Read this: Broadcasting Press Guild at 50, All3Media Sale, News Mags Dip

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If you want to do more and spend less take a free test drive MCI oracle.com / elevate elevate elevate hello welcome to the media podcast I'm at Tegan on the show this week.
It's a bpg special as the broadcasting press Guild celebrates 50 years of service we bring together two members to discuss the future of the sector sport UAE based Media Empire magazines are all having a bit of a blip and in the media quiz we manifest the media headlines of the future.
That's all coming up in this edition of the media podcast in the news this week.
I'm watching has been cleared of alleged criminal behaviour after the Met police under the 6-month investigation into the
GB news presenter investigations into his private life has been a politically motivated witch-hunts to the left wing and social media the Independent newspaper is in talks to pick on speed and hot post in the UK and Ireland according to the Guardian must be planned and CEO Jonah peretti told UK staff of excitement about the partnership.
We are exploring with the Independent and it's farewell then to Keith from the office actor you and McIntosh died this week.
He was 50 years old should be spread by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant so basically him an absolute original Studios are to guess pundits have one thing in common than one thing that will find out but they're both members with broadcasting press Guild who celebrate their 50th year in 2024.
Can you put on Caroline Frost stat Radio Times hello? Hello, so I'll try of the day job board member of the girls and it's been quite a busy time.
Yes, it has its been.
Time for looking forward to have a brand new chair minori and we are also looking backwards, because we're celebrating our half-century 50 years of broadcasting press coming together talking about the the TV and radio, so this is a year for celebrating all that's new all that's come away in 2023 but also really very much coughing like app to all those years and years of entertainment.
I was going to be a big list.
Yes, there is this is our special Award for 50th anniversary.
We are looking back over those past 50 years.
We've invited all I'll Guild members to mark up.
I think we go from the choice of about for landmark.
Programs during all of that time that really did make the difference to their lives and they thought shifted the wheel on broadcasting generally and it has up some extraordinarily diverse titles what we've learnt is that lots of people have very strong and very different opinions about what makes good TV and radio to participate.
And it is there some interesting names on there and they're free quite different parts of the TV spectrum, so it's quite hard to compare apples and pears and you go down documentary line or entertainment or big budget drama watch which took you impact on me and the sector.
This is lovely.
This is honey to are involved and really appreciating the investment and I just wish all I'll Guild members and I'm sure they are are just as invested in the outcome as you are example.com back down the line from a snowy Colorado at Media writer and USB PC keyboard replicates Berkeley hate.
How are you very good? Thank you.
It looks lovely in your backdrop.
You definitely win the prize for the backdrops if you if you listening to us an audio to check out our YouTube channel.
So you can see the lovely visitors the
Interesting group of people isn't it who get to take part in in these events for quite a long time now it started in 1974 as a breakaway acrylic circle and an early days.
We used to have our Awards luncheon in a pub.
We've now moved on a bit and we can glamorous venues, but it's a big group with it goes up and down in terms of membership, but over right now.
We have over 110 members.
These are all people that right or broadcast about the main actor in the UK so they could be programmed critics.
They could be a business media riders our editors and they cover the whole gamut of the titles.
You know the big broadsheets also some of the smaller trade publications as well some of the bigger trade publications like variety in and deadline reporter wheelset the Telegraph
The Guardian everyone really is part of the guild in which is what makes it so interesting because it's really across the board and as you were saying in terms of how we vote journalist United and they are all fans of television and audio so we get lots of good opinion, so what's your opinion on today? Show as well? I hope a lot of good stories director-general Tim Davie has been in front of MPs this week.
He told the public accounts committee that you welcome was the licence fee settlements Kate was he right to do that well.
I think he was right in the sense that sort of head to the government to create a certain extent.
I mean how much you going to fight I think the other thing that he pointed out which I also agree with is that at least you got some kind of certainty for how much money did BBC get for the next few years in this current volatile Media environment and in the advertising market is this worst States since 2008.
You know we're seeing job cuts across all media organisation strictly broadcasting Media organizations are under a lot of pressure.
So I think you know if there's a silver lining to a low settlement is the fact of Lisa some certainty over the next 46 years, so that's that's the good news the bad news.
Is that he didn't get a licence fee increase by £15 a year is £10 a year across the board.
So he's got no less less millions will speak to work with any also realises he has to cut some car so I think they were £599 a lot of money and it's already certainly in their news output they've had the money is there in the national on there a domestic news channels.
