I have retuned the freeview box on 6th April as instructed - all channels coming through except BBC 1 and 2 - the strange thing is that on tuning I get BBC 1 and 2 for a short time and then lose them? I am in Shrewsbury and receive the Wrekin signal. Whats goin on? I have tried to retune manually but it says that teh service in not available?
Saturday 9 April 2011 7:28PM
I have retuned the freeview box on 6th April as instructed - all channels coming through except BBC 1 and 2 - the strange thing is that on tuning I get BBC 1 and 2 for a short time and then lose them? I am in Shrewsbury and receive the Wrekin signal. Whats goin on? I have tried to retune manually but it says that teh service in not available?