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Read this: 08/07/2022 Radio 4 Feedback

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08/07/2022 Radio 4 Feedback…

BBC sounds music Radio podcasts hello, I'm sure Emily maitlis.

Would have loved to have been on the air this week covering the extraordinary drama and instead choose Tony historian and is define her reporting skills on someone who died half a century ago is tentacles with phenomenal.

You know he recorded he is subtle he spies.

He wiretapped.

He began.

I think his own version of the World Wide Web in an analogue age and fit back.

I'll be talking to Emily maitlis about her podcast series vs.

J Edgar Hoover also broadcasting Radio 4.

It's about a man who many thing was more powerful than some presidents that face anti-communist hoover Sam is the so-called deep state personify and also be asking her if she would like to continue making podcasts for the BBC and hold on a minute Michael Mosley of Us appreciate the health benefits of eating fish but we have to buy.

Against the harmful environmental effects in his series just one thing the Good Doctor advised us to eat more oily fish does he regret not considering the environmental effect of us doing so try and find out and talking of the environment are out of your comfort zone business find plenty to worry about in a world service programme about people and change.

What are the news items that was shared this fascinating but alarm at the same time that's kind of the end of the program fascinating but alarming but did she enjoy it and will she be back from find out later in feedback?

Generation 8 part series the people vs.

J Edgar Hoover Emily maitlis profile be admired, but greatly feared indeed manything downright sinister head of the FBI J Edgar Hoover the Federal Bureau of Investigation is the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States and its principal federal law enforcement agency, and it was lead for nearly 50 years by Hoover perhaps the most powerful non elected official the USA has ever seen you gathered extensive intelligence on friends and enemies alike and even presidents.

We're scared of close to you as your nearest telephone.

I'm Emily maitlis a journalist author and broadcaster has been dead 50-years, but his touch nearly every corner of American life and as I've been finding out his shadow is still there FBI was the Spearhead of a degradation in the face of.

Institutions that so prevalent today.

This is how some of you responded to the series Jonathan on Twitter to listen to Emily's podcast is a masterclass in the balance between telling the story clearly not obviously occasion and allowing us the audience to decide on the morality of hoover hoover Tears by Arthur Miller and the witches episode listen listen and hear Ian on.

It's Lucy surprising occasionally of the moving stuff.

I just didn't know today's FBI wow someone covered voices from the story on mesmerising came when I was picking the lock that I had a banging noise inside and I thought all sleep some of those still alive.

They were not form of Spooks directed by the highest powers in the land as in Watergate they were amateurs mum's dads citizens on a mission.

Play how to be a wake-up call to the American people that was basically creating a secret police play Jump by hidden in the Shadows very well done to her and the team once again a sign of the amazing Talents the BBC allowed desmo.

I'm thoroughly enjoying people vs.

Jeddah hoover who said there is no such thing as a deep state.

I'm surprised by who is apparent lack of personal gain from holding such a powerful position for so long.

No York's no Tuscan Villas passport and overseas travel during his entire life and lots of Alistair's love the podcast.

Why did you want to make this particular one? What was it that fascinated you about who it was a period of history that I had come across in my dad's memoirs funny enough.

Father have been doing a PhD been doing his supposed off work at Cornell University is a fulbright scholar and I always kind of known about this time through his eyes, but his memoirs and I was coming across this really weird phrases about the an American house activities.


Just sort of friends and colleagues of his that are under investigation in the McCarthy Witch Trials essentially have been under investigation and match these two things in my head.

You know when does a chemist do that he was just passed away last month, but he's a scientist.

He's not political he was involved in anything to do is a side of things and yet.

He was clearly movie in circles where this was not a normal thing but not a completely exceptional thing and so I just had always been fascinated by in particular make.

And so I came to hoover I said have discovered.

Hoover is it worth through McCarthyism because it seems a bigger and possibly a boulder way of doing the whole story but that was for me in the introduction.

I think to you your first podcast you said I didn't believe in a deep state.

I didn't now I wonder deep state meaning obviously a group of people who run the country aside from those democratically elected to still wonder about that whether the period and a Hoover the Deep state ran the United States it's an imperfect metaphor but I think what I was trying to explain there was that nowadays you look around and there are a lot of people who have a serious mistrust in the state and all people who say you know I don't believe that the stage trying to do to me here.

I don't believe in the vaccine.

I don't believe covid exists.

I don't believe in what the government doing I believe that Donald Trump won the election.

