Sunday 07 September 2014, PM

Rona Fairhead: grill the nominators, not the nominee or the BBC | Media | The Observer
She's a smart operator, and she can reasonably ask to be cut a little slack over her BBC vision thing after a sudden arrival from left or perhaps right field. The essential BBC governance argument, raging until charter renewal in 2017, is whether the trust/executive board split is good, bad or indifferent. - theguardian.comYouGov and the Digital Television Group September 2014 [pdf]
How are consumers changing the way they are accessing content? -
RadioToday | DAB radio outage in some parts of the UK
There are no reports of problems with commercial stations. Posted on Thursday, September 4th, 2014 at 921 am by Radio Today UK. - 07 September 2014, AM

Ofcom | Request to change frequency of Somerset local DAB multiplex: Statement
As MuxCo's proposal to change the frequency of the local radio multiplex service would have no impact on the range of local digital sound programme services proposed to be available in the Somerset area, Ofcom was satisfied that this statutory criterion had been met. The sole respondent to the consultation suggested that if the Somerset multiplex were permitted to change frequency from 10D to 10B, this might cause interference with the Oxfordshire local radio multiplex service which is also broadcast on the 10B frequency. - 05 September 2014, PM
Wednesday 03 September 2014, PM

Tessa Jowell: Fairhead must be a 'firewall' | News | Broadcast
We have recently launched our new Broadcast subscription packages, which means theres an option to suit everyone. Learn more about the new packages here and choose the one that best suits you. Subscribing takes just 2 minutes and offers instant access to the website. -
BBC News - Apple iCloud security exploit is a concern, experts say
It has emerged that a security measure called two-step verification, which is recommended by Apple, can be bypassed using easily available software that allows access to iCloud back-ups. Usually, people who have forgotten their login details can regain access to their accounts by entering the answers to some personal questions - and this process cannot be exploited when two-step verification is enabled. 'Chinks in armour' Other security experts said Apple's advice about two-step verification was possibly misleading. - Who is Rona Fairhead?; the BBC on Sir Cliff coverage; the Press Gazette joins IPSO.
Wednesday 03 September 2014, AM

Liberty Global plc - Class A Ordinary Shares (NASDAQ:LBTYA); ITV PLC (OTCMKTS:ITVPF) News Analysis: Liberty Global Rumor
The 10 billion acquisition rumor is turning out to be a blessing for ITV as its stock price boosted incredibly, reaching an all-time high since January 2011. Liberty Global is a US-based multinational corporation with operations spanning two prime segments, namely telecommunications and television. The company is said to be one of the largest providers of broadband internet service outside the US, and is managed by an American billionaire John Malone. - bidnessetc.comTuesday 02 September 2014, PM
Report on the results of the work of the High Level Group on the future use of the UHF band
Pascal Lamy, Chairman of the High Level Group on the future of the UHF spectrum, proposes to repurpose the 700 MHz band for wireless broadband and asks for regulatory stability for broadcasting to continue in the 470-694 MHz band until 2030. - ec.europa.euTuesday 02 September 2014, AM
DTG :: News :: Takeover hopes boost ITV share prices
As more speculation of a takeover of ITV comes around, the broadcasters shares rose to a record high this week. We're certainly going to keep an eye on the progression of any ITV takeover. DTG Staff 02.09.2014 Links open in a new window. -
We can’t let tech giants, like Facebook and Twitter, control our news values | Media | The Guardian
He showed us mini-robots and talked about building the internet in space. We smiled indulgently, inwardly questioning the robustness of his faculties, and talk turned inevitably to the future of newspapers. Well, said Cerf, rotating his robot, the problem is theres news and theres paper, and those are two separate things. It seemed so preposterously obvious as to be not worth further scrutiny. -
BBC News staff vote to strike | Media |
BBC News programmes could be hit by industrial action later this month over plans to cut more than 400 posts, after union members voted to strike over the proposed cuts. The unions argue that given the high level of interest in applying for voluntary redundancy 470 volunteers, according to Bectu which they put down to low morale within BBC News, the corporation should be able to avoid compulsory departures. A further 415 posts will be cut, but 195 new positions created, meaning a net reduction of 220 full-time posts. -
DAB+ starts in the UK: what you need to know -
FunKids will be broadcast as a test until 31st December 2014. Ofcom have given specific permission for DAB signals to be broadcast. DAB differs from the original DAB by having improved error correction and a more efficient audio codec. - media.infoMonday 01 September 2014, PM

