Judging by the number of posts since April about the problems with the Craigkellytransmitter - particularly BBC1; BBC2; BBC3 etc;etc - it would be nice to see this problem put together for good. Having to pay enormous sums for licences just to find that signal quality is so variable is neither fair nor right under the sale of goods act. It's not as if the station isn't capable of producing a decent signal, it just seems that the equipment is not working properly.
Thursday 28 November 2013 10:05PM
Judging by the number of posts since April about the problems with the Craigkelly transmitter - particularly BBC1; BBC2; BBC3 etc;etc - it would be nice to see this problem put together for good. Having to pay enormous sums for licences just to find that signal quality is so variable is neither fair nor right under the sale of goods act. It's not as if the station isn't capable of producing a decent signal, it just seems that the equipment is not working properly.