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All posts by nick

Below are all of nick's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Crystal Palace was spot on yesterday 100% for quality and strength where i live.

Now considering the day before i got nothing and i was told everything their end was perfect it does make me wonder if they who ever they are have a clue on what their doing

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Hi mike
Thanks for the explanation but regretfully having tried removing my booster or the using of Attenuators things are not what they were prior to the changeover which for the past four years in a brand new house with all custom design leads were 100% for quality and 70% for strength

I today get 100% on both glitch free but if i remove the booster i get nothing as being in crawley i am on the edge

i could go with Reigate but i like to keep my house looking good from the outside and don't wish to have a outdoor aerial

Anyhow why should i I've always had a perfect picture with a loft aerial for the past 45 years wherever I've lived and i don't see the need for changing now having had a perfect signal for the past four years in this new house

However if we are going backwoods in technology at the expense of quality then i may have to

One of the very reasons in that i am a mvp for Microsoft is because i have the very odd way of looking and diagnosing problems in so much Steve balmore from Microsoft made me a mvp

If i have to at some point put an aerial outside of my house and i have exhausted all alternatives then i will remove the loft aerial and call it a day and just use the sat in future

My TV engineer is calling over next week with a brief in he's to bring over the top five aerials in the UK along with the 5 top boosters and the very best cable that is on the market and we start again from scratch

He does have the latest in signal field meters and he's going to have to explain why the work he did in the house no longer works and then set to work in a way that i understand and not what he understands my ideals are way above what he wants that's the Japanese part of me

A bit more thought and not just rush in and rush out may just be the answer

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pat it is probably due to the transmitter, i myself have spoken to Digital switch over and they always say what we already know about factory resetting of the TV etc and when this doesn't work they are lost and then go on to blame the callers installation

I would sit tight for the time being and hopefully Brian or mike will be able to find out behind the scenes as to what has gone wrong as at this time no one in authority is saying anything other then all is well

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Hi Steve
Samsung can be a problem with a less then perfect signal quality
What signal quality are you getting with your 32 inch Samsung ?

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Right JB the latest news from uk digital that i have is that you should now find all is well from the CRYSTAL PALACE transmitter

I can confirm that people like me on the very edge of receiving a signal from the CRYSTAL PALACE transmitter and that providing you have a good set up like i have you will be pleased to know that you will be getting 100% for signal quality and 100% for strength across all TV channels in other words you will have a full rock steady house

Well that's what I'm now getting and at the end of day i just had to sit tight and just do another rescan

so if you are still getting a problem you must do another rescan as the power is there and also the quality providing you have got a good set up

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Hi Big Mart
just to confirm on where you live and that you have an A band Aerial installed for CP
i am 22 miles from the transmitter with a loft aerial

Now i should add that samsung and lg tv's will struggle after all they dont work in my house so you could be suffering from a chip set that needs a much greater and cleaner signal

Do please let us know how far you are from CP And what band of aerial that you have as it will invariably be that some small detail is missing from your set up

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Hi jb38
They told me that there was nothing specificity done but i can say for sure my own readings were that the signal had been up and down form the second switch-over till just last Friday

Everything in my house has been very stable the past four years and i would be the first to know of a drop in power as my sons Phillips TV stops working and that's never happened apart from the second switch over date

My sony tv however and my sony freeview recorder have worked perfectly throughout the whole of the switch over it's only my Panasonic v20 that has struggled the past few weeks but as i have said above it's all 100% now

Whatever they have or haven't done i doubt they would tell me anyhow but all i do know is that a vast amount of people in and around of where i live have had a lot of additional expense with new aerials and boosters put in place

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The latest update from crawley on freeview is that all is now stable and I'm not hearing of anyone with a reception problem from CP OR Reigate

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What price for an aerial installation?
Saturday 12 May 2012 2:13PM

Hi Sara a good pole is around 5 meters so with aerial; you will be looking at £175 max

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