I live near Salisbury and, for the last couple of months, can't get ITV. I've reset the tuning but no change. I had a new roof arial fitted with new cable about two years ago. I see the signal is shown as Low in the Effective power level. BBC1 & 2 are fine. Please can you tell me if the transmitter power will improve and if not what other solutions are there. Many thanks.
Thursday 12 January 2012 9:02PM
I live near Salisbury and, for the last couple of months, can't get ITV. I've reset the tuning but no change. I had a new roof arial fitted with new cable about two years ago. I see the signal is shown as Low in the Effective power level. BBC1 & 2 are fine. Please can you tell me if the transmitter power will improve and if not what other solutions are there. Many thanks.