show idea - TV Radio - Media - The Independent

After what they describe as eight months of negotiations with Skys commissioning team, the couple claim they were told the satellite broadcaster did not wish to proceed with their proposal. Wade and Perry allege that the shows use of a judging panel of celebrity singer-songwriters rather than music executives was another of their ideas. The show was made by Princess Productions, which is a subsidiary of Shine, the super-indie production company which Ms Murdoch founded in 2001. - link

Court Favors BT in Sports-Channel Dispute With BSkyB - MarketWatch

Former telecom monopoly BT challenged the tribunal's decision, leading to Monday's ruling from the Court of Appeal. The court also dismissed a challenge brought by BSkyB to Ofcom's jurisdiction, and said the tribunal must reconsider the case. The outcome of the dispute could lead to cheaper packages of premium sports coverage for U.K. viewers, analysts said. - link
Monday 17 February 2014, PM

BT wins court battle forcing review of Sky wholesale pricing decision - Media -

BT challenged this decision and on Monday the court of appeal handed down a judgment forcing the CAT to reopen the issue. A spokesman for Ofcom, which had its reputation battered by the CAT's original decision, said that it welcomed the decision. For all other inquiries please call the main Guardian switchboard on 020 3353 2000. - link

Parks Associates mobile research: TV apps gaining popularity, with 61% of tablet owners, 55% of smartphone owners using

The number of global TV app users on smartphones will reach 1.29 billion by 2018. For more information, contact, call 972-490-1113, visit - link
Monday 17 February 2014, AM

TV viewing figures show Brits prefer traditional sets over smartphones - Media - The Guardian

Predictions of the death of living room TVs continue to be wide of the mark with 98.5 of average daily viewing done via traditional sets. The average UK viewer watched a total of three hours and 55 minutes of TV a day last year. This was a nine minute year-on-year drop, due in part to a comparison with the hugely popular London 2012 Olympics the previous year. - link

UKTV creates “built for innovation” new HQ - Rapid TV News

Editor 17-02-2014 Weeks after revealing record annual ratings for 2013, UKTV has announced its intention to create a new headquarters for its 250 staff. Technology will be at the heart of our progressive new workspace, and it will give everyone at UKTV the freedom to work creatively and collaboratively. - link

Ad of the Day: Freeview - Cat and Budgie - The Drum

Freeview has been teasing us all week with its catandbudgie What happens next trailer, and we certainly didnt see this coming. The trail ominously cut off with the cat managing to open the poor budgies cage and to be honest we thought the little bird would either be lunch, or about to star in its own version of Sylvester and Tweety Piehow wrong we were. - link

Clover s Week: A change of view

When Canvas was making its regulatory progress it was suggested that outside partners be brought in. The Adshel posters dont dispel the image either. The men in suits were sniffy about Skys involvement in YouView, but as it turned out the platform has given a home to its Now TV service. - link

Despite rise of the tablet, TV set viewings are still strong - TV Radio - Media - The Independent

Just 1.5 of television viewing was on other screens such as tablets, laptops and mobiles, according to the figures released by television marketing body, Thinkbox. The average viewer watched just over three hours, 55 minutes of TV a day during 2013. Of that figure, just three minutes, 30 seconds a day of live stream viewing was conducted via PCs and mobile devices. - link
Sunday 16 February 2014, PM

BT needs to up its game in the pay-TV market - Business - The Observer

BT needs to find its own Game of Thrones if it is not to be dwarfed by Sky. Industry observers suggest that BT may well look to follow Sky into film and entertainment next, adding another pillar of must-watch programming to its offering. Netflix has shown the power of a well-marketed TV property. - link

Alan Yentob: 'The BBC can't compete with its hands tied behind its back' - Media - The Guardian

They ask us to move as flashes from the camera can be seen on-screen on the BBC News Channel illustrating the perils of having a newsroom as a backdrop for live bulletins. Yentob apologises and we retire to his office a former radio drama kitchen that sits between Old and New Broadcasting House. His office is narrow but cosy desk stacked with books and an Alan Yentob mask someone sent him. - link

As the waters rise, the sands run out for BBC funding - Media - The Observer

Tony Hall, keeper of the flame, was doing his valiant best last week. Come April, the Foreign Office grant that sustains the service all 245m of it per year stops short. The BBC and Lord Hall will have to find that money from licence-fee payers with 700m in wider cuts looming. - link
Friday 14 February 2014, PM

BBC - Blogs - About the BBC - What's on BBC Red Button, 15-21 February

- link

Feedback: Climate change: 14 Feb 14 link

BBC - Blogs - Internet blog - BBC iPlayer Radio: your feedback

Im the senior product manager for BBC iPlayer Radio. A lot of these pages were being duplicated in BBC iPlayer. We appreciate that this is inconvenient and we looked really carefully at whether there was a way of transferring those favourites across, but unfortunately we couldnt find a simple way to do it. - link