Will This WebTuner Do Away With Your Set Top Box? - CMO Today - WSJ
WebTuner, a secretive startup, has been quietly approaching big media industry players with a plan to bring TV-viewing into the broadband age. The centerpiece of its plan is a device meant to replace pay-TV providers outmoded set-top boxes. WebTuners gadget, which looks like a slightly longer version of an iPhone charger, plugs into a wall or power strip and streams TV channels and on-demand programming over the web to TV sets. -
Five challenges facing Rona Fairhead | News | Broadcast
We have recently launched our new Broadcast subscription packages, which means theres an option to suit everyone. Subscribing takes just 2 minutes and offers instant access to the website. -
Ariel - Cleaners, porters and engineers walk out
1 September 2014 Last updated at 1219 Mail deliveries, cleaning and porter services in BBC buildings may be affected on Monday by strike action. More than 44 of those who are Bectu members took part in a ballot, which closed last week, in which more than 80 voted in favour of strikes. They are joined by engineers - who look after things like heating, lighting, plumbing and power systems in BBC buildings - in the walkout, which will last from 9am on Monday until 9am on Tuesday. - Festival confronts future of television | informitv
It is less than a decade since the first YouTube video of elephants at San Diego Zoo, which has now been watched by nearly 16 million people worldwide. The view from the festival is that the future of television is neither doomed, nor is it safe, as Brent MacGregor reports. YouTube also featured heavily in the later session How do you do digital Perhaps this attraction arises because of the apparent similarity to broadcast television. -
Ariel - Peter Horrocks to leave the BBC
1 September 2014 Last updated at 1054 Peter Horrocks is to leave the BBC in the new year after a 33 year career. World Service director since 2009, he has led it through some significant changes - not least, this year's move from Foreign Office to licence fee funding. He has also guided the international services through savage budget cuts, service closures and a modernisation programme, but leaves with the global audience at record levels. - 01 September 2014, AM

Who is Rona Fairhead? | News | Broadcast
A largely unknown quantity to the broadcasting industry, Broadcast runs the rule over the governments preferred candidate. We have recently launched our new Broadcast subscription packages, which means theres an option to suit everyone. Learn more about the new packages here and choose the one that best suits you. -
RadioToday | Folder Media puts Fun Kids radio on DAB+
The multiplex operator believes that only 3m of the 20m digital radio sets sold are capable of receiving DAB transmissions. This test, at 64kbit/s on the Wrexham, Chester and Liverpool multiplex is seen as a real world test of the format till the end of the year. One of the questions weve been getting from potential new service providers is the viability of launching stations in DAB. - :: News :: Viacom positioned to finalise C5 deal
The acquisition was started in May of this year and will be complete by 20 September according to reports. Channel 5 will be bought by Viacom for an estimated 450m after the company has agreed to honour the channel's commitment to 600 hour of original British children's programming each year which was a condition of the broadcaster's licence renewal last year. A source within the Department for Culture Media and Sport suggested that Viacom had raised 'one or to issues' surrounding the production of this content, all of which have been ironed out. - BBC Trust may have found its saviour - TV Radio - Media - The Independent
The former Sun editor and Brunswick PR David Yelland has described her as an excellent choice. Ms Fairhead would be the first woman in the job and her candidacy has been a well-kept secret after many potential applicants ruled themselves out of a part-time role that proved difficult for the previous incumbents, Lord Patten and Sir Michael Lyons. Its said Ms Fairhead left the Financial Times Group, where she was chairman and chief executive, because she didnt get the top job in 2012. - 31 August 2014, PM

