Read this: Russell T Davies says end of BBC is 'undoubtedly on its way'

Summary: According to the head of one of the BBC's most successful franchises, the broadcaster's end is inevitable. Davies' comments are part of an interview with podcasters Geoff Lloyd and Sara Barron, on topics including camera techniques, scriptwriting and the unlikeliness of Disney creating a Doctor Who Disneyland-style experience, given that a previous, Cardiff-based experience closed due to lack of profitability, costing tax payers 1.1m. Davies also claims that despite the success of his Doctor Who reboot, the BBC doesn't have him contractually tied down. - www.theguardian.com
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Wednesday, 3 April 2024
As the BBC is a unique service in the UK and the world and from the beginning in its charter not to include any advertising as a form of revenue meaning no programme interruption it should be allowed to continue if only as an alternative to commercial broadcasting.
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