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All posts by JLK

Below are all of JLK's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Single frequency interference
Sunday 27 March 2011 8:31AM

First of all, thank you for providing what seems to be the most helpful advice on the internet about these problems.

I have a Sony Bravia which has in-built freeview TV and had been fine (with the odd re-tune necessary) for the past three years. But I have lost, for approximately one week now, my multiplex 2 channels. Since this problem, I have re-tuned several times, unplugged the cable, the TV, waited, re-plugged and re-tuned again but all to no success: no signal is reported and I don't have a picture, only very patchy sound.

A couple of days ago, I checked with my neighbours across the hall in my block of flats about their freeview and, while it's grainy and possible to see and hear to a certain extent, multiplex 2 is definitely a lower quality than the other channels.

I live in SW15 and would be grateful to hear your suggestions to restore the missing multiplex.

Many thanks.

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Single frequency interference
Sunday 10 April 2011 8:51AM

Happiness! After the frustrations of the last three weeks or thereabouts, multiplex 2 has been restored. Fingers crossed everyone else is in the same position and it doesn't happen again...

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