Monday 08 December 2014, AM

BBC News boss hits back at government criticism
James Harding has argued that BBC News will be “undeterred” in holding politicians to account following government anger over its autumn statement coverage. The corporation’s director of news and current affairs used a blog to address right-wing press headlines and criticism from chancellor George Osborne, who labelled coverage of spending cuts “hyperbolic” last week.. -
Gideon Spanier: Why Britain's telecom companies are expanding into media operations
Offering a bundle of services - triple play or quad play - is not new for the telecoms industry and it has had mixed results in the past. The challenge for BT and Vodafone, with their much larger subscriber bases, is can quad play become a mass phenomenon Enders cites industry figures that show Britons do not have a history of taking all four services from one provider - unlike in, say, Germany and Spain. - Home Front: 7 Dec 14
Sunday 07 December 2014, PM
Service review: BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio 4 Extra, BBC Radio 5 live and BBC Radio 5 live Sports Extra
The purpose of this consultation is to get the views of listeners to the BBC's network radio services that provide mainly speech Radio 4, Radio 4 Extra, Radio 5 live and Radio 5 live Sports Extra. You will be asked a series of questions about the BBC's speech radio services, namely Radio 4. -
RadioAnalyzer moves into the UK and Ireland
RadioAnalyzer describes itself as a business intelligence tool for radio, that analyses how listeners react when they are tuned-in to radio, using quotBig dataquot techniques. Info quotEndre is a seasoned radio pro who has been living in the UK for a few years and has a good network in the industry. His vision for radio is similar to ours, so it is a cooperation we are really looking forward to. -
BBC strikes back in battle over 'bias'
With even some senior Tories surprised by the reporting of the story by the right-wing press - there has been no official complaint against Smith's report - all the battle does is underline the fact that if the Tories really have gone to war with the BBC, some of the party's most effective generals would have been featured in the newspapers themselves. One BBC insider pointed out the irony of a double page spread in the Mail on Friday whose huge headline quotFury at BBC's doom-mongersquot included a story about the experts warning of the quotColossalquot size of the cuts needed, just the thing Smith was talking about when he talked about the quotBook of doomquot. -
George Osborne's BBC attack branded 'seriously unacceptable'
Ben Bradshaw, the former culture secretary, said Osborne was trying to scare the BBC and warned it was part of a wider drive by Conservatives to intimidate the public broadcaster before voters go to the polls next May. The MP, who is a member of the House of Commons culture, media and sport committee said the BBC needed to stand firm against such accusations of bias because the level of political aggression directed against the public service broadcaster ahead of the election was quotGoing to get worsequot. In an interview shortly afterwards on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, Osborne accused the BBC of allowing quotTotally hyperbolicquot reporting about his spending plans and conjuring up bogus images of the 1930s slump. -
iPlayer gets 30-day download window in time for Christmas
TV is undoubtedly king at Christmas and the arrival of BBC iPlayer on Xbox One gives viewers even more choice on how they watch,' said head of BBC iPlayer Dan Taylor-Watt. The latest figures for October show that while just over half of requests for TV programmes were from people wanting to watch on smartphones and tablets, a quarter now come from BBC iPlayer on connected TVs, including games consoles - edging ahead of computer requests for the first time. -
BBC3: plans submitted for channel's closure in 2015
The BBC Trust has now received the detail of proposals from the BBC executive to close BBC3 as a broadcast channel and re-invent it as an online-only proposition,quot said the BBC Trust in a statement on Friday. The plans, which will be discussed at the BBC Trust's final meeting of the year on 17 December, also include proposals to use the bandwidth freed up by axing the BBC3 TV channel to launch a BBC1 service and extend the hours for children's channel CBBC. They also include proposals for enhancing BBC iPlayer. -
Israel-based video startup Vidmind is getting ready to unveil the second generation of its Android-based set-top box at IBC this week, and the device comes with a twist Vidmind is selling its box to generation of internet-centric TV operators, offering them a combination of broadcast over-the-air TV and online streaming. That's why Vidmind plans to also build a version of its set-top box capable of receiving U.S. broadcast TV, which could be used by used by operators looking to launch a new generation of TV services. -Friday 05 December 2014, AM

