Read this: Freelancer Appeal, Top Gear “Rested” TikTok Pranks
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Play Welcome to the media podcast on the show this week.
Who'd working TV with reports of lowering safety standards and financial hardships On The Rise I speak to Marcus Ryder about a new also on the programme Top Gear is being arrested by the BBC but for how long are all that plus we follow the latest twists and Turns of the Telegraph sale tiktok pranks that went too far and in the media.
We get the biggest winners of the week of the media podcast in the news this week Sam Altman was reinstated is open aiico this Wednesday 5 days after being sacked for not being cancelled his communications with the board altman's rehiring makes in the company's ford.co in just 5-days ITV host their annual upfront this the ITV palooza in front of around the audience and lots of quips about Nigel Farage ITV also revealed it would show extraordinary at Disney TV show on their platforms in 2024.
The TV presenter and actress Annabel Giles passed away on Monday after a month-long battle with a brain tumour a Giles had a very successful career appearing on panel shows like I got news for you and radio 4S just those paying tribute included two Perkins Krishnan guru-murthy and Sarah green tea time here isn't it is quite busy as we get towards Christmas also I've noticed that you've been busy on the Old guardian live blog.
Yes, I've been doing a Bake Off live blog following each week within the 10th having a big old moaning about how things aren't as good as they used to be you know just sent home from Home dog on half an hour before there's a lovely community people who follow it every single week and then people who try to bake along with all the different technical to share me there updates with how they've been getting on.
And it's an is lovely too.
I think have a place that's all about bake off in one place of after them when you're on Twitter or x whatever the hell.
It is now and just scrolling on it's just the spare wither storm in the horrible sad well that with our living in at the moment.
So but I mean I think it is really is it in terms of where we are with this series will now in heading towards the final series and ok Siri anything I think they've gone back to basics and terms of the recipes they've listen to the order about all the complaints.
They were having Alison Hammond is an absolute the lights in the show and had such a great presents.
I think the issue was with about Midway through they just decided to do a really hard technical just too kind of find floors of people yeah, if I feel like they're going back to old old tricks again.
From the press Gazette have you been watching they cost to yes and that technical driving me mad.
It was too.
I mean it felt like they were baking something that really thought up in a dream sponge pudding and you was the steam it won't you for 45 minutes no more about this basically.
They give them and if they're all bad, but they're all just done debate then clear.
It's just a problem with the actual Darth play baked the lemon and thyme bundt cake.
I really can't call it when it comes up scooters bikes.
Have you seen my baking I mean? I'm just gonna be politically neutral ok first story wanna talk about a stream of stories actually this week.
I'm working conditions in the film and TV industry applications for every sector because the add downturn first of a survey by Betsy and the northern Foundation into the safety concerns, what did they reveal so they revealed that there is a lot of time within the industry in regards to the health and safety on Productions they had a survey and almost three quarters of the 700 or so people responded said that quote the safety or that of a colleague has been compromised at work and a call this comes from back to that represent workers also Mark milsome Foundation
That was set up after for death of a British camera operator Mark Nelson who was killed in 2017 was going for a car stunts for black earth rising I mean I think it's feeds into the general situation that many freelancers are finding themselves at the moment in which they might not feel that they can speak up where they are working just because of the stress that is existing within the industry right now.
I mean you wouldn't want to complain really feel about your working practises because I think they might be a mentality.
You should be thankful to be working here particularly at the moment where or opportunities are harder to come by and I think there is a general sense of in the industry of people feeling that they cannot speak up because I've heard there.
I mean in the whole range of issues.
Not just in regards to this one because they feel that being a freelance economy, and they will somehow not be able to get the work.
The next job down the line that is understandable reason why people might not want to speak out.
I think such surveys such as these I think highlights the concerns that happening within the industry and I think highlighting the necessity of there being more stringent rules because the consequences particularly when it involves safety on Productions could be you know the traffic.
There's also a long history of long working hours are there in the media but in that case of the progress to be made maybe sort of working from home.
Do you think she thinks of taking a bit of a step back or has this is it just talking about? What always what happened probably hasn't happened.
Yeah, but like in many areas of society with trying to improve things like the past 10-years a lot of things have been unacceptable that previously were just there.
It work is a big part of that and yeah more recently work it home.
