I rather feel that the BBC regional service should receive a revamp after total digital switchover. If BBC3 and Beebies were an all day service on 7/107 and left intact as an all day service but with regional news and national news at the prescribed times it would leave 1/101 to be BBC1 National. Giving us BBC3 North, BBC3 South, BBC3 West, BBC3 Scotland etc.
Germany seems to manage this quite well as ZDF/WDR seem to show.
Monday 18 July 2011 2:11PM
I rather feel that the BBC regional service should receive a revamp after total digital switchover. If BBC3 and Beebies were an all day service on 7/107 and left intact as an all day service but with regional news and national news at the prescribed times it would leave 1/101 to be BBC1 National. Giving us BBC3 North, BBC3 South, BBC3 West, BBC3 Scotland etc.
Germany seems to manage this quite well as ZDF/WDR seem to show.