You seen some cuts for the things like that at least they have some certainly is look at what's happening at Channel 4 at paramount is the owner of Channel 5?
Having a lot of pressure ITV samosa to work everyone's should have facing the pension and maybe the BBC who would have been through the murder last 10 years are in a relatively good to know the money is in the bank that you use that was key.
There is relatively so for sure.
I mean I used to work at I used to work for the BBC for a long time and many many of my friends were still across all sorts of different areas of the ecosystem and each of them have independently said to me that there's is the area that is receiving the most cut the call really is and how much of a difference it's making pretty dramatic for those individuals involved, but as you say compared with that volatility has Kate said of the pendant sector and the commercial sector.
It's still represents a safe house of some description.
I mean the money is little but it's secure it's a bit like taking your bets with a with a tracker.
I guess everybody will have a different Sensibility but for sure I mean such depressing news coming out of the beginning of the year about Channel 4 after all it's rollercoaster ride of the two years.
I would still if I was starting out as it's at some sort of newbie.
I mean only a few years.
He obviously I would still want to go and try my luck at the BBC because the training still there some of the things that we hold dear exist but clearly there under under threat I feel like instinctively.
I trust him that he has put a good spin on something.
He said he's pleased about something that he thought desperately only a few months previously but at least they go into the future knowing what the person looks like they do a massive impact because of the commissioning down turn on individuals on freelancers in the section small production companies jumping into the film World where there seems to be a bit more work available.
Is that something you're you're here is happening more so this is only a few years ago.
We were talking about peak tv.
And premium television idea was that anyone who is anybody whether you're an actor or a group or a director or producer or writer were all diving into television because the money was all been spent on television you had Netflix pouring billions into it your head prime.
You had everybody from the same or Legacy media companies BBC or iTV realising they had to up their game in order to get Talent to get stuff on screen now or seen that you're obviously there's a different Focus among the media companies including the big tech companies because they realise they have to just not just throw money at the screen to make it work.
They actually have to have some kind of profit.
I think about not just getting used to.
What are they actually making any other and so there's been a lot more Focus not only from the big tech companies but also from the Legacy media companies you'll be seeing a lot of murders going on and that has to do with the how can we make a critical mass that will make this new streaming business work economically so are people starting to go back to film.
Yes or no.
I mean film is also a difficult environment as well.
I mean look at how many people go to movies theatres were still seeing a lot of you know these lot of money spent at the top end of films released big-budget franchises you know the Marvel set another Marvel film in the middle part of this is still you know having a really hard time because it's where do you put your stuff where you get your town and get it out there? So I don't I don't think I don't think either one is is better than the other right now on me.
I think that we're seeing a little bit more of a recalibration if I can say that in terms.
How much is everybody bouncing premium television but with not getting stomach so much better and film what I'm trying to say so yes, we're starting to see a little bit of both Under Pressure but we still need to contact to make these services work, so we're still going to see a lot of commission just maybe not as much and certainly maybe not as big budget.
I think it's quite revealing just how many what we used to consider big screen film star are continuing their exodus to the small screen and I think it is finding that middle area that Kate identified because Marvel up on the big screen big indie film sector both very healthy thriving that's Marvel with a few asterisk recent times but in terms of the storytelling the character LED dramas.
I'm thinking of the likes of Nicole Kidman I'm thinking of Meryl Streep I'm thinking of Steve Martin all finding.
On streaming platforms particularly, there's money and they're giving them creative control about their partners with production companies and then you'll get somebody like Martin Scorsese who's despairing of the way the film World is gone.
He's one of the great Tyson's over the last 3040 years and even heat when he brings his offerings first for first refusal first leaves from the likes of Netflix app, then you know that something something really quite defining is shifting.
I just watching Jodie Foster in true Detective the last time she was on a TV show was in the 1970s 50 years and she's on some TV amazing series and Spooky as well that encourage.
This is what is FilmOn is television whether you're working behind the scenes are in front of the camera.
It's far less swear word.
Heart is now pretty much the only accurate way of describing what we seeing and particularly the way things are first they get this tiny tiny theatrical window to qualify for a ward, but then really it's about the streaming platforms and the big numbers of eyeballs that you can get on your product the other swear word BBC programmes Kate Phillips spoke to broadcast this week which is often been heard is flu a bigger better at Caroline do you know how it's going to manifest itself? Well, I guess does she mean the series of survivor probably not baited breath mean if you look at some of the the ways that the money has been spent in recent times.