I wonder if it's good that this is come up because yeah with lots of the talk about working at home and offices.
I think people like cruise out in the field and things could maybe get forgotten about people have a narrative about you know office in commuting home desk.
This is something quite different, but it's still very serious so the fact that they're making sure that this isn't forgotten and you know 6 years after a death is not still progress can be made and we make sure that it happened so it will be interesting to see what happens next I seriously I take it you're sort of connect to this week BBC's going to be resting Top Gear in the aftermath of an accident that almost kill presenter Freddie Flintoff connected isn't it? I mean there's some implications for the brand.
But it does play to that that study.
Yeah, I mean I think too many people have been following this story.
There's a visual cancellation or not really a Qatar cancellation suspension radio surprise in the crew as I know it's not been in place for a long time now many of the people who were attached to this programme on now working Elsewhere and of course safety risk particularly in regards to Freddie flintoff's injuries and recovery is the absolute priority and I think it would have been wrong for the BBC 2 just confuse me making ok as as things come at least and I think it was really interesting to me was comments by James May on the Today programme all that today podcast yesterday is in Wednesday we talked about actually maybe the whole of Top Gear and motoring shows need a rethink that was really interesting when it came from somebody who it was.
Closely tied to it meaning great for some sort of car seems Fallout 4 very expensive episodes was being incredibly cryptic about how many people watching and then of course if I came many so much fewer episodes and now it's like once in a while whilst of course he on his number of tools Clarkson's farm and James May's now.
Got his very BBC2 style program on that platform is actually going to Japan or doing whatever he likes.
He's a great broadcaster at that.
I think obviously a lot of Top Gear even though with the show in modern you have tried to I think reflect a lot more of some modern cultural inclusivity.
I think it's still despite the fault.
I think pulls itself back to.
Really, I think exist that much anymore so I feel that it will take a creative in 5-years.
Let's say to come back to in sale in this way without feeling like it's riding on the coattails of what made that show so successful in the first place for BBC Studios a core program for versions and there's the website and there's magazines it doesn't help the big BBC Studios global expansion does it probably other things they can do with the brand that they can evolve I mean previous point about have things always been like this or has it changed? You know Richard Hammond hasn't really serious crashes on Top Gear and but now we're at a stage where something like and things are over.
Where is before it was kinda like that was bad.
Ok that after a kind of sufficient for will move on but it just feels like everything that taking so much.
And so perhaps there's space for a kind of a more modern Top Gear like the saying you know it's it's time to change the sound of it is kind of maybe a bit but there is some brand recognition, but that doesn't mean it always has to be the same thing.
I mean this is a week's weather BBC our relaunch from Doctor Who is 66th birthday.
I mean that has that's how to hide.
It is over.
It's time as well, but they are past Masters it recreating something data and I think my favourite creative people involved in the certainly new life and to define size.
I think the pressure on the BBC to create globally successful Brands is more than ever now.
I think it was like the icing on the cake.
Wouldn't it be great to have a shower in 150 countries or so now.
It's a bit of a necessity.
Just to plug the 300 OSO £1000000 worth.
Programming course that they've had to do because of a licence fee squeeze and I think you know it is very much a priority now of the BBC to think about how they can extend showing anywhere they can I think it's a primary reason why Doctor Who joined up with Disney plus because it's distribution is far.
Why they probably have involvement as a code pro in terms of fun fun into it to you know that much of our budget.
So this is this is this BBC couldn't to watch Doctor Who on terrestrial channels on iPlayer but outside of the UK that's gonna be able to see + global potential quite a lot of yes and every single country and market practically I was on holiday last year and I was thinking very nice sunny climb in South America turned on.
And it was Rick Edwards on a random game show following an episode of doctors.
Shall I was at the only picture awards this week and still concerned about the BBC and they were saying that's always talk to them and they were concerned that BBC basic lyrics of international media organisations sorted with a contract with the government to make some UK programming is that the case are they transitioning to there such a future post licence world.
We're actually being a global brand is more important checking out some public service telly shows to the UK that usually through the prism of what they do in the place and there's been a lot over the past year as we talked about before about local news and what they doing.
They cut back on local radio or they not as much as originally intended.