Rona Fairhead offers relief but no respite for BBC | Media | The Guardian
These are testing times for the BBC, as they will no doubt be for the new trust chair. Relief mainly that she was not one of the other mooted candidates for example, the former BBC chairman Michael Grade. There are several things about Fairhead that are ideally suited to the circumstances. -
Daily Mail on the wrong trail over BBC’s Sherlock success | Media Monkey | Media |
But thats ancient history, and this week the Emmy awards in Los Angeles delivered fresh humiliation. This level of success at the Primetime Emmys is pretty much unprecedented for UK shows in the events 65-year history. American television shows swept the board. Er ... theyve always swept the board year in, year out until Downton and Sherlock. -
New Statesman | Gee up, Newsnight: is it time to stop flogging the dying horse?
Its possibly because of the grimness of the news agenda that I find myself ending the day with BBC2s Newsnight less often than I used to. Twenty-four-hour news channels and all the commentary online make it ever harder to offer a definitive take on the day, and over on Radio 4 the Today programme mops up the key interviews. I would move the programme to a new slot start it at 11pm and give it up to an hour, with a brief to be more discursive. - newstatesman.comDTG :: News :: DTG Testing releases D-Book 7 v4 MHEG test suites
The test suites are available as an free update to existing licensees. For new customers, pricing information is available from DTG Staff 28.08.2014 -
Ariel - Imagine never needing the remote
27 August 2014 Last updated at 1544 From Ceefax to gesture-controlled devices, London's Barbican is currently hosting an exhibition celebrating digital creativity. In a single room, the Digital Revolution exhibition charts the rapid progression of mass consumer technology over the last 40 years. For those seeking a dose of digital nostalgia, there was the chance to play classic arcade games like Pong 1972 and Pac Man 1980 or boot up early home computers such as the ZX Spectrum 1982. -
BBC News - White space between TV signals could save lives at sea
The leftover white space between TV signals is raising the hope of saving lives at sea and proving broadband for remote communities. He is using VHF radio, a technology virtually unchanged for a century. It was from the cliffs above Freshwater Bay on the Isle of Wight that Guglielmo Marconi first proved that radio could be used for two-way wireless communication with ships at sea. - 30 August 2014, PM

BBC News - Rona Fairhead to be BBC Trust chairwoman
She was chairwoman and chief executive of the Financial Times Group between 2006 and 2013 as part of a 12-year career with its owner, Pearson. - 27 August 2014, PM
Media: Exploitation in South Yorkshire - TV election debates - Jihadis and social media
Tuesday 26 August 2014, PM

RadioToday | RadioDNS launches new information website
RadioDNS the open standards code which connects broadcast radio and internet data together has a new website. It has a cleaner, more modern design, is fully responsive and contains lots of information on hybrid radio along with documents to help broadcasters, developers and manufacturers launch RadioDNS Hybrid Radio services. The project has 26 members from the United States, Europe and Australia, and over 60 supporters, withover 1900 stations currently using the technology. -
BBC News - LG to put 'the first 4K OLED TVs' on sale in September
The firm said a curved 65in 165cm set would go on sale in Europe, South Korea and North America in September. The two companies offer 4K sets based on synthetic LED tech instead. The difference is that OLED makes use of a carbon-based compound that emits light when struck by an electric current. - 25 August 2014, PM

It seems to be Groundhog Day for public service broadcasters | Media | The Guardian
His speech, which came just after the general election that put a seemingly hostile coalition government in power, fought for public service broadcasting in a world in which no one seemed to balk at the idea that profit is all, the chilling conclusion to James Murdochs MacTaggart lecture of the year before. For Thompson, the main target was the Murdochs and their attack on the licence fee, which was renewed in October 2010. For Abraham, who after all broadcasts some Murdoch-made material including Homeland and The Simpsons, the target was broader. -
Monkey at Edinburgh: Keith Lemon naked, Peter Fincham’s man cave | Media | The Guardian
Monkey has a new contender for most embarrassing session at Edinburgh previously held by Jana Bennetts singing in an execs version of Britains Got Talent in 2009. You feel really vulnerable when someone comes in and wipes their anus on your kitchen counter. A mystified Lemon also found a cupboard in the sitting room containing some old pants and socks. Finchams house included works of arts and a giant man cave in the garden where Lemon kept finding planted wads of 50 notes. -
#10 - SPECIAL: Guardian Edinburgh International TV Festival 2014
Saturday 23 August 2014, PM
Friday 22 August 2014, AM

