Hi can anyone help please, I have just stopped subscribing to Sky, I have Sky + Hd box, I find that I can receive the freesat channels but channel Five, I have search the Net,and tried several lines of help but none of them work, have been told that if I change the frequencies , it works but I am still having problems, I go to options and then to add channels,then to change frequencies,1073 And to horizontal and frec 22/5 and then to search for channels so far so good, but even though I change the settings It still reverts to the old settings
Saturday 5 March 2011 12:12PM
Hi can anyone help please, I have just stopped subscribing to Sky, I have Sky + Hd box, I find that I can receive the freesat channels but channel Five, I have search the Net,and tried several lines of help but none of them work, have been told that if I change the frequencies , it works but I am still having problems, I go to options and then to add channels,then to change frequencies,1073 And to horizontal and frec 22/5 and then to search for channels so far so good, but even though I change the settings It still reverts to the old settings
Post code SL39HG