In the last my BBC1 and 2 signal has lost quality and whereas it used to be a fairly low strength (30%) the quality was a steady 100%, it is now a variable strength from 40-100%.
This causes break of the picture and is really annoying.
I am in the Eastleigh area and have a loft wideband aerial which points to the Rowbridge transmitter.
I've retuned mux 1 using my humax PVR using channel 34, but to no avail.
Can anyone explain why the reception has recently become worse?
I may have to have an external aerial installed and that is not going to be cheap!
Saturday 18 June 2011 1:50PM
In the last my BBC1 and 2 signal has lost quality and whereas it used to be a fairly low strength (30%) the quality was a steady 100%, it is now a variable strength from 40-100%.
This causes break of the picture and is really annoying.
I am in the Eastleigh area and have a loft wideband aerial which points to the Rowbridge transmitter.
I've retuned mux 1 using my humax PVR using channel 34, but to no avail.
Can anyone explain why the reception has recently become worse?
I may have to have an external aerial installed and that is not going to be cheap!