We've had no problem with our freesat box since we bought it, but this last month we've been having between two and six hours where we can't receive any channels at all and then suddenly it is okay again. The fault can't be with our freesat box or it would be either completely without reception or on and off like a loose connection. It sounds to me as if the satellite transmission is being controlled, but who by? And, what can I do about it?
Saturday 9 April 2011 3:01PM
We've had no problem with our freesat box since we bought it, but this last month we've been having between two and six hours where we can't receive any channels at all and then suddenly it is okay again. The fault can't be with our freesat box or it would be either completely without reception or on and off like a loose connection. It sounds to me as if the satellite transmission is being controlled, but who by? And, what can I do about it?