Thursday 11 September 2008, PM

Digital signal upgrade sparks more controversy | News | TechRadar UK
Last month, we informed you of a digital signal upgrade that resulted in thousands of homes suffering a Freeview blackout. At the time, Freeview spoke to TechRadar, explaining that it was budget boxes made before the Digital Tick symbol that were affected, and that users of these boxes would have to buy a new one. New information has come to light, however, suggesting an additional change in the transmission mode from 2k to 8k will affect other equipment. - techradar.comThursday 11 September 2008, AM

TV veterans outline PSB options
It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - News: Pace to demonstrate High Definition over DVB-T2 at IBC 2008
To enable terrestrial services to compete effectively with the other platforms, DVB-T2 is an essential move. DTG Staff 10.09.2008 Links open in a new window. -
BetaNews | Beta test of DTV transition an apparent success
The Wilmington broadcast area serves an estimated 14,000 households, and support calls to local stations and the FCC's hotline are only now numbering in the low hundreds. - / World - Setanta relents over England highlights
Printed from http// Print a single copy of this article for personal use. -
Scandal of TV licence fee - Letters, Opinion -
I was wondering for ages why the edges were being cut off my TV picture -- it's a common problem. Only NTL Digital, Sky digital, and satellite freeview digital broadcast in widescreen. The picture is either squashed, stretched or cropped. - independent.ieWednesday 10 September 2008, PM
Plea for more viewers to see Gaelic channel - Stornoway Today
- Television Switchover Help Scheme | Welcome to the Switchover Help Scheme
-Wednesday 10 September 2008, AM
Advice group offers digital TV switch help
Sometimes pages move or become out of date and are deleted, so older bookmarks may no longer work. It's possible that the page you were looking for has either changed name or is no longer available. To find what you are looking for, you might like to try one of the following You may like to view our latest videos - 09 September 2008, PM
BBC Trust - BBC Trust to review licence fee collection
This is a new responsibility for the BBC's governing body which is stated in the Royal Charter for the first time. For the BBC to meet its remit, and deliver the quality programmes and services the public rightly expects, it is essential it collects the funding needed. The BBC has a duty to be efficient in collecting the licence fee and to keep evasion rates as low as possible so that those people who pay are not disadvantaged by those who do not. - 08 September 2008, AM
Saturday 06 September 2008, AM
Happy Birthday, | Organgrinder |
It seems like just yesterday that was born, kicking and screaming into the online world... but it was actually eight years ago on this very day. Those of you old enough to remember that and, let's face it - that's probably all of you will remember those early days of stories about last night 's ratings, multi-million pound acquisitions and Jeremy Paxman moaning about things. In September 2000, I'd just started running an art gallery. - 05 September 2008, AM
Ross viewers insight on the big switchover - Ross-shire Journal
The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please try the following Make sure that the Web site address displayed in the address bar of your browser is spelled and formatted correctly. Click the Back button to try another link. - 04 September 2008, PM
How to build a DVB-T2 modulator and demodulator
There are about 30 emails every day on the DVB-T2 email reflector as people from all over the world discuss detailed technical aspects of what should be in the specification. Remember it's January 2008 and at this point we have... nothing. The first goal was to produce a modulator so that we could begin transmissions at the same time as the specification is approved. - News: BBC iPlayer and Freesat fight it out for industry award
Freesat and the BBC iPlayer launch on Virgin Media. 2008 is the second year of this industry award, which seeks to recognise the project, product or service that has made, or has the potential to make, the biggest contribution to the development of digital TV in the UK. Since this date there have been over 10 million views of BBC programmes through the platform. - 04 September 2008, AM

Viewers frustrated by video on demand but future looks positive, report finds |Media |
The takeup of video-on-demand services has been held back by complicated navigation, incomplete catalogues and a confusing array of competing services, research has found. Examining consumer attitudes to VoD services, the market research firm Essential Research identified a need for standardised formats and aggregation of TV content. Users reported a range of navigation problems with VoD services. -
BBC plans power shift to regions
It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. -
Murdoch unmasked: Meeting a media mogul - Media, News - The Independent
It took a trip to Mr Murdoch's daughter, Prudence MacLeod, in the newspaperman's native Australia to get the scoop. If we are to believe hints in the Vanity Fair article, published tomorrow, Wolff has no shortage of anecdotes to make Mr Murdoch's liberal critics blanche. Meanwhile, the unapologetically right-wing Fox News has entirely upended American cable news in little more than a decade. - Snoddy on Broadcasting: Could the big fish at ITV learn a lesson or two from the minnows?
SMG's core television business, home of Taggart these 25 years, managed flat revenues of 56m but produced a 26 per cent rise in operating profit at 4.9m. Of particular note though was the company's 14 per cent increase in regional advertiser revenue with more promised for the future. The official line from ITV's executive chairman Michael Grade goes as follows. - tinyurl.comWednesday 03 September 2008, PM

