After a bit of help please
Every time it rains my picturesignal breaks up all through the house, if it then stays dry after about 3 days it's perfectly ok again.
The aerial on the roof I had installed when moved into the house 17 years ago it looks nice and stable , the pole has 2 aerials on it I guess to get all channels.
Would I be right in thinking the boxes on the aerial are aged and letting water get in ?
Not sure what the correct name is for the boxes?
Once the house was built there is a double aerial socket in the living room that has 2 cable feeds
All room wall sockets feed to loft , & main aerial feed goes into loft , it's been playing up when it rains for over 6 months steadily getting worse.
Any help you can give will be much appreciated
Thursday 8 July 2021 7:27PM
After a bit of help please
Every time it rains my picture signal breaks up all through the house, if it then stays dry after about 3 days it's perfectly ok again.
The aerial on the roof I had installed when moved into the house 17 years ago it looks nice and stable , the pole has 2 aerials on it I guess to get all channels.
Would I be right in thinking the boxes on the aerial are aged and letting water get in ?
Not sure what the correct name is for the boxes?
Once the house was built there is a double aerial socket in the living room that has 2 cable feeds
All room wall sockets feed to loft , & main aerial feed goes into loft , it's been playing up when it rains for over 6 months steadily getting worse.
Any help you can give will be much appreciated