I live in the Broadbottom area, and have a problem with signal quality. It doesn't happen until at least late afternoon, and then sometimes at hourly intervals into the evening. When it does the sound is horrendous, and the picture completely breaks up for about 10 minutes. The signal strength when this occurs is usually 90% min, and the quality fluctuates between 64 - 71%. I have got a top quality aerial, and have moved the freeview box into a position slightly away from the TV that kind of helped. What baffles me is why this only happens at certain times, and why it doesn't occur until late in the day.
I would be grateful for any help or advice you can offer that might solve this frustrating problem.
Saturday 14 June 2014 11:37AM
I live in the Broadbottom area, and have a problem with signal quality. It doesn't happen until at least late afternoon, and then sometimes at hourly intervals into the evening. When it does the sound is horrendous, and the picture completely breaks up for about 10 minutes. The signal strength when this occurs is usually 90% min, and the quality fluctuates between 64 - 71%. I have got a top quality aerial, and have moved the freeview box into a position slightly away from the TV that kind of helped. What baffles me is why this only happens at certain times, and why it doesn't occur until late in the day.
I would be grateful for any help or advice you can offer that might solve this frustrating problem.