Thanks for the suggestion. My concern is that splitting at the wall will lower the signal to the DVR which is already at circa 55% . However this could be due to the tuners of the DVR being less sensitive than the tuner of the HDTV..
However, I will give it a try and see what happens, I think I have enough bits a pieces to rig your suggestion up.
I will let you know. Thanks.
Tuesday 7 November 2017 3:28PM
Thanks for the suggestion. My concern is that splitting at the wall will lower the signal to the DVR which is already at circa 55% . However this could be due to the tuners of the DVR being less sensitive than the tuner of the HDTV..
However, I will give it a try and see what happens, I think I have enough bits a pieces to rig your suggestion up.
I will let you know. Thanks.