I believe that Joe biden's been put their.

Paedophiles or whatever is a crazy crazy conspiracy theories are 99.9% logical part of my brain says this is crazy.

We just need to get back to the truth.

We cannot entertain opinion that is this Louis and this unconnected to fact and truth, but as I was studying hoover I understood that the power that he had over America was so intense I Began to understand how in some quarters you could end up thinking that there was a state that was working against another world suggestions that Hoover had a gay relationship with a Patty's closest colleague in the FBI tales are in dressing up as a woman at a party and someone there is some evidence is not overwhelming but you got to go after that.

Why not I read I think about 5 biographies of Hoover and the one thing that everyone kept asking about you know you mention.

All the cross-dresser women's clothes and it wasn't true and so actually we had to throw that out really quickly.

I think he was probably gay and I think he was certainly homophobic and simultaneously we have no proof that you had a sexual relationship with Clyde Tolson with his very very close companion who really still lived at his days, but I also think that there was so much going on in his professional life and what he was doing to America in the power that he wielded that have made a big love the fact.

He was gay and possibly homophobic which wasn't actually that unusual.

I don't think for a man of his age and class in that era.

I felt would have had to Sacrifice something so it wasn't up to the prudishness falling off and it wasn't that we were trying to shy away from it.

It was that we only had 8 episodes.

Broadcast was Michelle Poole the people vs.

J Edgar Hoover was very good throwing the light on a dark period of American History which is not widely known.

I did no other use my interest in politics and the various witch-hunts around reaching out communism is still going on today Steve on Twitter listening to Emily maitlis is Radio 4 programme about Edgar Hoover and the revelations about him most of which have been in the public domain since at least the 1970s.

What do you think you found out that people didn't know before because obviously I'm rather than you are remember hoover quite a bit about it.

It was very powerful and freshly told.

I'm not sure that I heard something that I didn't know in general terms.

I learnt a lot that I didn't know in detail you claim you discovered something particular what we found and it came from historians that we talk to that students.

Don't know about the hoover Young

Even some experts in American politics and policy hasn't really understood the influence that he wielded and he's very unfashionable you know quite frankly he's not talked about that much you talk about the president's and you you talk about the issues and you talk about the state of America and the divisions but nobody had a really done this deep dive into him and this is your farewell to the BBC or are you going to want to make more podcast? You're a famously orange some with people die in The Tourist going somewhere else but you still want to go in a podcast in BBC I never want to stop making podcasts and I definitely want to stay as close as I can to the BBC because it's been my home for the last 20 years and a brilliant one at that so I feel nothing but gratitude for what I had and land and they are not worried about its approach to impartiality which some have said like partly behind your decision to go no no.

Well our audience would have you come back soon.

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much.

Thanks and you can still find the podcast the people vs.

J Edgar Hoover on BBC sounds and please do me your thoughts about that interview or a course anything to do with BBC Radio and podcasts.

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Charles are on our website asking to BBC Radio listeners to step out of their comfort zones and do a program that would normally be on their radar Sarah Fox from York and Jessica man's from London listen to an episode of the climate question, how can we save the world's tropical peatland broadcast on the world service to get an idea of her taste? What would be her top 3 programmes to listen to if she was stranded on a desert island, so my top 3 programmes p.m.

With Evan Davis Morales and In Our Time and you Jessica yourself also inside Health and the world tonight.


Very much more or less is extremely well, we asked you to listen to an episode of the climate question.

How can we save the world's tropical peatland it was on the world service.

Jessica didn't answer the question it set itself how we can save the world tropical people and yes, but I think I was expecting more of a question as a debate so it wasn't quite as much of a question as I've been hoping for what do you think that already made up their mind before they did the program and they was going to tell you this morning agenda and certainly in action for the world collectively not really a question that there was anything mood or controversial so much of the climate agenda.

Is that we must do and there's no ifs or buts about it.

So I was wondering whether the climate question might have some questions within it.

I need something maybe more me something that where there could be more of a dialogue clarity of those concerns.

Would you like to Great a debate?

I think I saw it sorted differently so I saw it as try it.

They talked a little bit about climate doom at the beginning and I think what they were trying to do with the program was mitigate some of those feelings of climate that we probably all feel that I could have informing us about what's happening around the world to try and deal with climate change but I didn't feel I didn't really feel less climate doom at the end that I did at the start.

