Up until Monday 4 December 2017, my signal quality was very good from the Tillicoultry Transmitter. Since Monday, I've lost the signal and many channels are now unavailable or distorted (including audio but no picture).
I did notice some men working on the mast who, it appears have installed ne antennae and since that these problems have appeared. Is this a coincidence or has this work affected a considerable amount of households?
Can you shed any light as to how these issues can be quickly be resolved please.
Wednesday 6 December 2017 12:06PM
Up until Monday 4 December 2017, my signal quality was very good from the Tillicoultry Transmitter. Since Monday, I've lost the signal and many channels are now unavailable or distorted (including audio but no picture).
I did notice some men working on the mast who, it appears have installed ne antennae and since that these problems have appeared. Is this a coincidence or has this work affected a considerable amount of households?
Can you shed any light as to how these issues can be quickly be resolved please.
Robert Carruthers