Brilliant just what us older non geeks need the response from UK Nova on "how to" was just gobbledigook to me.
Within 1 hour I had found the programmes required and not only downloaded them but via cable manager am watching UK TV, not on my PC but on my high def 42inch TV in my living room in New York. Can't get the Rugby to play yet but still trying.
Thanks so much.
Sunday 13 February 2011 1:28AM
Brilliant just what us older non geeks need the response from UK Nova on "how to" was just gobbledigook to me.
Within 1 hour I had found the programmes required and not only downloaded them but via cable manager am watching UK TV, not on my PC but on my high def 42inch TV in my living room in New York. Can't get the Rugby to play yet but still trying.
Thanks so much.