I live about 15 miles SW of the transmitter and get good reception of DAB from Oxford, Hannington and Swindon. I can even detect the London services. But I got no usable signal from the new Oxford local service - until I turned the antenna to horizontal. It then gave me up to 99% signal strength. This happens with no other DAB service I've ever used. I'd swear the service is horizontally polarised if I didn't know otherwise.
Friday 28 December 2012 11:59AM
I live about 15 miles SW of the transmitter and get good reception of DAB from Oxford, Hannington and Swindon. I can even detect the London services. But I got no usable signal from the new Oxford local service - until I turned the antenna to horizontal. It then gave me up to 99% signal strength. This happens with no other DAB service I've ever used. I'd swear the service is horizontally polarised if I didn't know otherwise.