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All posts by Ken

Below are all of Ken's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

TVs and boxes that do not support the 8k-mode
Friday 28 September 2012 1:48PM

Hi, I have a panasonic TH-37PE30 with system software of E10_2.36. According to the info my tv should be ok however, each time I power the set on (from tv or remote) it auto scans.... I am presuming this is either because it does not find analogue stations or I am not storing dvb stations correctly???? Sometimes on these scans it finds all channels other times it doesn't, I am tired of it all now. I rang Panasonic this morning for help and the guy I spoke to said, "buy a £30 digital box".... I reminded him that this would not solve my problem as when the tv is switched on it auto tunes!!!! Please help.
Thanks in advance.

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TVs and boxes that do not support the 8k-mode
Friday 28 September 2012 3:34PM

Hi Dave and thanks for your reply. A seperate box would not help me though! Each time I switch the tv on it auto tunes.... only once today have I been able to stop this auto tune but realised we did not have all channels and had to tune again and since it has reverted back to auto tuning at power on! I currently have all channels and scared to switch tv off lol. I have spent most of the day searching google and on phone to Panasonic who said they have not come across this problem before! I can get all dvb channels and this problem of auto retune at power on has only come about since the final part of the switchover on the 26th.

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TVs and boxes that do not support the 8k-mode
Friday 28 September 2012 3:37PM

I can't find anything in google to suggest my tv is not compatible with the switchover other than maybe a software update needed????

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TVs and boxes that do not support the 8k-mode
Friday 28 September 2012 4:49PM

Hi Dave and thanks again for your reply, much appreciated. My postcode is dh8 org (pontop pike transmitter). Just for refference... I have done factory reset, tune without ariel and unplugged tv for a period of time. Searching google, I have read of people getting software updates to 2.4 since 2009 yet my version is only 2.36. I am waiting for Panasonic to get back to me and hoping a sofware update is what is needed.

I will switch the tv off now and see what happens then try what you suggest if the auto install happens.
Many thanks once again.

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TVs and boxes that do not support the 8k-mode
Friday 28 September 2012 5:03PM

Hi Dave, Tv went into auto setup after power off, I removed the ariel during digital channel search after finding some channels and powered down only for it to enter auto setup again. I powered down during setup this time but it still goes to auto setup once powered on. I did not do factory reset during any of this!

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TVs and boxes that do not support the 8k-mode
Friday 28 September 2012 5:24PM

Dave it is only the last 45 - 50 % of the tuning that picks up the channels also my ariel points to Pontop Pike (not sure if that matters?)and always thought Shotleyfield stopped.... We live in a valley and always had Shotleyfield as transmitter but for digital our ariel had to be turned to Pontop (I can see Shotley transmitter from my house yet Pontop is quite a bit further away).

Most times on setup it does not find "Dave", sometimes when it does we don't receive BBC1 or 2 however, after a couple of tunes we can get them all BUT regardless of whether we get all channels or not it contimues to go to setup on power on!

I have tried removing ariel after factory reset yet it still adds channels as "Unknown".... I will try as you suggest with the ariel unplugged for the last part of search.
Thanks again.

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TVs and boxes that do not support the 8k-mode
Friday 28 September 2012 6:06PM

Hi Dave and thanks again, I really appreciate your help. I have done a factory reset and left ariel out on first part of search but once again upon power on setup is started. I have done as above with the ariel out during last part of search but channels are found as Unknown. It is only the latter 50% of search which collects channels!

Leaving ariel out for first part of search got me all channels but again upon power on starts searching again.

It's been a fantastic tv but at £2,500 you would expect it to be, sad that it does not see me through the digital changeover and will certainly think twice about spending that much on a tv again!

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TVs and boxes that do not support the 8k-mode
Friday 28 September 2012 6:10PM

Hi Michael yes I am making a habbit of doing that before anything just in case. Sorry I have been calling it factory reset but it is in fact Shipping Condition!

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TVs and boxes that do not support the 8k-mode
Friday 28 September 2012 6:15PM

Habit* I have seen posts regarding Software update which have fixed problems with missing channels on this model, although nobody mentions the auto tune at power on. Can only hope an update helps.

Thanks again for all the help.

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TVs and boxes that do not support the 8k-mode
Saturday 29 September 2012 9:33AM

Hi jb38, Thank you for your input. Strange thing with what you say is the tv has never done this before and I have owned the tv from new, some 8 or 9 years! Anyway...... late last night I rescanned and watched tv for a little while. The tv found all channels and when I powered on this morning it did not go into autosetup.

I have powered on and off a couple of times and so far it seems to be fine. I have no idea why or how but fingers crossed it has sorted itself out! I do have the onsreen "New DVB channels found" but have no intention of retuning and will switch that display feature of in the menu. I have all the channels I want and need so I am happy.

Thanks once again for everyones help.

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