Hi, I've got a roof aerial, and I'm 7 miles (according to this website) from the Hemel transmitter. At the moment, signal quality is 10/10, and normally BBC1 has a strength of around 8/10. However sometimes this drops to 4 or 5/10 and pixelation / picture break up occurs. Why does the strength vary so much and after switch over will I still have the same problem or will the digital signal be boosted? Thanks Paul
Monday 11 July 2011 7:14PM
Hi, I've got a roof aerial, and I'm 7 miles (according to this website) from the Hemel transmitter. At the moment, signal quality is 10/10, and normally BBC1 has a strength of around 8/10. However sometimes this drops to 4 or 5/10 and pixelation / picture break up occurs. Why does the strength vary so much and after switch over will I still have the same problem or will the digital signal be boosted? Thanks Paul