By providing a full postcode (such as W1A 1AA), national grid reference (for example SE123456) or latitude, longitude pair (like 54, -0.5) this page will provide a map, terrain plot and detailed information of the location showing the UK and RoI television transmitters that it is possible you receive Freeview, Freeview HD, Youview, BT TV and Saorview from.
(Don't know your postcode? Find it at Post Office Postcode finder).
UK Free TV uniquely shows you transmitter coverage maps, aerial to transmitter terrain plots, the closest 10 mobile phone masts (for possible 5G-at-800 interference) as well as tabulated information (sorted by direction, by received signal strength, by frequency, by service names or by transmitter name).
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See sample prediction pages
Click on these links to see how this page looks with these sample postcodes: NR147WG, B634HR, WA101AX, UB24BS, BN36ET, SW154JY, RH103YX, M74JE, PE292NY, CF52BR.
Please note
These predictions are based upon a rooftop aerial and depend on the suitability of the aerial, the distance to the transmitters, the power of their signals, the postcode area, and local terrain.Tuesday, 15 October 2013
Zoey Bluff9:13 PM
Over the last few days we have gradually lost all our channels. Initially we were just getting a "poor signal" message, we re-programmed our TV and lost most channels except the ones on multiplex ARQB. And then yesterday, even those channels weren't being picked up. Rescanned a number of time with no luck. Our postcode is SO52 9NP. Hope you can help.
Any ideas for what we can try next?
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Zoey's: mapZ's Freeview map terrainZ's terrain plot wavesZ's frequency data Z's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
grace6:32 PM
hi, since 14/10/2013 our free view channels have all disappeared. we have no skybox etc and the freeview is built in to the tv. can you please help?
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grace's: mapG's Freeview map terrainG's terrain plot wavesG's frequency data G's Freeview Detailed Coverage
MikeB9:15 PM
grace: Crystal Palace reports no problems, so there are two possiblities. One is that something in your system is faulty, such as a loose cable, etc.
However, I'd also check signal strength - your only 4KM from the transmitter, so it might be your signal is just too much for the TV.
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Friday, 18 October 2013
Franek12:21 PM
This site tells me the nearest transmitter for my LA postcode is near Bristol. No wonder I am not getting a signal!
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Franek's: mapF's Freeview map terrainF's terrain plot wavesF's frequency data F's Freeview Detailed Coverage
don't believe everything you read.
This site gives me the wrong transmitter for my area.
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jamie's: mapJ's Freeview map terrainJ's terrain plot wavesJ's frequency data J's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Sunday, 20 October 2013
George Buchanan11:51 PM
Fort William
Can anyone explain why I can't get BBC Three HD/Cbeebies on Freeview from Torosay transmitter? According to the data on this site, I should be getting it - I get the other HD channels shown.
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George's: mapG's Freeview map terrainG's terrain plot wavesG's frequency data G's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Monday, 21 October 2013
horace twiddlepass12:39 AM
IP2 Ipswich
No signal at all on any BBC channels. All others perfect. Retuned, reset, restored etc. a hundred times. Sometimes some flashing coloured blocks, but mostly nothing. Radio signals also broken up. Only BBC affected. Please help if possible
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horace's: mapH's Freeview map terrainH's terrain plot wavesH's frequency data H's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Teresa Warn7:07 PM
I have had no TV signal at all this afternoon. My postcode is TR18 4HR. Is there a problem with the transmitters in my area?
My TV aerial is on the roof and shows no sign of damage or movement.
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Teresa's: mapT's Freeview map terrainT's terrain plot wavesT's frequency data T's Freeview Detailed Coverage
MikeB7:40 PM
Teresa Warn: Redruth is having engineering work, but they are seldom off line for very long, and even a reduced signal should be fine for most people (your only 24km from the transmitter).
Check your connections, because if your getting no signal at all, its liable to be something to do with your system.
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