Online local news and that upsets the commercial news providers in so I mean if it does feel like whatever they do whether it's locally or nationally or internationally at kind of upset someone and they never going to win with everyone but they are kind of by the nature recipe do all things to all people and as we already said they are having to plug a gap by doing more internationally say you certainly understand.
Why they need to do that the commercial opportunities are not even talking to some of the Doctor Who lot over the past few weeks and they are they making a UK Cheryl they making a thing for the hope it is very much a UK show I mean I think it continues on the heritage and success the doctor who has had since 2005.
I don't think that's that's any different and I think that.
Davis has always had a very smart take on the show which is still have stuff for the fans, but actually make it a show that is attracting a large audience of every single week not leaning into the fandom too much giving them enough to be satisfied, but they're always going to watch without fail anyway.
I think I'm following on from the previous.
I think it all comes down to about where the BBC's heading out.
It's really going to be down to its licence fee renegotiation because the biggest he is still making very much to be a universal service with the government has its way you know he wants to make it into a subscription service went to a tiered service the moment that happens to be busy as we know it is over the moment that is it as a universal forecast going to be catering specifically to those people who are applying for subscriptions.
That's when it will be thinking about services or who can be paying the most money for it.
How can we go and do that?
Net for the BBC's not resetting everybody but I think this is a bit about them getting slight March on that and if you can if they can turn themselves into a more global business fast yeah, they got a better chance of coping with whatever they given later on yet.
It's difficult to to get there quickly.
I I think about try to do prefer at the same time.
They're trying to satisfy.
It says who feel that they will not get their shows from another broadcaster.
So it's still trying to do all of the Public Service Broadcasting Commitments that they need two numbers ever Ofcom guidelines that say you have to have something else of religious educational programs.
How many hours of factual programming like the BBC will have to make those regardless but also at the same time trying to now.
I think be very competitive and a global market where there's a lot of money been having those Big Show's I can help bringing cash and then that can help I guess it's stained the universality of the BBC as well.
So it's so it's trying to do this to think.
It was a worthwhile, so recognising the BBC is a Shoei highly regarded global brand.
I mean it is known for having a very different approach than CNN another task broadcasters am kind of calibrating not a limit in the UK but certainly obviously isn't there is a limit of advertising and revenue and subscriptions, but there's a potential in the US obviously a lot of well some of the brands going for the advertising work at some of them going for subscriptions from people that they feel like being Katie and the BBC obviously doesn't it kind of it still it has a unique place among these UK people going to do that they see an opportunity basin using entertainment that.
Isn't quite being filled thanks both moving back to conditions for the sector as part of our ongoing coverage of the commission slow down and how it's affecting the freelance market.
I spoke to Marcus Ryder and by the way that the film and TV charity Christmas appeal to support Cruise and their families I started asking Marcus about the hardships people of face this year to put it in context in April we give out financial hardship grants, so it's a limit of £750 button on average.
It's week and upgrades £550 and it doesn't sound like a lot of money, but it's a different thing something off to pay the rent or not paying the rent is due between someone being evicted and not being evicted me off to pay gas bill or not paying their electricity bill choosing between food and electricity and
If you then combine that which we do with financial advice and and debt advice, it's enough to keep the Wolves away from the door and then to restructure your finances restructure your debts and I'm at work out what you going to do next and keep people in the industry and so in April £30 went outside door in those hardship grants by July because of those the writer strike but more us right is right but more because of your cost of living crisis BBC licence fee freeze ITV and Channel 4 advertising is down so there's commissioning and so what you started to see and you'll never see back to stats on this what he started to see.
The Needles greater the Demand on those hardship fund great so by the time we get to July 30000 out the door had jumped almost double which was £55,000 a month in July going out the door then had the actor strike sow in August that then jump to £173,000 out of the door, Productions is no access to the end in drama.
Which is now in in the UK of us, can you shut down production? That's that's literally thousands of people I'm at work so we got £173,000 in often comes up timber.
It was over quarter of a million.
We are heading out in grants now had to strike Santa come to an end and we saw almost an immediate drop in demand for an applications, but we'll see now.
Normal it hasn't gone back to 30,000.
It's back to 80000 you know it so we're looking at a 150% increase looking at 200% increase in what would normally see the time of the year special about Christmas and with the amount of money that we've had to give ourselves.
