what is DAB signal error ? I have very good signal strength but also fairly high signal error of +10 or more on radio `4 extra`&`planet rock`etc,also after auto scan 30+ stations are listed, but, only a few, <10 can be be listened to. Im using an attic aerial ( omni directional ) with a `Roberts 83i stream` reciever.my post code SN9 6AF
Monday 15 April 2013 3:53PM
what is DAB signal error ? I have very good signal strength but also fairly high signal error of +10 or more on radio `4 extra`&`planet rock`etc,also after auto scan 30+ stations are listed, but, only a few, <10 can be be listened to. Im using an attic aerial ( omni directional ) with a `Roberts 83i stream` reciever.my post code SN9 6AF