So yeah, I thought it was kinda more about like informing us inspiring us and let us know that there are things happening and it's all not a lost cause.

I thought that the Solutions that they left us without the end.

Just felt so huge and so insurmountable still that I I wasn't feeling a lot less climate doom at the end then Jessica that is a real problem for program because the larger problem for the world but anyway in terms of program because it's a problem.

It is so awful the potentially there's a bit of us which feels.

I can't better listen.

So they have to work hard at getting you to listen.

Do you think Jessica the 2 presenter setup and the way they went in and out of reports from around the world that maintain your interest yes very much.

So so I live anywhere near me people that I know of so I'm not sure this program would have excited but I prefer climate programmes where their actions as I can take if I can contribute to and I can be proactive myself, which I want to be it was very full briefing about people's it was Thursday had local speakers.

They had expert Highgrove Jessica pretty much on that it was nice to have a couple of presenters kind of it all together, but I liked how they went out to local reporters various different experts University experts for like we got a good overall view of the issue from lots of different perspectives they kept it.

I like the presenters like a bit of humour in there.

There is great like sound effects in the tropical people get one point could be cleared.

This is full of carbon that alright.


You've made up of partially decomposed organic after and because that organic matter as an easy composed the basically stores, what's the carbon in the trees and plants take up that plant dies and that vegetation falls into the ground and it can't fully decompose that means that carbon is trapped in the end.

I suppose a test of a program like this is at the end of it all.

Did you feel a better inform and be that is some actions that could be taken the we can all take it might make a difference Sarah what about you? I definitely felt better for feeling more informed.

I don't think I felt like particularly more hopeful at the end that I did at the Beginning but I felt better for being better in for.

Stop very well informed by the program.

I think he said something at the end about one of the news items that was shared that was fascinating but alarm at the same time.

That's kind of the end of the program alarming but definitely felt better for being better informed Jessica you were fascinated you set the alarm was there anything out for at the Albert Hall of anything that you took away from that way I can do something about this probably not unfortunately which may be disappointed me again, but I've learnt a lot but they weren't action protocols that I could implement that very day or that week you suggesting that would doomed particular one about beat bugs unfortunately that question would you recommend it to your friend suggestion? Would you switch on for another?

No, I don't think I would I think I would prefer a programme where I felt where I'd learnt at least in the first one some things I could do immediately tune into climate programs, but maybe ones where I know that there are instant resources where I can contribute myself for the good of the world.

Will you wear listen again and recommend this program to others and I would recommend it.

I think it was a good step for me towards hearing bar in learning more about it in a very like accessible, Jessica and Sarah thank you very much for joining us.

Thank you and you can catch them program time is question.

How can we save the world tropical peatland on BBC sounds?

Now when you hear this music do you sit up and take notice or switch off and get back under the covers and Dr Michael Mosley and this is just one thing episode.

We'll explore one thing you can start doing today to improve your health or knife in ways you might not expect from Twitter I'm really enjoying Dr Michael Mosley just do one thing to improve your health run downhill, but I can't run uphill meditation boosting your immune system and taking an afternoon nap definitely focusing on the last one well.

I'm delighted to be joined by Dr Michael Mosley where did the idea just one thing come from my came out of a series of brainstorms and I can't claim the credit for it.

It was someone on the production team who came up with the title.

I've been working in this area for a long time.

Look at you know helps if you like, but there was something wrong the beautiful as soon as you hear it you go that is a great title and then everything flows from that so to be honest.

It was mainly the production team.

What does it cost for a serious but one programme on eating oily fish has provoked some controversy.

Just one thing that can help your heart information and has beneficial effects on your brain, so far this week two portions of oily fish the macro which was delicious and yesterday.

I had salmon spread with a little bit of miso paste today for light lunch time maybe some tinned tuna with vegetables Simon Pritchard from Guildford I've just listen to the eat more oily fish episode of the Michael Mosley just one thing program which I normally enjoy upset that Michael made.

No acknowledgement of the fact that eating fish is controversial owing to its potentially damaging effect on biodiversity and the environmental cost of fish farming many of us.

Health benefits of eating fish but we have to balance this against the harmful environmental effects eating fish three times a week is excessive in my opinion and should not generally be encouraged program should have made it clear that there is a balance to be struck particularly as it is presented as a factual science programme.

Did you think Simon Pritchard has a point that you should be taking over factors into consideration in terms of environmental impact does have a point and in retrospect that is something we should have done the thing about jellyfish.