We need more money to actually pay to keep that kind of level up to make sure that we are not turning people away because we have a new normal now the New Normal is the fact that the commission fees in ITV and Channel 4 and not commissioning the way they used to the streamers are not armour working 2 tighter financial models and they previously I mean I'm sure you've got the cash bigger has been somewhat closed yeah.
I'm sure you've covered this.
I'm not sure you have covered this in in previous shows and so you know.
Reality that there is Armagh and I think the people that are really taking the Brunt of that is your idea that we have a freelance model and the freelance model armpits all the financial risk onto or not all of it.
I'm sure people from Netflix and the company's name is down to a pregnancy and and we've seen it in terms of whether they would have been played somebody if a production lasted Unscripted Productions last 3 months.
They are bringing people on for a shorter period of time as possible, so you'll only have that series 2 on for a tiny bit of time.
They will make sure the that direct to come on for a shorter period of time in in in a minute.
They can keep the director of their kicked often and so that they're longer periods of time between work and then for the sun.
Commissioned or something is the commissioning is paused you know the real feel that I have and the reason why I'm so would appeal for people to give to the charity is because we're seeing people leave the industry.
We seeing a massive massive issue, isn't it? So it's all well and good so all those shutdown little come back or just write to overall the commissioning stop by the Widnes area people to do the work anymore.
That's the other is the massive problem and it's not and it's no longer a hypothetical or Sophia it's real.
You know it's people are leaving the the industry where anecdotally we are getting more and more people.
Same just can't make it work anymore.
What do freelancers say about how it's affecting them? So we do a survey every two years of the entire industry armour and Good Looking Glass ever and that's another reason to contribute released contribute to the measured because we have you can't sell what you don't forget measured gets done.
If you look at that survey in the year preceding that survey 29% of people of respondents to the survey work in film and television and cinema at suicidal ideation 29% letter third because things are so hard that is is you know I'm not know when your next job is coming so.
Some of the drivers that we've identified is brilliant, so bullying is right now in the streets is an issue which people have acknowledge now and so we do a brilliant service to actually trying to address their and there's other and broadcasters and large Indies also acknowledge that it has been a problem and so it is being addressed, but it's not solved that levels of pressure is a bit if your stuff already.
It's another Level that's being because sometimes the pressure you feel pressure someone to believe further exactly and again all these things are interconnected and you have some water budgets and you have quicker turnaround and why have you say all these things into connected loneliness is also massive driver armour in mental health and so it's hard.
We address that and again in her in a freelance setting where you coming for one job and then you.
Don't have that same team around you or you know that's also another number of drivers to wire a sector mental health.
This is an issue so the stats and the stories that we hear 29% of people that in that year had suicidal ideation 11% self-harm and so you know this is just a indication of the fact that we have a mental health crisis and so we offer free counselling we offer therapy we have bullying advice and support as well boring because you know but if we don't do that.
You know they're obviously just as loving and caring human beings we wanted to put these people.
but if you love Film and Television
We want them to send industry either highly skilled people.
We are you picking other fish tank.
He's not texting you know.
How do you know if you're going to have to find you people going to have to train them you're going to have to what time is the money to to do that and and the reality is that we live in her international market and large part of it is let's be frank about it is American Productions saying where can I go and while the tax relief and the tax breaks are really important in attracting these massive production one of the million reasons one the fantastic reasons that they come to Britain is not just because of tax break this be honest about it.
Cos we have the introduction have the skill base so if you you know I had tax breaks in a place which did not have the skills and the and the human capital that 11 so if we if these people leave the industry.
You know the reality is that they will go out with those massive us Productions will go elsewhere and then that will have a multiplier effect and then you will see.
Thousands hundreds of thousands of people at work interviews Marcus on the feed for Monday to donate to the film and TV appeal film TV charity.org.uk film TV charity to org.uk tonight in the show notes as well and if you've been affected by the shoes raised remember.
There's always someone to talk to you or text at the charity the Samaritans can be reached on 116 123 and you can check the show notes for details about that outside the UK and Ireland are we going to fill the UK's energy challenges equinor is looking at the broader energy picture from wind power Toyland gas and carbon together.
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Inshallah back and I need to be careful not to say scone Charlene a back.
That's what I really want to rush back.