#18 - Kids TV tax breaks, Times profit shocker - The Media Podcast with Olly Mann
Thursday 04 December 2014, PM
DTG :: News :: ECC consults on 700MHz technical framework
The draft decision provides a common technical framework for those countries which decide to implement mobile networks in the 700 MHz frequency range in the shorter term, providing confidence for manufacturers to meet the market demand across Europe. However, this decision is not being positioned as an allocation measure to designate the frequencies for a single purpose in all 48 CEPT member countries. However, even if such a move were agreed it would inevitably take time to become fully effective across all of Europe, given the differences of the market conditions across the EU28, and the time that would be taken to negotiate and complete the numerous rearrangements of television services which currently occupy these frequencies. -
Repeat after me: Mirror goes hyperbolic over Christmas TV schedules | Media | The Guardian
Christmas of TV re-runs on page 27, the Mirror splashes on 63 of Xmas TV will be repeats, with a turn to most of page five. Given that the vast majority of the UKs hundreds of digital channels show almost nothing repeats, the amount of airtime they account for on any given day is probably north of 90 full disclosure this is Monkeys back-of-a-fag-packet estimate, rather than the result of exhaustive research. Bravo, Daily Mirror - a stone-cold classic of the genre. - theguardian.comThursday 04 December 2014, AM

BBC fights back against Sun editorial -
The BBC has issued a rebuttal to two Sun editorials on their website and on Twitter. The line-by-line graphic shows recent Sun editorials, with a response from the BBC. This type of post is unusual from the BBC, who normally issue a short statement. - media.infoWednesday 03 December 2014, PM
Media: The Times growth; Christopher Jefferies; front page tabloid content
Bay TV Liverpool makes splash as it takes to the air on Freeview Channel 8 > TV Series and Shows > Movies | Purple Revol
Published Wed 03 Dec 2014 1410 The new local TV station for Liverpool launches this week promising a bold new approach to coverage of news, sport, business, entertainment and features. The channel will burst onto the airwaves with the Big Bay Launch show starting at 5.30pm on Thursday 4th December. Bay TV Liverpool will be on air each day from 6am to 11pm, reaching more than 930,000 homes across the Liverpool City Region and beyond. - - Dapper Laughs, Fake Sheik, Julia Davis at Breakfast - The Media Podcast with Olly Mann
#16 - Radio 1 to launch iPlayer channel, BT wins access to Sky Sports and the TV ads going viral for Christmas - The Med
#15 - RAJARS, Vice Media plans, Whisper scoop - The Media Podcast with Olly Mann
#14 - Radio Festival 2014 SPECIAL - The Media Podcast with John Plunkett
#13 - Viacom invests in C5 / MIPCOM preview - The Media Podcast with Olly Mann
#12 - Trinity Mirror payouts, Emma Watson hoax - The Media Podcast with Olly Mann
#11 - Save Our Sources, Next Radio Conference - The Media Podcast
#10 - SPECIAL: Guardian Edinburgh International TV Festival 2014
#9 - Scotland debate update, Company magazine closes, Edinburgh preview
#8 RAJARs, Sky Europe NYT app confusion
#7 BBC News Cuts, Murdoch bids for Time Warner
The Media Podcast #6 - BBC levels the playing field, George Clooney apology
The Media Podcast #5 - Radio 5 Live reshuffle and kids' TV tax breaks
The Media Podcast #4 - hacking trial verdicts, Rising Star US
The Media Podcast #3 - John Oliver and World Cup take over the US
The Media Podcast #2 - Robert Peston Michael Woolf go off-message
The Media Podcast #1: BBC News Cuts, Freeview Connect
Wednesday 03 December 2014, AM

BBC Trust begins another review of Radio 4 5 live | RadioToday
Radio 4 and 4 Extra were last reviewed by the Trust in 2011, and 5 live and 5 live sports extra were reviewed in 2012. The review will look at how well the radio stations are serving audiences, whether they are delivering high quality, distinctive programmes and content, and whether they are delivering value for money. Audience views are being sought on Radio 4s provision of news, current affairs, drama and comedy, and its use of digital technology. -
Sweden to switch off FM -
In Stockholm yesterday it was announced that Sweden will be turning off FM radio within the next ten years. As in other countries contemplating switchoff, there are a set of conditions for the industry to hit, including a coverage requirement and a 50 digital radio reach figure. The UK has already hit a 50 digital radio reach figure - 51.2 now listens to digital radio every week however, the Swedish target is a daily reach figure which will be harder to hit. - media.infoTuesday 02 December 2014, PM
VisionTV expands Freeview line-up | Advanced Television
TV technology specialist Vision247 has extended to the number of channels that it is streaming via the FreeviewHD service to include new channels focused on news, shopping and religion. These will join more than 20 other news, sport and lifestyle channels freely available in the UK on channel 244 via a connected FreeviewHD service. Best Direct is a shopping channel that offers a variety of home, kitchen, fitness, health and beauty, and DIY products directly to consumers at a reduced cost. - advanced-television.comTuesday 02 December 2014, AM
Digital TV Labs HbbTV 2.0 Test Suite | Advanced Television
Additionally, dynamic advert insertion tests will be included. The test suite shall be utilised by iDTV and STB manufacturers to ensure conformance with the technical requirements. These test suites form part of the Ligada iSuite for HbbTV product range which is used by over 90 per cent of manufacturers globally, by market share. - advanced-television.comMonday 01 December 2014, PM

