Hi, aerial on roof, all well with all BBC digitalchannels until very recently. Still getting analogue but now no digital channels. Tried taking back to shipping condition of main Freeview tv (all 3 are Freeview tvs.) Tried an old Freeview box, zilch. Spoke to digitaltv help line. Advisor couldnit work out where I had been getting digital channels from! Although getting London News, it didn't look like I was tuned to main Crystal Palace - have always thought been tuned to Bedmond the relay transmitter. It's only since they messed about with this that we have lost all digital channels. Also, advisor thought maybe our aerial has moved slightly and we have lost a 'ghost' signal??!! Have tried manual tuning, get good signal strength on 44 but doesn't find any channels, some signal on 56. Any advice would be appreciated. Spoke to local aerial business who couldn't understand why we couldn't get digital if we were still getting analogue ...
Thursday 13 October 2011 5:29PM
Hemel Hempstead
Hi, aerial on roof, all well with all BBC digital channels until very recently. Still getting analogue but now no digital channels. Tried taking back to shipping condition of main Freeview tv (all 3 are Freeview tvs.) Tried an old Freeview box, zilch. Spoke to digitaltv help line. Advisor couldnit work out where I had been getting digital channels from! Although getting London News, it didn't look like I was tuned to main Crystal Palace - have always thought been tuned to Bedmond the relay transmitter. It's only since they messed about with this that we have lost all digital channels. Also, advisor thought maybe our aerial has moved slightly and we have lost a 'ghost' signal??!! Have tried manual tuning, get good signal strength on 44 but doesn't find any channels, some signal on 56. Any advice would be appreciated. Spoke to local aerial business who couldn't understand why we couldn't get digital if we were still getting analogue ...