Can we save AM radio? - The Verge

In its first 50 years, AM was a large enough player in the media landscape that it required lots of technical regulations to keep stations from interfering with one anothers signals while simultaneously serving their communities with adequate signals. Now that its audience is relatively microscopic and competition is low, those regulations need to be relaxed to make AM a viable medium, especially for minority and rural read small-budget broadcasters to be able to effectively serve their communities. If the FCC doesnt adopt these rules, or something like them, the AM band may simply be too big of a hassle for Americans to both produce for and listen to. - link

Media Talk podcast - TV Lair special link

Virgin Media falls behind as rivals BT and BSkyb sign up more customers - Media -

Virgin Media chief Tom Mockridge has said the companys cable business is improving in the face of more competition. The cable TV and telecoms operator added 18,600 pay-TV customers and 39,100 broadband customers in the three months to the end of December. BT's multi-billion pound drive into top-flight sports rights, including Premier League football, helped it add 70,000 TV customers and 150,000 broadband customers. - link
Friday 14 February 2014, AM

DTG :: News :: Report: 6 Billion new internet-enabled devices to be produced in 2014

The global market for connected devices that allow users to access the Internet is set to surpass 6 billion units this year, as new products including mobile phones, tablets and computers enter the electronics ecosystem, according to a new report from IHS Technology. Worldwide production of connected equipment will amount to 6.18 billion units in 2014, up a solid 6 percent from 5.82 billion in 2013, so the report. This will be the largest increase for the market in four years, surpassed only by the 10 percent hike in production during 2010, a year after the global economic recession ended. - link

Ready to break the internet? Netflix s House of Cards premiere is a big test of how video gets to yo

The buffering in Wheelers bedroom is familiar to any American who has tried to stream video over the internet at night, when their neighbors are doing the same thing. Look at the dip in average download speed between 8pm in the chart below where each datapoint spans the following two hours During that primetime, about a thirdpdf of all internet traffic heading into North American homes is carrying data-heavy movies and TV showsfrom Netflix. Transmitting all those bitswill become an increasingly severe challenge as more people opt for streaming video over traditional television. - link
Thursday 13 February 2014, PM

DEBATE: ITV - to Be or not to Be - Comment - Broadcast

Is ITVs decision to launch a new female-focussed channel on the money Meanwhile, ITV2 will feature scripted and entertainment content for 16-34 year-olds, such as Plebs and Celebrity Juice. - link

BBC World Service's sponsored content plan will 'threaten impartiality' - Media -

Peter Horrocks, BBC director of global news, said sponsored content on the World Service would enable them to make new investments. To contact the MediaGuardian news desk email or phone 020 3353 3857. For all other inquiries please call the main Guardian switchboard on 020 3353 2000. - link

Linking to a website doesn't infringe copyright, Europe's Court of Justice says - PCWorld

Retriever provided its customers with hyperlinks to articles written by the journalists that were published and freely accessible on the website of the Gteborgs-Posten. Retriever did not however ask the journalists for permission to link to the articles. Retriever presented the linked articles in such a way that gave the impression that they appeared on Retrievers site. - link

Apple in Talks to Revamp Set-Top Box -

Apple might consider seeking some rights directly in the future, one of the people said. One of the people said Apple was aiming to release the new set-top box as early as June, though another cautioned the device might not be ready for several months after that. Apple TV, a digital media player introduced in 2007, offers users access to iTunes movies on the larger screen of a television as well as streaming video from Netflix, Hulu and other online services. - link

Accenture tries to find material gains from the BBC's DMI debacle - Media Monkey - Media -

Accenture's report on the BBC's DMI debacle contains a fascinating glossary of terms. DMI, of course, turned out not to be FitNesse for purpose. Now the BBC, having to spend 3m a year on a database system that previously cost less than 1m, has had to cut its cloth rather differently. - link
Thursday 13 February 2014, AM

ITV's 'channel for women' isn't necessarily a disaster for feminism - Daisy Buchanan - Comment is free -

Gemma from The Only Way Is Essex, series 4. Photograph ITV ITV reckons it knows what women want. Let's spoil ourselves with a scrape of low-fat cheese spread on a dark rye cracker - link
Wednesday 12 February 2014, PM

Media: Al Jazeera; Panel Shows; Exposes; Twitter link

ITV to launch 'The Only Way is Essex' channel - Telegraph

When it launches later this year, ITV Encore will target households with premium Sky subscriptions and an appetite for quality and original drama. The Only Way is Essex, known as Towie to its fans, was first broadcast in 2010 and is due to return for an 11th series this year. - link
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