BBC News - Why are people charged for 'landline rental'?
Once upon a time owning a landline telephone was the only way to make instant contact with people outside your home. The rise of mobile phones, now used by 93 of the population, means fewer calls are made from landlines. By the first quarter of this year, 16 of UK homes no longer made landline calls, according to the industry watchdog Ofcom. -
Ofcom visits Castle FM to turn off transmitter | RadioToday
Ofcom has visited Castle FMs unauthorised transmission site in Edinburgh to turn off its transmitter. The incident happened after Ofcom recorded breaches by the station, including failure to provide the licensed service. The station was on notice that if similar compliance issues arose in future, further regulatory action could be taken. -
Talking TV: BBC1’s entertainment quest Charlie Higson
Monday 01 December 2014, AM

BBC News - How will the 5G network change the world?
They say 5G will be different - very different. So, how best to understand this joined-up, superfast, all-encompassing 5G network Radio waves are split up into bands - or ranges - of different frequencies. -
Inside the BBC's visual journalism unit - Digiday
The unit comprises of 10 online journalists, 10 online designers, 10 developers and around 50 TV designers a setup that epitomizes the need for inter-disciplinary skill sets for TV and Web output. When the unit was established after the 2012 Olympic Games, Farnsworth said one of the key requirements was to help its various team members understand each others capabilities. The unit continues to promote awareness of its team members capabilities and train them up to collaborate better. - digiday.comSunday 30 November 2014, PM
After the Sun broke the story of David Mellors cab rant in its splash on Tuesday, for most papers it gave columnists material but dropped down the news agenda. Any connection, Monkey wonders, to the fact that Mellor is the classical music reviewer of the hated Mail on Sunday, the daily papers sister title but one with which it conducts Fleet Streets most entertaining feud The pieces scheduled are all by men, no woman has ever conducted the annual gig and the chances of a woman soloist are pretty slim, given that all the orchestras 16 divisions bar the harpists are headed by blokes. -
BBC plays high stakes with 6 Music roulette | Media | The Guardian
In the battle over the future of the BBC, which can at times feel like a civil war, the economists are often seen as the Roundheads arguing for change against the Cavaliers confessing undying loyalty to the institution itself, whatever the cost. Last week, those at the top of the BBC presented themselves as a newish model of Cromwellian efficiency. The bulk of them have come from shrewd property decisions hello 200m from the sale of Television Centre at White City rather than job cuts although staff numbers have apparently fallen 12 to 18,500 in the past seven years. -
Wave of merger mania could change the face of UK telecoms industry | Business | The Observer
Convergence has come to our mobile phones, laptops and TV screens and now it is the turn of Britains fragmented communications industry. BT revealed last week that it was considering buying the mobile network O2, and is also in early-stage talks with the UKs largest network, EE. Investment bankers are alert to the prospect that BTs dive back into mobile, 13 years after spinning off the company that became O2, will trigger copycat mergers across the telecoms and pay-TV sector. - theguardian.comFriday 28 November 2014, PM
Feedback: World Service funding: 28 Nov 14

Talking TV: BBC1’s entertainment quest Charlie Higson
Thursday 27 November 2014, PM

Ariel - More cuts 'will impact services'
27 November 2014 Last updated at 1602 Today's well-trailed report into efficiency at the BBC concludes that the organisation is doing a lot more for less but is now running out of options to make savings that won't 'diminish' programmes and services. It confirms that since the start of the current charter the BBC has made annual savings of 1.1 billion - mainly through property rationalisation, savings in procurement and staff cuts - and is on track to deliver 1.5 billion by 2016/17. That proportion is expected to rise to 50 in the final years of these programmes. -
BBC set for additional 400m GBP cuts | News | Broadcast
The BBC faces fresh cuts of £400m across the next two years that will take total savings by 2016/17 to £1.5bn. Programming spend is being hit by the new cuts, which follow £1.1 billion of earlier savings. The total £1.5 billion figure encompasses savings from all of the BBC’s efficiency programmes since 2007, including Delivering Quality First (DQF). The figures were revealed as part of a report that was ordered earlier this year by director general Tony Hall, which claims that the efficiency drive compares favourably with other organisations, including the government. - a page