A few days ago when we had summer for a day, my picture on screen went into pixels, froze and then I got a message about a fault. I put this down to the weather. I switched on again and got reception. But now I get nothing. The skydigibox just has the red stand by light. The TV sits with a dead screen with 17 top right corner.
I just have a fre sky viewing card, I don't pay for any Sky TV packages.
Any assitance would be helpful as it's the Grand Prix tomorrow.
Saturday 18 July 2015 11:52AM
A few days ago when we had summer for a day, my picture on screen went into pixels, froze and then I got a message about a fault. I put this down to the weather. I switched on again and got reception. But now I get nothing. The skydigibox just has the red stand by light. The TV sits with a dead screen with 17 top right corner.
I just have a fre sky viewing card, I don't pay for any Sky TV packages.
Any assitance would be helpful as it's the Grand Prix tomorrow.