BBC Radio Wales advertising now available on Dab in merthyr. But no sign of it after retuning. Just the main BBc stations. I was able to receive up to 60 stations on my outside roof aerial 8 years ago from several multiplexis. I am 1000ft asl which helped. But most signals now gone since the local merthyr TX came into service. So I am now in a weaker position. Just 12 stations only. can hear some others very weak on a good day. Perhaps try a higher gain aerial. Trying to avoid Vhf fm now. uneconomical to listen via the tv.
Saturday 3 August 2013 5:58PM
BBC Radio Wales advertising now available on Dab in merthyr. But no sign of it after retuning. Just the main BBc stations. I was able to receive up to 60 stations on my outside roof aerial 8 years ago from several multiplexis. I am 1000ft asl which helped. But most signals now gone since the local merthyr TX came into service. So I am now in a weaker position. Just 12 stations only. can hear some others very weak on a good day. Perhaps try a higher gain aerial. Trying to avoid Vhf fm now. uneconomical to listen via the tv.