In postcode area YO13 covered by the Olivers Mount transmitter there have been frequent and prolonged losses of signal on most tv channels, particularly BBC, and most radio channels, particularly BBC within the past month. Is this likely to continue and are there any ways of boosting the signal? Signal losses can be for less than one minute or can take the form of pixilation on screen or, as has been occurring on an almost daily basis, can last several hours.
Wednesday 4 July 2018 1:59PM
In postcode area YO13 covered by the Olivers Mount transmitter there have been frequent and prolonged losses of signal on most tv channels, particularly BBC, and most radio channels, particularly BBC within the past month. Is this likely to continue and are there any ways of boosting the signal? Signal losses can be for less than one minute or can take the form of pixilation on screen or, as has been occurring on an almost daily basis, can last several hours.