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All posts by Alan McGregor

Below are all of Alan McGregor's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Diagnostics - old version
Thursday 13 September 2012 11:28AM

We have freeview and have a Humax digital recorder connected to my TV in the living room. We also have a signal booster. Recently, we lost all digital signal through my analogue aerial and replaced it with a digital aerial fitted to my roof. I think !

Previous aerial/booster seemed to work well to send signal to other TVs in the house but now Ive lost the signals to all but the main TV. I've also read on here that signal boosters aren't required/don't work with Freeview ? Anyway, any suggestions ?

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GB flag
Thursday 13 September 2012 12:38PM

We have freeview and have a Humax digital recorder connected to my TV in the living room. We also have a signal booster. Recently, we lost all digital signal through my analogue aerial and replaced it with a digital aerial fitted to my roof. I think !

Previous aerial/booster seemed to work well to send signal to other TVs in the house but now Ive lost the signals to all but the main TV. I've also read on here that signal boosters aren't required/don't work with Freeview ? Anyway, any suggestions ?

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Diagnostics - old version
Thursday 13 September 2012 2:33PM

Thanks Dave. Interesting what you say about no such thing as a digital aerial

My postcode is G66.

Anyway, the point is, I had no problems whatsoever prior to having my aerial replaced about 2 weeks ago. I had a signal splitter/booster which, together with the old roof aerial, worked perfectly to provide a digital signal/picture on the main television in the living room and three other televisions throughout the house.

In short, it is only since I had the aerial replaced that I have lost the signals to the three other televisions. The signal to the main TV in the living room, via a digital recorder box, works fine. I wondered whether it was the type of booster I was using, that it was not compatible with the new aerial. However, from what you are saying, that is not the problem ? If not, what can I narrow it down to ?

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GB flag
Thursday 13 September 2012 4:53PM

Thanks Dave - first time user - didn't know whether I'd posted in the correct place in the first instance.

You will see I have now answered your query and expanded my original question to provide greater clarity for you on what my problem is.

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Diagnostics - old version
Friday 14 September 2012 9:53AM

Thanks people - excellent ideas. Maybe just a process of elimination. It doesn't sound as though I need to buy a new booster which is marketed as a "digital" signal booster. This is what I was trying to get to. From your comments, I'll make some time at the weekend and try a two way, non boosted splitter along with all your other helpful ideas.

BTW, as a matter of interest, I can virtually see the Blackhill transmitter from my house and I've never had any problems with signal in the past.

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Diagnostics - old version
Monday 24 September 2012 1:10PM

I've done all my testing now and removing the signal ampfilfier and just using a normal (plastic) splitter has got me a lot of the channels back. However, there are still quite a few missing, including all the BBC channels. If I feed the aerial directly to the "other rooms" feed as you suggested this gets me all my channels back in the other televisions. Going back to the splitter then takes me back to just a few.

By a process of elimination then the installation of the new aerial is the problem. The signal for some reason is now weaker than it was with the previous aerial AND when i was using an amplifier which was probably not doing any good. It's clear to me that the aerial which was fitted isn't as functional as the previous one. It may need to be raised.

Thanks again for your help on this. Please feel free to comment on what I've said above.

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Diagnostics - old version
Monday 24 September 2012 8:05PM

jb38 - signal strength to my main television in the living room, which is fed via the humax, is excellent and I get all of the channels. This is the case whether I split the signal or feed direct into the Humax.

With my preious aerial, I fed the aerial directly into the booster then split the signal between the Humax and the other room televisions. This worked perfectly for all the TVs.

After the new aerial was fitted, only the main television worked. I then replaced the booster with a simple splitter as suggested on here and I now get some channels but not all and no bbc.

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Diagnostics - old version
Tuesday 25 September 2012 3:35PM

OK I'll try that and let you know how I get on.

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Diagnostics - old version
Wednesday 26 September 2012 8:30PM

jb38 - I tried channel 46 on one of the other televisions and there's no signal. Also tried the booster going to the other televisions and this didn't work either.

Going back again, prior to having my aerial replaced, I fed the aerial directly into the booster then split the signal between the Humax and the other room televisions. This worked perfectly for all the TVs.

After the new aerial was fitted, only the main television worked. I then replaced the booster with a simple splitter as suggested on here and I now get some channels but not all and no bbc.

It's clear then that the advice on here that I was splitting a poor signal when using the booster is correct because when I switched to a simple splitter, i got better results.

It's also clear that your conclusion that the signal level is just on the verge of being good enough is also correct.

My remaining issue is - why would this be ? ALL of the televisions worked before the old aerial was replaced - and with a signal booster.

As I've said before, by a process of elimination then the installation of the new aerial is the problem. The signal for some reason is now weaker than it was with the previous aerial. It's clear to me that, assuming it has been installed correctly, the new aerial which was fitted isn't as functional as the previous one. It may need to be raised - i.e. put on a longer pole. This may take the signal from not being good enough to being good enough.

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