What's happening latest latest Turn Of The Screw earlier this week.
I had to have a proper child god.
What is what has happened? What does this mean? So basically sort the late? Isn't it might still have change actually but because I was a deadline day signings by the time it comes out here but for now the Berkeley family.
He did the Telegraph before Lloyds do you say a billion pounds in they've got together with the former CNN president Jeff zucker in the he's now CEO of an investment group.
Call red bird.
I am I and they are based in Abu Dhabi and then them together with some added my name but he's the owner of Manchester City Football Club as well.
They put a bid together for about 1.2 billion, which would buy back the Debt basically and then it looks so nevermind sale how about we just pay back what we are they kind of get first dibs almost if they can pick repay it and then redbird.
I am I said as it happens and they said they would have the option to transfer that into shares and they would have essentially want to do that as soon as possible and get full ownership and so they out statement, so it's not that the Telegraph people want it back themselves, or is it own it with red bird? There is a bit of a question mark over that I think.
Previously, it was framed as Barclays so much.
Have you back but now it seems that it would kind of it would probably be Jeff soccer so much more to follow.
I'm sure is it worth 1.2 billion quid maybe not work.
They wouldn't have gone that.
I know no it is over yeah.
It's for that exactly why they were the sale of Yorkshire press has been paused while that's kind of look down all the jillian's illegal stuff etc, and so basically to stop the other potential bidders from having to bother well that might be the main thing so that's like Mayo Lord Rothermere National World David Montgomery GB news investors Sir Paul Marshall
Frontrunners still there still like waiting to see what happens again.
So yeah, basically what happens next is the Colchester Lucy Frazer has said she's minded to intervene with a public interest intervention notice and has asked off come and the competition and markets authority to look to see if there is any she should be intervening over and if so, they would they would be like a proper investigation and that's obviously because of the foreign money so now let me know if you look at these papers past and present the foreign people having them or and still had Murdoch press.
It's not a UK independent major shareholders of Jenny yes, that's basically they red bird had a chance to.
Can you respond in the deadline with Thursday afternoon and then at least you Fraser will waiting? Yeah? I mean just gotta give them in the government love getting involved in media things because they're all externalist but all of them pretty much is an approaching election sort of gives them the ability to make people sing their tune a little bit if they going to decide what happens to deals.
I mean possibly I mean I just find it whole story rather fascinating just because of maybe the intentions of who wants the only title really for cos I feel like for Murdoch The Spectator at has been something that I think he just wanted to say red and really and sing article I think with Lord Rothermere correct me if I'm wrong.
I think it was a financial times of the time.
It was in the X close.
But that was I think interesting because they want to have it because of the fact that the Telegraph membership model has had a metered paywall when I have an awful.
Lot of people who they can reach you an email and it's something that they are trying to do with their own titles, but of course if they had them in one big shop.
That would be very beneficial older right wing pots, but I guess that will cause questions about competent authorities about Cher what would happen to the I newspaper when they get off load somebody else and and so forth that then of course you look at GB newses owner Paul Marshall and then you look at how GB news has been formed and you can see by just the sheer amount of Cabinet ministers opening hours main host and presenter that securely I feel as a blizzard influence tool rather than it is as a business Enterprise and employment as my missus the Abu Dhabi in.
This isn't because they necessarily massive fans of the the great journalistic work of the team of the Telegraph it's that they wanted to sit alongside Man City and it was in The Telegraph themselves had a leader Colin this week saying we understand that readers might be concerned about this like the staff and we agree that we need like a princess this happens all keep editorial independence etc.
And I mean it's perfectly possible that they be completely independent of course even that you know people obviously look at worst case scenario as you said but slightly different but you know people talk about like Lord Rothermere for example and and the mail titles but I spoke to you.
I had a Holly Duff quite recently and he said you know no way Lord Rothermere gets involved like he never Emma so it's right to worry about that, but that won't necessarily having beer and and you.
The political influence and yes, it's very strong for that.
I'm but also in the US I think I read somewhere and again.
I can't remember where for this one, but possibly just suck it would be thinking that the Telegraph a few of them thinking that could expand into the US so they think there's kind of a centre-right pool of people in the US that the Telegraph could see it and obviously there's an election coming up there all the Americans left in the market to target newspapers cookie-free the past few weeks is the Google internet Google rules are changing about cookies and accessing other people's cookies that party cookies, so we are the MailOnline own solution last week.