BBC successful with HD over DTT test
It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - Pop - social radio listening from BBC Radio Labs
-Satellite TV for Free in ITV and BBC Plan - Entertainment - redOrbit
Freesat will initially feature more than 80 TV and radio channels, a number which is expected to rise to 200 by the end of the year. Viewers will be able to watch high-definition programming with no subscription. Freesat will be available to 98-per cent of UK homes, including those who currently cannot receive Freeview, which is broadcast via terrestrial transmitters and aerials. - redorbit.comWin Setanta free for a year | The Sun |Fun|Competitions
Setanta Sports is the first and only broadcaster of premium sports on digital terrestrial television Freeview. Then there's the Setanta-enabled Freeview box pack for those with analogue TVs or without a Setanta-enabled Freeview box. To subscribe, visit or call 08712 10 20 30. - 03 September 2008, AM
Digital TV Group | About the DTG | T2 Implementers
The DTG web site has changed and some pages, such as the list of digital retailers or digital TV manufacturers, is no longer on this site. You may be seeing this page because you typed the address into your browser incorrectly. Please use the site navigation or our site map to find what you're looking for. -
BetaNews | Hurricane could delay North Carolinas DTV transition
The first US market to officially cease analog television broadcasting is Wilmington, North Carolina, but an approaching tropical storm could force all local stations to continue use of their analog frequencies for emergency alert. Broadcasters just arbitrarily chose a date because they were all prepared. The original schedule calls for all local affiliates to cease programming on their analog stations on September 8 and broadcast only in digital. - betanews.comTuesday 02 September 2008, PM
Google Chrome download
Note Installing Google Chrome will add the Google repository so your system will automatically keep Google Chrome up to date. If you dont want Google's repository, do sudo touch /etc/default/google-chrome before installing the package. - google.comSaturday 30 August 2008, AM
BBC NEWS | UK | Comedy producer dies in accident
He was previously a director of Hat Trick Productions, one of the UK's leading independent production companies, for eight years. On leaving the BBC, he joined Tiger Aspect productions. - 29 August 2008, PM
PlayTV review | Games |
- 2008: Humax Quietly Unveils Freesat HD FOXSAT-HDR PVR - TrustedReviews
Despite being an eminently exciting development, there was very little fanfare - just a little section of stand in the outer reaches of the Berlin Messe. If you want to watch HD broadcasts without paying Rupert Murdoch Freesat is your only hope, but who wants to sacrifice their viewing flexibility for Freesat, when you can keep it - trustedreviews.comWednesday 27 August 2008, PM
Freeview? Not quite too sure... - Coventry Telegraph - Pass the Remote
Switching on my telly each day has become a lottery - the excitement is palpable. I was once sent-off in a football match for a blantant swing at the chap in the black. In my defence, he had just loudly announced a free-kick in my favour. - blogs.coventrytelegraph.netDTV Upgrade Proves Costly, Headachy | Epicenter from
Most Americans know by now that television is going digital on Feb. 17, 2009. They also know well about 70 percent of them, anyway that theyve got to buy a converter box or a digital TV in order to get basic television reception after that date. Of the estimated 21 million analog TV households, a hefty percentage is resisting the transition, according to various surveys. - blog.wired.comBBC - Radio Labs - Archrs - an everyday story of web development
As a drama, each episode is split into distinct scenes - typically indicated by a fading to silence - a convention for audio drama because of its need for clear signposting. The other interesting aspect is the many distinct facets of each scene - which characters are involved, the time of day, the current location, the storylines that intersect at that moment and even the weather. So earlier this year the Radio Labs team started to design and build a prototype website for The Archers based around the drama's scenes and facets. - 27 August 2008, AM

iPhone: Watchdog rules against Apple advert on net access |Media | The Guardian
Link to this video An advertisement for Apple's iPhone handset has been shelved after Britain's advertising watchdog ruled that it misled buyers. The Advertising Standards Authority said that a TV promotion had falsely suggested that iPhone users would have unfettered access to the entire internet over their mobile. Apple had argued that its decision not to support technologies such as Flash and Java only meant that individual parts of some websites - rather than entire sites themselves - were unavailable. - 26 August 2008, PM