We're seeing a bit more of the Gladiator time show and a bit less of the Gregg Wallace and hen variety so I guess that is definitely bigger.
I don't know if it's better.
See you survivor see if it comes back.
She said that there is still room for the smaller products, but she also highlighted the fact that she's really enjoying so many shows making their big break their debut in daytime and I guess that's kind of the shallow end of the swimming pool up the flagpole in daytime.
See if it grabs an audience that we saw so happens, so successfully with the lights of the repair shop and then perhaps with an idea to moving into evening viewing recently choose an unashamed reboot, but has found an audience at the weekend getting harder and harder telephone Style but everyone rail what everyone wants to know how is the BBC going to follow strictly and perhaps gladiators has given it something of an answer, but then equally you get a talent like Stacey
Who has emerged from reality show background into the Loose Women Avenue of developing character development and now has found her own space so I think that there is definitely room in that fear for big and small that's clearly very encouraging have taken the BBC 2 task for a reconditioned old formats like gladiators.
Is that fair? You know I think we've got a lot of noise out there and the media landscape right now mad so if you're a broadcaster and you're trying to get attention if you can find a franchise that works you're gonna let me know.
It's just that just I cannot make it so yeah, maybe you know if you're an independent producer and you've got one of his friends as you say, yes, if you don't have one, can you play happy about that with Caroline can we take of things but on the other hand sometimes we come up with something.
Completely you think really is this really that different in the traders.
Is it going to be there? But I mean that effect and show but I mean who knew that was going to be another big fashion attainment showing yet.
They managed to make it look different feel different have a different you know whatever vibe and such a great friend tries, so I think that you know you is you can sort of say well.
It's terrible I'm looking for franchises because that's the way you have to make an annexe work.
You need a couple of that was at least to make things work you need you need is strictly need a big off you need you need a trader if you need something to get get the audience in a tent poles show that's going to give you your your service or your channel some kind of animal play Caroline at some attention is important but despite their the familiarity of a reboot.
It's still no guarantee.
So yes so fantastic.
Whole new faces familiar exotic and different survivor has not found that same purchase and that in theory on a piece of paper would seem to take very similar boxes around the world UK said a couple of days at it.
My missus is similar they pursued by the right right at the beginning.
It's just hasn't really taken either why you just don't know nothing as they say I mean as Kate said who knew that traitors would take off but it has there now planning a celebrity version later in the year.
I mean yet to be in today, but I think we know that I can't that's what they need to do make a celebrity edition of survival in there a few people I can think I quite like to send to a does Aladdin you just don't know which is why when they do land on something and it does well you can see why they iterate until they're blue in the face and they sort of squeeze to my mind always get a bit.
One iteration too many other of a successful franchise, I'm thinking of the lights in the Bake Off we've had the celebrity version of the junior version and you do feel the orange has been squeezed into sewing and it sort of similar similar topics I mean error of kindness and interesting that we had something like Bake Off turned up and sort of swept play Kitchen Nightmares X Factor all that kind of elbows out gladiatorial combat in primetime TV and then you had this kinda off the sewing bee the embroidery is the baking and now of course with that we see that The Apprentice is finding a whole new audience which means the hats with we're ready for a bit more elbows and Pendulum swings back and forward it was ok.
It's got more of an edge, but it's a game and it's the stakes of lower for everybody.
It's not as mean as some of the reality TV what happened early noughties hits.
Reassuringly meaningless hi babe, I mean, what does it come down to yes, there's a little pot of gold at the end of the show but frankly it's just about what is it? It's wink murderer is a plane the other night if you seen the Australian version at home, but it's a bit more characters thought of come on gay people are very much lovely time with my friends and the Australian one has not been as successful to anything like the extent that the UK one has enjoyed so and they're actually a bunch of people in Australia have picked up and they are now watching trade.uk in the way that many people in the UK really enjoy MasterChef Australia the good news is horses for courses in Fallout so last 50 years.
TV companies have pretended that shows are there in one ready.
They can imported in from somewhere even for the University Challenge waybackwhen.
Where is now if you love something you can consume and I'm thinking of some of the drag race star for all things like the traitors play my American friends say oh yes of course with microswitch streaming in global distribution much easier now.
They will sometimes now watch the original show and takeaways near noise the UK have made a show based on this is the original it's definitely more of a global marketplace that is for sure.
Last Friday the all three Media somebody who's very much of the format world has been bought by red bird.
I am I that's the same group you might acquire the Telegraph group at for about 8 billion quid Kate the bill for sale for a while.
