Since the changes to band allocations, last June, I have noticed that signal strengths from Sandy up at the higher frequencies have dropped off significantly and some channels are just not accessible during the day. Everything is OK (10/10) up to CH48 but CH55 struggles to make quality of 2/10 and stations like BBC NEWS HD and QUEST HD are impossible to receive. With a broadband high gain aerial, reception at the top bands were fine before, does this mean that I have to couple up a group C aerial now? I hardly think so! What is going on?
Monday 10 August 2020 1:12PM
Since the changes to band allocations, last June, I have noticed that signal strengths from Sandy up at the higher frequencies have dropped off significantly and some channels are just not accessible during the day. Everything is OK (10/10) up to CH48 but CH55 struggles to make quality of 2/10 and stations like BBC NEWS HD and QUEST HD are impossible to receive. With a broadband high gain aerial, reception at the top bands were fine before, does this mean that I have to couple up a group C aerial now? I hardly think so! What is going on?