Basically they trying to make sure that they can give personalised advertising to the people that just click reject all this week because reject all should always be a one click option and off and it's not and I think they're going to Crackdown on that but so this will become even more important because probably when people realise how is project they will I talk to my Mum about cookie banners.
She's not stupid techno l.
I said we can just press reject or is that a good statement you sometimes even if I say no, I'll be redirected always to Yahoo homepage.
You don't know why that's always the case it seems that the rejection option or at least like there's something major on the web page.
You won't be able to see your you.
I'll be missing out for me to get the experience, but that shouldn't usually the case occasionally but yeah basically they just got this new kind of privacy away thing they say the first.
Publisher in the UK to have it so basically you'll get like what they say is a contextually relevant ad for example for a food brand on a recipes page, but hasn't use any personal data, so that's the kind of thing that advertises want rather than if you can't use any person no personalisation at the moment then you're just not surprised by the Magimix I thought it yeah, I mean I also think this from a consumer perspective they just so annoyed at the whole bloody system in the first place like just a fat on every single website.
You will go on forever.
You will have a boxer comes up like just give me the bloody news and it's all that I'm here to see this is the reason why I'm on there and it just feel that like all of the rules have been.
Space have made it more frustrating for the consumer that perhaps the advert selection.
That's there to help me buy the products.
I am in.
I I'm not all that world for say I'm going to play somebody who goes on the internet a lot, but it's something that I think need to just be a lot more smoother for people and seem less intrusive for customers and visitors and you like alright.
I'm more like to look at the times of scared of being followed that sofa is following me around the internet.
You know what the creepiest one of all the advert say your name was having a few times on Channel 4 or more authority or whatever where is Tesco's Scott there's a new car over the other day was on there any gay play advert for I think one of the mains on exchange and then it then said oh by the way your nearest shop is in Bethnal Green and it showed on the map during the advert.
And I would like to get out just getting out.
No this is too much I can understand some ways has gone and technology and we can just say where they live just give him the postcode and say whether they are at home.
I don't do that.
Don't do that well staying on internet friends Grandad I'm just saying you have Missy the self-styled tiktok prankster has been jailed for 18 weeks by judge tiktok videos will not funny and this is doing stunts, but I just really aggressive are no it's not even such a rush into people's houses and scaring them thing that's bad enough is like a lot of people on the internet posting videos of people in the street without their permission whether they just doing getting up going about the day or whether you interact with them as well.
And he kind of Take That even further that judge great was so funny.
I think the headlines slightly take out contacts, but really he said like it was more of an admonishment rather than a judgement on on his sense of humour.
I think but yeah, I think it's good that did he literally after he was asking call you like went on TV I think and I was like yeah.
I was like the law is stupid and understanding against AUD need to make an example sometimes also I went to pick up original one Piers Morgan season see at the it's all about the extreme version of Internet attention and going for a young person may be considered much more about his life.
Just gets more interaction more likes more likes more likes I will do more extreme things that I see if there is is that journalist?
About how much they cover these doors because I think in this case know once you have somebody who is essentially a public troll then given media attention for how much they are going to be at that it gives me national platform to address to give them what they want to avoid it.
I think you can sometimes question is make accountable in journalism should not be there for skipping stories by think the has to be a sensitivity around it and I have people questioning the purpose of having an interview in these people as they would do with a whole range of different subjects and you are it's about just likes and attention.
I thought I'd find the tiktok.age that were on social media very similar to the YouTube sort of explosion only had about 10 years First wave of Loggers Loggers just a lot of people doing a lot of things for attention Logan Paul at the suicide forest coronavirus and also put people like me on.
Is to get clicks like it's all with the same sort of thing they want people to click on the YouTube version is a bath or to attract attention back to the meeting there was probably will go viral wait until we have him till my heartache ends on the outlets in the reason.
Why they would want that person to be on or not, but I think there is a there is a question about how much do you feel the flames actually think about people and newsrooms asking questions.
I did enjoy who you who someone was after and instead got through to you this week Scott what was that wanted you to talk about I'm a Celebrity yeah.