Shiny Shiny: Hauppauge offers you Freeview on the move with MyTV
Having this fab Freeview portable TV in front of me would really help, as I could catch up on my Hollyoaks oblivious to the grunting men around me. There's an extendable antenna you can adjust for the best reception perhaps don't use this on the treadmill. You can use SD cards to store music and files on the device and it takes up to 32GB. -
TV viewers kept out of the picture | KentOnline| News
Transmission changes to the Freeview transmitter at Blue Bell Hill led to several types of set-top boxes being unable to pick up the new signal. It now offers up to 48 TV channels plus digital radio stations. - Viewers Demand Answers - RTN Costa Blancas Free Newspaper - Round Town News
- gadget: Sony Go!View - Times Online
Shops under fire over TV disposal - News - Manchester Evening News
It follows an M.E.N. survey which shows stores are encouraging customers to needlessly replace their traditional analogue sets with new TVs costing hundreds of pounds. Bosses at the Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority say people should keep using their old sets with set-top digital boxes at a fraction of the price. Those who do throw away old TVs should recycle them or give them to friends or charity. - TViX 6500a media streamer review
A range of mainstream companies have tried and failed and while offering quite capable solutions for the most part, theres always an issue or two that leaves the door open for someone to turn up with a comprehensive device that ticks all the boxes. You can add to this list the option of a digital Freeview tuner to record directly to an internal hard drive, FTP access and the ability to copy content directly across a network. Its certainly an enviable array of features on paper, but as weve seen in the past this doesnt always translate to a usable device that does what it says on the tin. - 25 August 2008, AM
HDTV UK: Brits still misinformed about high definition, LG survey finds
British consumers still need educating in the ways of high definition, according to the latest research from LG. As we've noted before, many people still believe that if they have bought a high definition TV, that means the programmes they watch must be in HD, too. Of course we know that's not true, but LG is calling for the TV industry to step up to the challenge of educating and informing consumers about what HD is. - hdtvuk.tvThursday 21 August 2008, PM
DTG News: Freeview tops poll of TV innovations
35 of the 2,046 viewers polled picked Freeview as their most important TV innovation over the last decade, closely followed by PVRs at 22. Howard Davies, Deloitte media partner, commented The television industry has benefited from tremendous technological advances over the past few years. The majority of viewers still want high-quality, scheduled content. - 20 August 2008, PM

Blog: QI creator on its move to BBC1
It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - Today with United Radio..: 4Digital to launch on Digital One?
Wogan laments decline of 'old-fashioned thoroughness' at BBC
Sorry but we haven't been able to serve the page you requested - please try again If you typed in a URL, please make sure you have typed it correctly. In particular, make sure that the URL you typed is all in lower case. If you think this article may be missing, please contact stating the URL of this page. - tinyurl.comConor Dignam on Broadcasting: C4 deserves support from Ofcom but not at the expense of the BBC
Ofcom's review is designed to ensure a plurality of public service providers once the British broadcasting market is fully digital. It's the watchdog's way of saying that public service broadcasting is facing a crisis in the near future, where the only supplier we might be able to rely upon would be the BBC. The review is driven primarily by the fact that the established order of analogue TV, in which broadcasters accepted public service obligations in exchange for winning licences, is over. - tinyurl.comBarry Fox's Inside View: Switchover USA
-Adams Weblog: The Launch of DAB Digital Radio
Today there are over seven million DAB digital radios in use in the UK, although it's future still has a few question marks hanging over it rightly or wrongly. So amongst some of the videos I've recently been going through at Virgin Radio, I was interested to find the following. Edward Stourton tells us that the first radios won't be available for a couple of years when they'll cost 700. - adambowie.comWednesday 20 August 2008, AM
Freeview update breaks thousands of set-top boxes - Computeractive
tv/freeview An upgrade to the Freeview digital television system has rendered thousands of digital set-top boxes useless. The upgrade is designed to allow for more channels but has prevented six models of set-top box, made by Bush, Daewoo, Labgear, Portland and Triax, from working. A list of models affected is available on the Freeview website. -
ULTVs letter to Ofcom
It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - 19 August 2008, PM
HD on Freeview plans by ITV and C4
This could happen gradually as the analogue signals are switched off around the country, or in one big pulse when the entire country turns digital. - a page