Hi! On change over we lost BBC1, BBC2, BBC3 but not BBC4.We have a Philips Freeview built in with HD TV with reception from The Wrekintransmitter.
I have re-scanned as per TV instructions and restored the lost programmes, however, when I turn the tv off and then turn it on again, even though I pressed the save data button, the same three channels have not saved.
Do I need to uninstall the present data and then re-install?
Sunday 10 April 2011 8:56PM
Hi! On change over we lost BBC1, BBC2, BBC3 but not BBC4.We have a Philips Freeview built in with HD TV with reception from The Wrekin transmitter.
I have re-scanned as per TV instructions and restored the lost programmes, however, when I turn the tv off and then turn it on again, even though I pressed the save data button, the same three channels have not saved.
Do I need to uninstall the present data and then re-install?