It's been a pretty big deal.
I was very big deal in fact.
I wrote About a couple of times last year.
What is going to happen because the ITV4 examples one of the early better if they came in with a VAT invoice at 7 and 50 million they wanted to pay for it and return Flatley down and red bird came in river.
I am I and agreed a deal for 31.2 billion.
It's interesting because it is on a acquisitions.
It's an interesting company is got just soccer who course came from CNN and nbcuniversal he's teamed up with another.
Followers from the television business and the money is coming from Abu Dhabi international media Investments basically, it's it's a way that it's Colin Rollo the business in business.
What are trying to do is trying to buy a lot of independent production companies companies that own format for making cool things they bought mirrors for April so it doesn't surprise me.
This is happening.
It's sort of surprise me that actually Discovery and Liberty salt from 1.2 billion.
We didn't get the height of price in my opinion because it is a big company and they got all kinds of stuff.
I mean everything from you know studio Lambert record producers all kind of things squid game which is the Big Show their own two brothers pictures.
They answer Rebecca films that I mean you know they just a huge Warehouse of
Companies that produce programs that work All Around the World by acquiring and obviously when you've got a red but I am I am I saying endless bank account because they've got the doctors.
I mean it's a very interesting moment for the television b a c who were going to be hoovering made things up.
It's not it's going to be the Hollywood Studios right.
It's going to be these outside groups that have been formed to do for something different so just on that.
Why why is it the cash is coming in to do this rather than it going to a traditional content company or platform people who want to fill up you have thought when I fill up the streaming services with new content.
I think they do I think I have a view on this.
I think that there are some people that believe the the way to make a profitable Media business going forward on.
Integrated two on the platform that distributes the content and also on the content itself and that's called a vertically integrated model.
There's another school of thought that maybe you want to just own one thing so you want to be a content creator producer owner and then you sell to these platforms.
That's that's more of a single line of business use it and then there's the other and then is the other line of business, but I don't think that all is well.
You're just a platform and you don't actually on contacting you don't own contact creation.
So their's two ways to look at what's the best model going forward and I think we're in a time now.
We're everyone's trying to re-adjust their thinking about what works we went through an era.
Where everybody operation was the way to go now beginning to see that perhaps owning both the content and the platform doesn't necessarily were that expensive.
It's risky.
Maybe it's better to be a
Form only maybe it's better to be a content producer around me so I think that's what we're starting to see a distinction in what actually works economically because the numbers are so high in the competition is so intense and we're dealing with when I call Big tech you know we've got the big global tech platforms and I mean Amazon I mean Netflix I mean you know these companies who have deep pockets and they are throwing money at video content in order to make your streaming services work the other part of bigger operation.
So they don't have to have the same kind of economic.
That's a dollars and sense.
That's a Warner Brothers Discovery has to be more what's between the screen platforms in Legacy Media sector we know that the news rumours the paramounts on the Block and we'll get through that by either split up and put up by different people or become part of another.
Media conglomerate so what is going to work? I cannot be going forward and it's very difficult time advertising's down subscriptions are up IP streaming is the how many subscriptions are people going to water Mena Suvari moment in the media pieces is a water demand and supply.
How do you say Caroline traceback Christmas TV and is it good that money is coming into the underground station to the base here quite a lot of bad news that we're losing the ownership of it.
I think it's News if you're in production as we've had for the last couple of years.
We've seen a huge Spain from Disney from Warner Brothers Studios of being built to just accommodate all this massive element is interesting listening to it had to say because I was reminded of when Reed Hastings spoke at the TV festival couple of years ago and Kirsty Wark put him on the spot and she reminded him.
Netflix that if you're not looking at the menu you're probably on the menu now because you look at something like Netflix and for the past decade they seem to have money to Burnham cause a Pioneer their original cards Orange is the New Black that was being scared of people stopping selling them things and as came to pass the likes of the friends and enormous in Neverending audience of Friends disappearing because one about everybody else started getting back together and developing their own streaming platforms, but then you look at the pi of actual available production and development money and Netflix is dwarf is a little slither of cake compared with as Kate mentioned the likes of apple and the big the Big Whopper Amazon I'm so I can see why people would just think that's just let's just marry up because it's the only way to survive in those whale infested Waters what a look at the Wales
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What about Katie Caroline are here for some more news in brief the spin a wobble in the current affairs magazine market according to a latest ABCs Caroline drops for private eye The Economist the week prospect this title to find the print narrative well.
