Hi - I recently upgraded our aerial system so it is outside on the roof with a powered booster adjacent and powered splitter indoors. All was good for a while - however:
Approximately 2 months ago we started getting what appears to signal interference/strength loss. It is like someone running an electric motor that interferences. It lasts for between 1 and 5 seconds and then goes back to normal strength before doing it again. This repeats every 20 secs to few minutes. It is worse in the warm weather. On more recent TVs they just display signal lost but on older TVs you can see the picture strength change.
I have proved it is not our aerial or TVs as I have used a completely different TV on a free standing aerial that has the same problem in synchronization with the installed system.
On analogue this effects BBC1 but not BBC2, ITV or CH4. On digital it only affects some chanels ITV3 being one but not BBC1, BBC2. I't probably affects others but I'm not sure which as I don't watch them all. I am aware that digital is transmitted in groups so it is probably the whole of one group and it it probably in a transmission band similar to analogue BBC1.
I am guessing this problem is due to outside (of my house) interference possibly by someone else s equipment which may be faulty, illegal, or just set up incorrectly.
I doubt it is affecting just me and probably the neighbors too although a lot are very old and have very old equipment which is less suseptable. Post code is BH16 5EY.
Can you suggest some kind of action for me to resolve this situation as I am at a loss as to what to do as I believe it is outside my control??
Wednesday 3 August 2011 10:47AM
Hi - I recently upgraded our aerial system so it is outside on the roof with a powered booster adjacent and powered splitter indoors. All was good for a while - however:
Approximately 2 months ago we started getting what appears to signal interference/strength loss. It is like someone running an electric motor that interferences. It lasts for between 1 and 5 seconds and then goes back to normal strength before doing it again. This repeats every 20 secs to few minutes. It is worse in the warm weather. On more recent TVs they just display signal lost but on older TVs you can see the picture strength change.
I have proved it is not our aerial or TVs as I have used a completely different TV on a free standing aerial that has the same problem in synchronization with the installed system.
On analogue this effects BBC1 but not BBC2, ITV or CH4. On digital it only affects some chanels ITV3 being one but not BBC1, BBC2. I't probably affects others but I'm not sure which as I don't watch them all. I am aware that digital is transmitted in groups so it is probably the whole of one group and it it probably in a transmission band similar to analogue BBC1.
I am guessing this problem is due to outside (of my house) interference possibly by someone else s equipment which may be faulty, illegal, or just set up incorrectly.
I doubt it is affecting just me and probably the neighbors too although a lot are very old and have very old equipment which is less suseptable. Post code is BH16 5EY.
Can you suggest some kind of action for me to resolve this situation as I am at a loss as to what to do as I believe it is outside my control??
Tanks in advance for any suggestions.