Is it is quite complicated area so the NHS recommend that we two portions of Fish a week.

Only one not really and they don't suggest how they should be done at the moment in the UK we consume about an average of 1 portion fish will be to have to double that is it going to come from the good news? Is that the only fish which is what the item was mainly about think smash salmon mackerel and sardines herring all of these you.

Define sustainable sources of them example mackerel seems to be particularly.

Good line caught off the coast of Cornwall that seems to be a good fish to have the other thing to bear in mind is what are you replacing it with so for example if you are replacing a portion of beef or lamb a week with a portion of fish then that will likely reduce your carbon be cuz fish on the whole has a lower carbon footprint, then there's ruminants.

So yes, he's absolutely right.

We should have had another is had a query about the benefits of Reading a story half an hour a day thinking that it can bring big benefits your body and Rosie from Twitter I'd be really interested to see your comparison for audiobooks.

I think it's there was siting also apply to audio books do audio books have the same impact as reading a physical people have done studies on this and what they find is when you do an

Your book you get students to listen to a story an audio book or to read it the next day recall is very similar but it's an experimental situation, so they knew they were going to be tested in reality listen to audiobook your frequently doing something else some people have received.

Love to sit down there.

Just listen to audiobook with their eyes closed but love them.

Do it when they're driving when they are doing something else and I would like to say we are wonderful at multitasking.

We are not so that what happens when you listen to audiobook, and you're cooking only half your brain is on it to get a missed a lot so I can go back and read it and with an audiobook not so much but the great day audio books novels in particular, and that was what this item was treated for pictures and getting surprisingly when you read a beautiful bit of Dickens and his describing a scene and he describe the smell then parts of your brain associated with smell like up so what?

Novels are doing whether it is audio books or books.

Is there really capturing the imagination.

They're taking you to another world their exercise your brain in wonderful ways, that's why I am such a fan whatever for me where the text me about the programme design Christian from Wirral I enjoy just one thing particularly its concise format.

Just right for a 15 slot and give sensible clear advice however after missing two most episodes and find it a bit formulate each one follows an almost identical format which ones are fed up with how do you need to listen? I can look up to one thing on BBC sounds and implemented myself with Michael Mosley consider that a success or a failure.

Would you consider that a success or failure that before you know what to do now? I don't need you anymore.

I don't need to listen to you anymore.

This is a bit boring and you should refresh things then I will feed that back to the Producers but it is quite simple format essentially I take one thing I tried out the public to try it out.

They talk to an expert you could say that is actually refreshing to be simple because you know what's going and every week is different because you have different experts different things or you could it keeps being tedious? I would say it's like the news on the weather we can have no what's coming somebody going to tell us some stuff over the course of the next few minutes, but hopefully the joy is in the content for me.

It's always in hearing new and surprising things from my ex-partner also enjoying the conversations.

I have with the volunteers Pam Johnson would like to ask Michael Mosley if he is adopted all of the suggestions on a regular basis or just some of them.

Have you adopted most of your recommendation I have adopted Mo

I had a cold shower this morning.

I went off for an early morning sauerkraut now.

We have a section called eat some bacteria and the benefits of fermented foods and I was doing really well on the circuit and then I had a disaster it all went.

Hideously wrong it smelled dreadful tasted rental and check it out now.

I haven't had the courage to go back in and do it again, so I've been sauerkraut free for several weeks and there was one other items which I tried recommended by Sleep expert having a warm bath in the evening around 90 minutes before going to bed because this could help you sleep.

I didn't find it that helpful and if I'm in the morning.

That's quite Loudwater skip that one although I do enjoy the occasional wear from just one thing would you select just one thing what's the most important thing? I think it's probably one of the exercise things as much as anything else, so I love the early morning walks now, so I go out with the dog.

Lucky because I live near a wood so I can go out to nature again another just wanting cover the benefits of green spaces and if you walk briskly you do get a lot of heart benefits it also the early morning light helps to reset your brain, so that hopefully you'll sleep better little reset your internal clock your circadian rhythm multiple benefits from that particular.

Just one thing Michael Mosley the presenter of just one thing and that's it for this week next week will be discussing the BBC's decision to move Radio 4 Extra to online only that send life as a broadcast network after 19 years that began as BB7 in 2002 and was retitled BBC Radio 4 Extra 11 years ago to let us have your thoughts and questions that decision until then goodbye.

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