We have just bought a Humax PVR which works fine but often can't pick up BBC stations, though we could receive BBC on the previous freeview box and still can on the TV. The aerial is in the loft (I note what you have said about inside aerials)and the signal is from Sutton Coldfield (changeover 9/11). Are we best to hang on for the digital switchover or should we try another aerial now?
Thanks for your help.
Friday 21 January 2011 12:34PM
Looks like a very helpful site.
We have just bought a Humax PVR which works fine but often can't pick up BBC stations, though we could receive BBC on the previous freeview box and still can on the TV. The aerial is in the loft (I note what you have said about inside aerials)and the signal is from Sutton Coldfield (changeover 9/11). Are we best to hang on for the digital switchover or should we try another aerial now?
Thanks for your help.