Let's just take Private Eye of the great rediscovered success stories of lockdown and people continued a lot of people took out subscriptions because they were stuck at home and private.
I was a little bit of I guess relief in that strange, but yes, I'm
Doing well, you know still up in the hundreds of thousands which is nothing to complain about in this area, but as you say all taking a dip.
I would just cause it cost of living I think a luxury that some people when they're looking at their house all bills.
Just think do I really need a current affairs magazine when I can get all my news for free from so many different subscriptions you think about your magazine subscription the same way as a TV subscription with gave you a subscription at home recently and I got like a mailbox service.
You should have put them all in the same in the same Bunch don't you that that's very decadent and everything sort of yes, but as I say when you have free alternatives.
I mean nothing like the quality of each of those and there's a reason that they're print numbers perhaps are going down but they're digital.
Will get onto are going up is because it's part of a controlled migration so some of the the digital figures will be the relief and also the plan for numbers that all of those publishers are hoping for but I do think it's a sad day.
I mean the date.
We've seen so many magazines go the wave digital we saw the likes of enemy moving from weekly to sort of less regularly to then you know will be a digital offering only and of course those of us who remember the sweet smell of a new magazine flipping through the letterbox Jackie have you what's happened to Dr is it's a sad day, but I think as long as those who have successfully migrated.
I don't have anything to fear it's the ones who haven't played catch up and about having to try and I think that we have reached peak digital subscription as well.
Action fever in people are I want to opt out of the use my my opinion would be a little bit like what Caroline saying the migration from a printed magazine or newspaper to a print to digital magazine and newspaper is inevitable and it's inevitable because of the cost of producing these printed Editions it just doesn't make any sense anymore and the and the magazine have done the best of course with The Economist has a huge amount of digital subscription paywall Marina lot of money in fact.
They're always held up.
It's kind of the poster child for how you do it if you do it a digital version but yeah, if I don't make it cos they they don't figure it out quick enough to make the digital thing work and they don't know how.
Migrator their consumers to the digital version remember that this is a huge chef for the media business having to actually know who your readers are in your subscribers in the old days, you sort of put your newspaper and a new standard know who's buying a you.
Just knew that was gonna read the Amazon so you're really talking to your add people than you were to your consumers or consumers is a very different get a know who your consumers are when they want to see you read you in a we're going to find you all that kind of stuff.
That's a very different world that we're looking at here and I'm reading something I like her otherwise because if they don't then democracies in peril.
That will be my my bottom one on that mention The Economist there and distal cells are up for economist is that just because they know her audience is and a product that delivering it works well in the digital realm completely specialist.
God is the market leaders they are the experts of their content of their sector and I think perhaps it's one of those lucky stars that if you were looking if you if I I will never be a financial economist in any sense but if I were and I thought well it becomes if I it's almost as though I wouldn't be able to do that job without taking particular title.
So you are lucky that they secured that position through many many years of graft of moving their brand investment total investment and of course with the advertising I get that high-end and that sector they probably have a little bit more disposable income to turn it around and continue to invest so they will only carry on winning I would predict.
Where is I mean? I wouldn't want to be a financial magazines starting up in the Stone Age unless you go only digital and you create something completely different spoken to Jack in the radio Times just get all sub Stack and just makeover.
Michael your reader's pay for you.
I would you know if there is a window.
I think when I had to sort out my own freehold mortgage and I became for a whole week I complete expert in sweetheart.
I could do this and was replaced with more important things like TV shows once again Northwood be replaced by Jamie Laing haven't gone down well in some radio circles at North is off to do capital Radio breakfast show replacing Roman Kemp Caroline quite a long time to pop up a friend post about him that sort of stuff off and heat radio about 10 years ago.
Why is he called so much constellation? I just think everything just comes a little bit too easily in sense of he is the McVitie's air I mean you will never be short of money or biscuit, but we know that he was in.
Play until he lasted what the whole don't show it broke his leg, so I don't think things come as easily for him as perhaps it would appear there has been a bit of backlash and it's totally I've seen in recent weeks about reality stars taking on the airwaves generally I think those days of the regional jokes in their time doing the graveyard shifts turning up week off the week for that hard working but reward lis 0 to 4 a.m.
Graveyard shift those days appear to be no self-respecting agent wants to present that to their reality of course already has millions of followers who can kind of name their price and so instead.
I kind of slip into these roles because they bring in theory a big audience but the tourists that does Jamie and Jordan have two very successful podcasts obviously separately and they both want to be on.
