We live near Reading, on top of the Chilterns. Since the Oxford switchover we have had poor reception, BBC1 particularly but also other channels, e.g Yesterday. Our digibox says it is picking up West Midlands BBC on 1 and 2 - signal strength 70% but quality varying from 0 to 50%. On 800 it says Oxford and Bucks and the signal quality is better, with a similar strength. How can I stop it picking the wrong transmitter?
Friday 30 September 2011 10:31AM
We live near Reading, on top of the Chilterns. Since the Oxford switchover we have had poor reception, BBC1 particularly but also other channels, e.g Yesterday. Our digibox says it is picking up West Midlands BBC on 1 and 2 - signal strength 70% but quality varying from 0 to 50%. On 800 it says Oxford and Bucks and the signal quality is better, with a similar strength. How can I stop it picking the wrong transmitter?