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Single frequency interference
Tuesday 9 February 2021 5:36PM

This is more of an FYI though comments/answers gratefully accepted for the questions at the end...

I was having intermittent total interference on PSB1 (BBCA) on 4 out of 5 TVs in the house. It also sometimes impacted a bit of COM5 and LCB. The channels would just wink out with a freeze, no audio and zero signal strength for anything from 2 to 45 minutes at a time. The only changes I'd made recently were 2 Roku's added to 2 tv's that worked fine. The problem only arrived a week or so after installing and using the Roku's. All but one device attached to thenTVs are HDMI with one legacy scart on a little used tv.
I disconnected all attached items, checked fly leads and the in-loft antenna and distribution block with masthead amp... all seemed fine (working, not corroded) so I assumed it was something else causing local intermittent interference.

What I found amazed me but it might not wow the experts here. I was watching something which winked out. I noticed that my Mac Mini media server connected with a mini-dp to DVI cable to a modern Acer LED monitor came to life as the signal died. For a laugh, I switched off the monitor and the signal returned immediately. I was staggered. It was easy to replicate and worked reliably. Monitor on with Mac Mini screen showing and the tv signal died, switch it off and it comes back.

Here's the weird part... if the same monitor was on but with no video signal OR a different computer showing on a different input of the same monitor (thunderbolt to HDMI) there was no interference. If it was on the Mini signal, and I gripped the cable, the signal came back.

Questions: should I just replace this mini-DP cable or could it be something else? Does all this make sense? (Still seems weird to me). I can't move the monitor location and it impacts TVs in multiple rooms and isn't close to any fly leads though it is roughly under the distribution box in the loft.

Thanks for any thoughts and hopefully it might help others with weird (digital??) interference?

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