Stream radio stations is that cash is that there is still it still shining off that they wanna spend the toddler future-proofing is interesting in it because I can remember Jimmy mulville making this point in a different world about BBC3 and when the BBC made that big decision to move BBC3 on my mobile says you're kidding yourself all the YouTube stars.
They want to be on Prime Time television and of course not so much these days, but I think you're tapping into something there.
There is just thing I guess they grew up with it perhaps their satisfying the 12-year-old has even younger 8-year old sells thinking I made it to the Radio 1 Breakfast Show him what you doing now? It's still it still I know the numbers are falling away as audiences and migrating to as Kate said podcasts pretty much of anything else, but there is still a kudos.
There is a name.
Ignition if it means that you're in the car on the way to school it means you're reaching you at those parents as well as the youngsters and I guess it kind of it means it gives you the versatility as an individual for then going off in different directions because pop is a young man and woman to get yes, so I can get the figures and whether it's the Radio 1 drivetime show the capital projects about 2/2 million little so not to be sniffed at and sort of solid numbers potentially lucrative looked at 1 and happened Jordan disappeared quite quickly from Radio 1 which is unusual for the BBC very usual for commercial radio so I think you'll find out maybe a bit later on what happened there and it's never nice.
If what have you been stars up some leaves? What is that the BBC's job to go and find the next Jordan North I think I would love the BBC to be less in Thrall to
Inverted commas very inverted big names Talent and with that big salaries.
I do think that it's the BBC's job to basically emulate that great produce Baxter and to create stars out of Frankie nobody's to look for skill sets to look for unknowns and to say come and do television is it harder to do now than it used to be imagine it is but also there's a lot more YouTube to dig around in I mean if you're effectively a football scout.
There's a whole ton more country the games to go and inspect and to find your next Jordan North gets here.
Then goes off capital radio has to pay him the line Gary Lineker one day may come to the lure of commercial television everyone BBC Breakfast relief study, do that little mini could be paid for that care quite worried now about the division.
Mini Gary Lineker's ITV1 show where do you think he's off to next what what do you think that? I'm sure I said it hasn't escaped his agents notice that Ben Shephard recently vacated his hair on Good Morning Britain this morning, so there's one low-hanging write down.
I'm sure I could I think I can hear them disgusting it in the ivy as we speak but he's he's coming from soda pop royalty George Michael as he's got the he has to pop stars with parents.
He's done great great work at capital radio in terms of building the shows profile and his own.
He's made documentaries.
It's there for the taking isn't that he can pretty much we will see what he does anything about Roman because he's got father was George Michael when he gets some of the royalties for a couple of George
Amazing flexibility with what he wants to choose to do and apparently the movie quiz this week in title of manifest is all the rage these days and we need to podcasts on no strangers to jump on the bandwagon, so can you decipher the media manifestations from these cryptic clues guess the media story from Watford putting my script buzzing with your name's if you know the answer and Caroline you'll say Caroline because of a Down the line Kate you look of my first whistle Caroline as with any joking right.
Let's play manifesting a buzzard with your name if you think you know why might the revolving restaurant turnagain Caroline Caroline thank you.
This is about.
BT tower which has been sold well has been agreed to be sold for get this 275 million to MCR hotel.
They plan to turn it into a prestige hotel, which will bring to an end 11 incredibly long celebrated error, where what was it first the post office and then BT Tower I hope that it still satisfies certain city of London requirements to do things with its light shows when something special turns up my parents actually on their very first date to the BT tower for the revolving restaurant my father used to make great weather out of the fact that he went with one woman but the floor turn around and you turn around and don't know how to do that.
Thank you too.
How did a local BBC weather presenter become a party pooper feel like I should.
What is actually my story from deadline which is that cause a Kramer who is one of BBC North West weather presenters, so very very over that her job planning and then she got caught up in one of those oh the cringe those spontaneous to fill a couple of seconds before the end credits and the host and about if we made the enquiry.
What are you doing this weekend and she off the top of your head mentioned that she was going to her niece's surprise birthday party and of course.
It wasn't a surprise anymore because she was Broadcasting to the it was it was clearly a we've got 12 seconds the film back in in this fragmented Media age.
We can still ruin children's birthday parties submit stop all bad news Caroline podcast you very well on the quiz so for a beginner.
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My name is Matt Deegan the produce was Matt Hill it was a reason audio production.
I'll see you next week.
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