Archive (2002-)
All posts by John Martin
Below are all of John Martin's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.J
Should the UK close down the TV networks to allow for more mobiMonday 27 January 2014 1:04PM
We are told all the time we are living longer and soon will have more people retired than are at work. I bet if you told all these non workers they are going to have to pay more to watch free television they would say no very politely. But hey as we are getting more big brother all the time they will probably have no say in the matter anyway. As will any of us
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Should the UK close down the TV networks to allow for more mobiTuesday 18 February 2014 1:56PM
The news yesterday was commenting on how many people even though they still had tablets mobiles etc 90 odd percent still watched television. So I think we have enough internet access but leave freeview alone.
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About time Sky woke up and smelt the roses. Lets faces it most of the subscribers to sky still want to watch terrestrial channels as well. So they want the tv listings as well.
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Speculation: is BBC three going to be replaced by BBC One +1?Thursday 6 March 2014 12:04PM
i like some of the shows that have been made for BBC3 only. Most of the rubbish on BBC1 is repeated either same night or next few nights after 11. So rather leave 3 alone than having 1 repeated an hour later
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Where the money is always gets the latest advances first. For instance in our village we can get 38 mbs broadband because we go through BT cable/copper wire.
But if we had cable the whole way we could get 150mbs. But no chance of that because we are a poor little Yorkshire village and no money floating around
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I remember hearing a PM saying 30 years ago saying to the companies running our phones etc that we needed to have fibre optic cable everywhere in 10 years time. Now 30 years on we are still waiting.
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If we have fibre optic everywhere why is it one persons best download is 1 mbs and 2 streets away it is 150mbs? Criticising a dead person will not give us a decent network Plus did'nt she stop being PM in about 24 years ago and BT still have'nt got it right? If it is there already how come everyone gets different basic speeds? If it is there surely everyone should have at least 12mbs a second?
But no as long as it is in hands of BT, Virgin etc we will always get different speed levels even though we pay for more. Papers today were complaining about BT getting the majority of contracts over last 5 or 10 years and still not providing a decent service
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When it gets down to EMP burst i don,t think anyone of us will be worrying about Freeview or can I use my mobile
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In the event I do not see many channels never mind freeview transmitting all the time as most of them will be dead or not very interested in Dave or repeats of fresh prince anymore LOL
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Saturday 25 January 2014 1:46PM
Yes we will get free broadband in our dreams. If they mention free and a speed which will give me tv uninterrupted as I get now the tv licence will have gone up by at least 20 percent. Nothing in this world is free. To watch freeview at present. 1. I had to buy a digital box 2. I needed a new ariel and 3. A licence. So leave me freeview as it is thank you. If the government says it will be better you know you will have to pay more. Plus we moan about snoops at the moment. If we end up using internet for everything we will have no privacy what so ever. I know some on here will not care but I do.