Yeah a news broadcaster this week, and I think what happened was they met me to go on to talk about.
But instead they have sent the email.
They were meaning to send Christine Hamill has agents so it's like can we have Christine Hamilton on the email car can pick her up and do her makeup let me know we great to have it on the program.
So I then responded unfortunately I'm in Salford I can't help with this item and that's a bit later and reply yeah, they said sorry lovely speaking of winning and I see that's winning this week.
Just enough time for the media create this week's entitled and the winner is there been a few winners this week as various Media Awards do so taking place.
I'm going to give you the category.
Yeah, you tell me the winner answers to Charlotte you will say and the winner is.
He goes yes, correct.
I mean it like she has had his one so many awards now one size at the RTS Awards where I think she want to and she had little difficulty trying to stop her wards into her bag and get the zip up and about the time that is being success when you're having problems like bass to share the award with someone extra an extra bonus point if you know sorry Lisa the an Indian met somebody special category audio network or publisher of the Year Charlotte the one at the audio production Awards which took place on Wednesday community Radio station in London
I mean, but I think that's great.
Isn't it because sometimes I think the smaller networks think on their feet have to have creative ideas.
I've always been a firm Believer sometimes that that it always comes to creativity money of course is great helps, but an idea is greater Than Money Transfer started.
It's just celebrated 25 years and they had a show where a mother pushed around a pram round black local garden little park, and they had her and she had like phone inside the pram and seems to have picked up this soundscape like snatched bits of conversation as you went round the park that would be lovely lovely well done.
So it's all on this a different who won a 10-year contract this week.
Decrease in Amazon always give the names mixed up Jackie and Kyle going to say to people aren't aware of their work.
They are very well-known Australian radio presenters.
They've been on that station for years.
I member that they have been boil didn't quite controversy some serious some not too serious.
I listen to their announcement to say they can be staying on and of course the immediate.
Shut away this war within 10 seconds have I lived my bedroom radio listening to Nick Grimshaw's and Danny Mac's great new podcast and a call later swear on that too.
Cos it's a problem and that's still not against wearing.
I'm not used to hearing very established radio broadcasters swearing randomly between and of course that's on sounds, but they do all the time on Jackie is in to sing it but it's a 10-year.
Yes, this is a 10-year deal worth around 200 million Australian dollars for so long that I'm big money so the reason they they produce much Cassius is a RN in Australia is the service user successful profitable they are and there was going to start somewhere casting into another capital city, so it's going to go into place until make they believe some more money from that from that location and they reckon it will cost them like new money about through $4000000 a year over that contract like the advertising flight from this deal will make it make you work for me, but it is also just a little bit kind of unnerving to have a commitment worry about the future of Media when it's all shifting particularly when it comes to audio singing if they can launch more with your products have more available on demand that for you to just go 10 years and 10 years time.
It's still going to be great is a very big moon.
Are there is there some Talent and we should have touched on clocks already on stage show the hasn't had a good chance actually of remaining and in a world where everything split a million ways for her taking some some big bets to secure even for the beginning of that contract that might work work work out big money new thing really is the sort of person worth it supposed to make outlets but they love them even like today is the day after the budget day and some of the newspaper front pages.
I think the Telegraph thing in particular at the top.
They've got all the columnist like these are the people that talk about the budget and that's what the reader's want but yeah, I'm at the Daily Mail massive Daily Mail front page off and has the front pages off and trailing a column so I don't I don't
Evidence I'd love to see evidence of like linking the colonists and the other big names to see the money than anything TV radio internet to talk newspapers works for the Amity you should have know what to expect you like the contents and it's so they keep coming back.
Doesn't it? Where is more things like the news on music by has the less of that pool for these big brands? It is and thank you for the media podcast listen for sticking with the great Talent that you've got here.
What does Christina win a car and make-up wherever she wants.
What you're writing sunny.co.uk everywhere lovely.
Thank you from us today at the London podcast Studios it's all the cool kids are and remember you can get 25% off your first booking when you use the code in media pod at London studios.com cancel a virtual London podcast years.com use the code mediapad for 25% off the show remember to hit follow on your podcast app of choice to get it in your ears all year at mine is Matty going to produce was Matt Hill with support from Maya cedarland.
It was a rethink audio production.
I'll see you next week.
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