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All posts by Michael Perry

Below are all of Michael Perry's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

R Hunter:

The change of frequency for COM8 appears to be due today sometime. Wait until tomorrow and then manuall tune to Channel 37.

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Analogue VHS has/had a bandwidth of 3.75 MHz for the pictures. Analogue S-VHS has/had a bandwirdth of 4.25 MHz for the pictures.

Freeview SD has the equivalent bandwidth of 5 MHz so is better definition than even S-VHS. HD has an equivalent bandwidth of at least 6.5 MHz so is higher definition than any VHS system or Betamax, etc. It is also better definition than Freeview SD. (With Freeview being digital, the term 'bandwidth' is purely relative.) Analogue UHF TV broadcasts had a vision bandwidth on 5.5 MHz maximum, but cheaper equipment gave poorer results, as does cheaper digital equipment. So Freeview HD is higher definition, as broadcast, than SD and any previous analogue TV transmission.

However, the equipment you use makes a huge difference to what you see. Poorer quality TVs tend to show lower definition images, you only get what you pay for.

The amount of advertising shown by various channels is often the only way they earn an income to pay for the programmes and transmission, no adverts means no programmes unless it is a publicly funded service such as the BBC.

The EPG is probably the nearest listing to what will actually be broadcast. Many TV listings magazines have significant errors (example, one programme we wanted to watch Monday was shown in a listing mag as being on at 10PM, when it was actually broadcast at 9 PM!)

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Douglas Cheney:

You would do best to have at least a Group T aerial, but better would be a log-periodic aerial that will receiove all current and expected future transmissions from Rowridge.

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The owners/management of your complex are responsible for the maintenance of your aerial system. Contact them directly to have the problems attended to properly. There are no reported faults at your local transmitter at this time, though it was off-air durimhg the night of Sunday for engineering work related to changes of channels used. You may need to try a retune to recover the channels that may have been moved.

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Freeview intermittent interference
Friday 9 March 2018 12:18PM


Do you get Yesterday channel? And do you get 5Spike, CBS Action, 4Music, etc? If you do then you will also be getting Talking Pictures TV as they are all on the same multiplex according to the listing for the Emley Moor transmitter (

It may have been inserted in a different channel by your TV set during a recent retune.

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Single frequency interference
Friday 9 March 2018 12:33PM


Are you sure you are getting your signals from the Poplar Freeview Light transmitter? The information at Coverage Checker - Detailed View (the digitaluk trade link below your posting) shows you should get excellent reception from Crystal Palace and have the benefit of a Full Freeview service rather than the 'light' service from Poplar transmitter.

Check which channels your TV has tuned to, your User Manual will tell you how to find that as it's usually on the manual tuning page - but *do not* retune as yet. Crystal Palace currently uses channels 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 30, 33 and 35. Changes are expected on 21st March 2018, mainly affecting COMs 7 & 8 which move from channel 33 and 35 up to channel 55 and 56. Poplar transmitter currently uses 39, 42 and 45 and these will not change yet.

Check which direction your aerial is pointing. For Crystal Palace it should be aimed at 204 degrees (a little west of south) and for Poplar it should be at 1 degree (roughly north).

Crystal Palace will need use of a wide band aerial, either a log-periodic or a Group T one (it used to need a Group A aerial which will not be any use for COMs 7 & 8 reception) and be mounted with the small bars horizontal. Poplar needs a Group B aerial with the small bars mounted vertical.

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Freeview intermittent interference
Friday 9 March 2018 12:47PM


Please also see the response from StevensOnln1 on you other posting at Talking Pictures TV

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Please provide a full post code so that we can see what the reception conditions are like at your location.

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Most communal aerial systems are fitted with selective filters and if the broadcast channels are changed those filters often need attention to get all the available channels back. So I suggest that firstly you do a manual tune on the programmes you are missing and if they do not reappear, contact your complex management organisation to get them to have the aerial system attended to. It is also worth asking your neighbours who also use Freeview whether thay have the same problem. If so, the aerial system definitely needs attention.

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G Maguire:

Then contact the management organisation for your block of flats to have the communal aerial system attended to. These often have filters that may be blocking what are now wanted frequencies since the changes at the transmitter.

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