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All posts by Chris.SE

Below are all of Chris.SE's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Andrew Kevin Height:

There could be a multitude of reasons. It's possible you could receive signals from one of 4 transmitters, one of which has Planned Engineering. We need a full postcode to look at predicted reception in your locale.
Which way is your aerial pointing and are the rods vertical or horizontal? Does the aerial look intact and is it pointing the way you thought it should be - compare to close neighbours.
Check your connections, coax plugs, flyleads etc for corrosion or intermittent/broken connections.

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alan beaven:

The Caldbeck Scotland transmitters aren't quite as strong as the Cumbria ones but nevertheless you should still get a very good signal.

I was half expecting that maybe Caldbeck was having some Planned Engineering, but it's not, and I can't find any faults listed either by Freeview or the BBC.

The solution to this may be to manual tune rather than automatic tune. However, you might (note I said might) have to clear the previous tuning first. With the Youview box that would involve a reset (see your manual) and I'm not sure if it'll result in you having to reset any recording schedules.
I'm not sure about the Humax, it might be in the same boat, but try unplugging the aerial and doing a full automatic tune which may clear the previous tuning as nothing should be found.

To manual tune for Caldbeck Scotland its UHF channels C27, C24, & C21 for the multiplexes BBCA/PSB1, D3&4/PSB2, & BBCB HD/PSB3.
For Border (Cumbria) its UHF channels C25, C28, & C22 for the multiplexes BBCA/PSB1, D3&4/PSB2, & BBCB HD/PSB3.
It's UHF channels C23, C26, & C30 for COMs4-6 and a Local multiplex on C33.

If you want Border as well as Scotland, tuning those after will probably put them in the LCN 800s range rather than replace them but you can only try it.

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All free TV channels in the UK
Wednesday 3 February 2021 12:44AM


And we won't touch on the subject of more Freeview muxes going HD!

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alan beaven:

Just to add to the frustration, IIRC you can't manual tune on a Youview box, so if a plain retune doesn't work, maybe it's a case of reset and hope that next time you get the region option to select Scotland!

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David Lewis:

Which way is your neighbour's aerial pointing? Are his trees on his line of sight?
Maybe he's having similar problems and not realised why and might get the trees trimmed if he knew.

If you provide a full postcode we can compare the predicted reception at your locale, from each transmitter.

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Divis (Northern Ireland) transmitter
Thursday 4 February 2021 4:28PM


Nothing listed that I can find, no Planned Engineering or Live issues according to Freeview and no faults reported by the BBC recently.

See the post before yours for some general advice, not that there's been any "tropo" very recently.
I don't suppose you've got inadvertently tuned to Brougher Mountain instead of Divis for the BBCA/PSB1 (SD) multiplex? Brougher Mountain is on UHF channel C29 whereas Divis is on C27.

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Divis (Northern Ireland) transmitter
Thursday 4 February 2021 4:32PM


To add to my previous, I don't suppose you've moved anything around in your roofspace, especially anything metalic?
Also check you don't have any HDMI leads behind your set running close to aerial or flyleads, especially when the latter aren't quality double screened coax. HDMI can cause interference but especially to C55 - COM7.

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Ray Norton:
Mike Gibbs:

As StevensOnln1 has said the Hastings Old Town relay transmitter multiplex channels are lsied at the top of the page.
(The main Hastings transmitter uses different channels as listed on its page).

If the signals have not returned when you try a further retune, I'd suggest both of phone Freeview on 0808-100-0288 and complain that the transmitter is faulty (not ask them if there's a fault). They can pass on the details to Arqiva who do the transmitter maintenance. You may well have to be persistent, they can be difficult with the excuse people haven't reported it! A lot of people wouldn't know how to.

If you hit a brick wall there, ring ITV on 020-7157-3000 and explain to them that Freeview seem unwilling to investigate the fault.

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Digital television for all, for free!
Saturday 6 February 2021 6:11PM

Ian Grice:

I suddenly thought it might be worth checking you are tuned to the correct frequencies for Sutton Coldfield as FM signals can travel some distance it's easy to tune to the wrong frequency/another transmitter.
BBC Radio 1 97.9MHz, BBC Radio 2 88.3MHz, BBC Radio 3 90.5MHz, BBC Radio 4 92.7MHz, BBC WM 95.6MHz.
Lichfield only has two local DAB multiplexes and low power capital FM.

If you are tuned correctly (and I can pickup R2 atm from Sutton Coldfield ~70 miles to the S), and you still have a problem, it could be an issue in one direction only.

Try the BBC's Reception Problem assistant Problems with analogue radio | Help receiving TV and radio
Select FM, put in your Postcode and house number, select the Sutton Coldfield transmitter, click "No I need more help" lower down the page, and the same on the next page, then select BBC Channels only, and |'d suggest "Sound goes to Mono, & Constantly" then carry on providing the information requested.

If that doesn't get anywhere, try calling BBC Engineering 03700 100123

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Emley Moor (Kirklees, England) transmitter
Monday 8 February 2021 11:10PM

Kevin Gledhill:

I assume your aerial signal is first fed to your Digital Recorder and then to the TV. If you plug the aerial direct to the TV, does the TV still lose signal for a few seconds at 11.56am?

If not, this suggests there could be some setting in your digital recorder that is causing this, go through all the settings and redo any you find you need and delete any that you haven't set/don't need etc.

If the TV still has the same problem, this indicates it's some interference getting into your aerial system as StevensOnln1 has suggested.
Is your aerial fed to any form of booster/distribution amplifier? Do you have any electrical equipment on a timer that switches on (or off) at 11.56am each day?

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