I wrote several weeks ago to complain about freeview reception problems from Crystal Palace for our house and those of our neighbours. The problem has slowly been getting worse and so I recently mapped the signal path on Google Earth. It appears hat the path from the the transmitter is on a direct line of a nearby and still under construction block of flats and I think this may be the problem.
What are the rules & regulations regarding blockage of signals by a new building and do we have any claim on the builder of the new block to remedy the loss of signal? Sadly, this appears to be a problem that will not go away of its own accord.
Thursday 28 April 2011 2:58PM
Hi Briantist,
I wrote several weeks ago to complain about freeview reception problems from Crystal Palace for our house and those of our neighbours. The problem has slowly been getting worse and so I recently mapped the signal path on Google Earth. It appears hat the path from the the transmitter is on a direct line of a nearby and still under construction block of flats and I think this may be the problem.
What are the rules & regulations regarding blockage of signals by a new building and do we have any claim on the builder of the new block to remedy the loss of signal? Sadly, this appears to be a problem that will not go away of its own accord.
Many thanks,
Malcolm Morris