By providing a full postcode (such as W1A 1AA), national grid reference (for example SE123456) or latitude, longitude pair (like 54, -0.5) this page will provide a map, terrain plot and detailed information of the location showing the UK and RoI television transmitters that it is possible you receive Freeview, Freeview HD, Youview, BT TV and Saorview from.
(Don't know your postcode? Find it at Post Office Postcode finder).
UK Free TV uniquely shows you transmitter coverage maps, aerial to transmitter terrain plots, the closest 10 mobile phone masts (for possible 5G-at-800 interference) as well as tabulated information (sorted by direction, by received signal strength, by frequency, by service names or by transmitter name).
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See sample prediction pages
Click on these links to see how this page looks with these sample postcodes: BH107DE, NN28FF, TS78LF, M282JW, GU185UJ, LE115AH, LA158SB, CF628BZ, L302RS, EH234SS.
Please note
These predictions are based upon a rooftop aerial and depend on the suitability of the aerial, the distance to the transmitters, the power of their signals, the postcode area, and local terrain.Wednesday, 1 March 2017
Roland8:17 PM
My transmitter is listed as"light" , what is the chance of it being upgraded to full free view transmitter.
I am frustrated to again be living in an are with limited list to f programmes
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Roland's: mapR's Freeview map terrainR's terrain plot wavesR's frequency data R's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Roland: Short answer- zero. Commercial broadcasters can't be bothered. Go for Freesat.
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Sunday, 5 March 2017
R.Rigby7:36 PM
I was getting ch87 till middle of feb 2017 went off all of a sudden unable to get it back have HD tv BT box recorder
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Kevin Lovatt8:20 PM
Hi just renewed my roof top aerial - I have directed the aerial in line where my neighbours are pointing !
(Roughly southwest)
I have decent reception but I wanted to get the best possible .
My address is:-
10 Beacon Rd, Rolleston on Dove, Burton on Trent, Staffs DE139EF
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Kevin Lovatt: Firstly, NEVER NEVER give out your address (or phone number) on a public forum. We dont need any more than a postcode, and no one will be contacting you by post.
Look at DigitalUK's website - Coverage Checker - Detailed View , you've got two choices - roughly SW (204 degrees) is Sutton Coldfield, which sounds fine. Waltham is the other choice, but Sutton Coldfield should be fine. As long as signal strength is roughly 75%, (not too high, not too low), you get all the muxes your supposed to, and quality is as close to 100% as you can, its cool.
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Saturday, 11 March 2017
Eric Brett1:07 AM
Response to Mike B.
Thanks for your comments. I thought you would like to know that I contacted the people who are handling problems caused by 4G. Two Engineers called and checked my installation. First: they confirmed I was tuned to Waltham. They then did some further checking at my lounge aerial input and followed this with a visit to my loft where my booster and booster/distributor are situated, in series.
Downstairs again for further checks (after fitting a filter pre-boosters). Then up to the loft again for further adjustments and down again to confirm that they had got rid of the interference.
Finally, I had to sign that they had been and that they had not sold me anything.
Two or three days later, I got a call to ask my opinion of the Engineers and their service.
Altogether, a very good experience. Just in case others follow our example; I don't know if being over 75 got us the work done without charge.
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Eric Brett: The ironic thing is that you might be one of the very few people that have actually had a problem with 4G - and I didn't even mention it!
Good that it got sorted.
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Monday, 13 March 2017
C Besley 12:22 PM
We ayre unable to recieve channels 80-82 and channels 107 since having the 4G filters fitted . Most other channels seem satisfactory. C Besley
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C's: mapC's Freeview map terrainC's terrain plot wavesC's frequency data C's Freeview Detailed Coverage
StevensOnln11:15 PM
C Besley : A 4G filter would not block those or any other channels (unless it is faulty). If someone came out to install the filter for you I would suggest contacting them again.
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jim lavery3:53 PM
I got a email about Freeview changes and free aerial up grades but I can t find it now can you please resend it as the coverage in my area is terrible
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