Digital Communications Infrastructure Strategy consultation - Consultations - GOV.UK
This consultation is collecting evidence and views to develop a new Digital Communications Infrastructure Strategy. This Strategy will look at what digital communications infrastructure is needed in the UK over the next 10-15 years to maintain our position as a world class digital nation. The Strategy will also consider what needs to be done by Government, industry and others to put this digital communications infrastructure in place. -
David Abraham’s MacTaggart lecture - full text | Media |
Thank you Elaine, Melanie and the festival committee for inviting me to give the MacTaggart lecture this year. Its a tremendous honour to be speaking, both personally and on behalf of Channel 4. Its going to be one of my creative highlights of the year. -
- washingtonpost.comWednesday 20 August 2014, PM
Media: BBC's coverage of raid on Sir Cliff; covering the Missouri riots; Sky's diversity targets
Tuesday 19 August 2014, PM
4K years from mass market adoption | informitv
4K or Ultra-HD video will remain a niche market for at least five years but will ultimately reach the mainstream. Online streaming and video on demand will play a critical early role but pay television will provide support as the ecosystem matures. The Diffusion Group report considers the prospects for 4K devices, programming and share of viewing. - informitv.comImportance of online performance | informitv
Responsiveness and overall performance are critical to the user experience of online services, particularly for media and entertainment experiences. A recent study from Limelight Networks suggested that over half of respondents thought that high performance streaming without buffering or waiting for pages to load was the most important expectation for user experience, ranking it above the availability of new content. The author of the report, and a recent book on improving engagement with digital audiences, spoke to informitv about the importance of performance for user experience. - informitv.comITV online revenue rise is relatively marginal | informitv
ITV, the leading commercial television broadcaster in the United Kingdom, reported an increased pre-tax profit of 250 million for the first half of 2014, on revenues of 1.23 billion. Total online, pay and interactive revenues were up 20 from 56 million to 67 million, which is around 6.8 of all broadcast and online revenue, or 5.5 of its total income. So is that going to be enough to make a material difference to the future of the company as a standalone business -
Review: Humax HDR-1800T Freeview+HD set top box | SEENIT
Theres also an ethernet port for connecting the box to your broadband router necessary if you want to access the internet portal and a USB socket so you can play films and music stored on external drives. Setting Up For the most part setting up the box is pretty simple plug in the aerial cable and the on screen wizard will guide you through the process but when it came to getting the broadband connection working I had a few minor teething troubles. After connecting the cable and completing the set-up, the box reported that the connection had been successfully established. -
BBC looks beyond the walled garden in a changing media world | Media | The Guardian
Very few knew what broadcasting meant none knew what it might become. So John Reith recalled the first 18 months of his life as the general manager of the brand-new British Broadcasting Company. There was something big, even colossal, conveyed in the nature of the contract which had been undertaken. Reith and his bohemian flock as the head of variety, Eric Maschwitz, described the band of early colleagues were out to invent the future. Reith, that monstrous, tyrannical, tortured man, set his furious gaze at the new technological world of wireless telegraphy and saw that it could be, should be, placed in the service of society as a whole. - theguardian.comTuesday 19 August 2014, AM
There is a brown fog nobody is building it is drizzling, Virginia Woolf recorded in her diary for 6 May 1926. Rumours are passed round that the gas would be cut off at 1 false of course. One does not know what to do A voice, rather commonplace official, yet the only common voice left, wishes us good morning at 10. - gu.comMonday 18 August 2014, PM

Edinburgh?International?Television Festival finds an industry?questioning its own credibility - TV Radio - Media - The
The annual Edinburgh International Television Festival coinciding with the Fringe and bolstered by numerous late-night parties can descend into an orgy of collective back-slapping based on the rather arrogant presumption that British television is the best in the world. Such indulgence should not disguise the fundamental problems in the TV industry even if we accept it has shown resilience in continuing to define popular culture in defiance of doomsayers who wrote it off as a 20th-century medium. Today British television faces growing doubts over its relevance and credibility which threaten its enormous potential for generating revenue overseas and acting as a flagship for the UKs wider creative industries. - 18 August 2014, AM

Sheffield's local TV beats target through crowdfunding initiative | Media |
After a week-long burst of contributions, Sheffield Live TV managed to achieve, and even supersede, its fund-raising target to put it on course for launch. They applied for between 100 and 20,000 worth of community shares. The cash will be used to purchase equipment and complete studio facilities. - theguardian.comFriday 15 August 2014, PM
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