Analogue radio on 1089kHz
There are several radio transmitters using 1089kHz. Please click below on to find out more.Saturday, 26 October 2013
Alessandro Carmonini8:41 PM
5/9+20 in Imola (bologna) italy at 19.30 UTC. Ciao da Alex Carmonini IZ4GRN.
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Wednesday, 9 December 2020
Don1:33 PM
Listening on 1089 in Shropshire, there are a number of your audio channels all separated in time. Whilst I understand you have several transmitters on that frequency, I am surprised that you have not got the audio feed synchronised - there must be up to several hundred milliseconds difference in audio which makes the signal unintelligible. Is this a short-term issue, or is this the normal situation?
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StevensOnln15:31 PM
Don: This is not the website of TalkSport (or any other broadcaster) and nobody on this website has any control over any transmitters. I have read reports elsewhere of TalkSport's transmitters being out of sync for at least the last few weeks. I would suggest contacting the broadcaster to report the problem. As AM listening continues to decline in favour of DAB and internet radio/smart speakers/mobile apps, the broadcaster may be less likely to do anything about it unless lots of listeners report the problem (some people have suggested that it may be a deliberate experiment to see how many people complain, in order to determine how many of their listeners are still using AM radios).
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