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All posts by Stuart Lymath

Below are all of Stuart Lymath's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Sunday 6 November 2016 8:20PM

I'm trying to tune HD channels from Claife Heights transmitter (Windermere area). Other channels seem OK, but neither of my TV sets can receive channels 101 to 104 (one set reports 'no signal'). Any suggestions please?

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Tuesday 8 November 2016 9:58AM

Thanks for all the helpful comments. I had checked the web-site for a list of services, and I noticed that, although Windermere lists PSB3 with channels 101 to 104, there are no channel icons shown. One TV is a fairly recent Sony (2015, described as 'full HD'); the other is 'HD ready', it's true, but I'm running it via a Manhattan HD-T2 set-top box that's described as 'Freeview HD' - no ifs, buts or readys. Via an HDMI cable, so the TV is getting a decoded digital signal. All PSB1 and PSB2 services are OK, but there's nothing at all from PSB3. I've run out of ideas - hence my cry for help!

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Wednesday 9 November 2016 10:28AM

Many thanks for all the help: I've tried all the suggestions, with no success.This is what I found: I can't find any confirmation of the transmitter on the box or TV, but given this hilly area, I'm sure that no others are detectable. Manual tune (with co-ax link to set-top box removed, and HDMI lead held well away from main aerial feed: CH 41 gives strength cycling from 6% to 92% about once every 3 sec; quality does the same from 0% to about 30%. The two variations don't appear to be synchronised. The aerial is communal, with 15 houses connected, and it's over 30 years old, with some trees in the signal path. I have a splitter/amp close to my connection to the system, and the signal is unreliable, with PSB1 (CH44) more prone to occasional picture break-up than PSB2 (CH47). That, together with your comments, leads me to sigh and resign myself to the inevitable! You have helped me enormously, and even though the result isn't what I wanted, at least I appear to have an answer now.

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