Wednesday 03 June 2015, PM
New People website, the Independent relaunch, Sports on TV, the Mirror ruling
Press regulation, JacksGap, Bedlam
Black audiences; Moderating online; The end of Millionaire?
Janice Hadlow, Sir Ray Tindle, public views on press regulation
BBC digital strategy; Press reform
TV Soaps; DAB radio; The Mail and Miliband
Children's TV, 90 years of the Radio Times
Media agencies; Journalese; Twitter flotation
TV Writers; BBC Governance
04/09/2013 Radio 4 Feedback
Women on Breakfast
Guardian editor on press freedom; 100 years of the New Statesman
14/08/2013 Radio 4 Feedback
Media Plurality Review; Leveson Inquiry
Sun+, BT Sport, Twitter row
Covering the royal baby story
Mishal Husain becomes new Today presenter
BBC Called to Account
David Liddiment on BBC severance pay
NewsCorp split
Jon Snow on reporting from Iran
Closure of 'Greek BBC'
Leader debates?
Comic Relief
Radio 1; Police and the Media; Yahoo buys Tumblr
Channel 4
Harriet Harman, football coverage
01/05/2013 Radio 4 Feedback
Simon Singh on libel reform
Reporting in North Korea
Lady Thatcher, the Media and Rupert Murdoch
Melvyn Bragg
Justine Roberts of Mumsnet on regulating bloggers
Helena Kennedy
Ed Richards, chief exec of Ofcom
Nick Davies and Ian Hislop on investigative journalism
Junk food advertising
13/02/2013 Radio 4 Feedback
Dido Harding on YouView
Premier League Football; Sir Harold Evans
Women on Radio and TV
Hacked Off on Leveson
Don McCullin; Christopher Martin-Jenkins
26/12/2012 Radio 4 Feedback
Pollard Review
12/12/2012 Radio 4 Feedback
Editors' meeting, Hacked Off, NewsCorp
Lord Justice Leveson
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